Open Week -- Best Practices for Translation Teams -- David Planella -- Fri, Oct 15

   1 [15:01] <ClassBot> Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session.
   2 [15:01] <akgraner> Good Morning
   3 [15:02] <akgraner> Up first to day is David Planella with the Community team
   4 [15:02] <akgraner> Don't for get have a survey this time for  you to give us feedback -
   5 [15:02] <akgraner> ok dpm if you are ready take it away
   6 [15:02] <dpm> Thanks akgraner!
   7 [15:03] <dpm> Hey!
   8 [15:03] <dpm> How's everyone?
   9 [15:03] <dpm> Welcome to another translations session this week
  10 [15:03] <dpm> For those of you interested in our exciting translations world, don't forget to check out the logs on getting started translating Ubuntu, from last Tuesday:
  11 [15:03] <dpm>
  12 [15:04] <dpm> I'm David Planella, I work in the Community team as Ubuntu Translations Coordinator,
  13 [15:04] <dpm> and in the next hour I'll be talking a bit about best practices for translation teams
  14 [15:04] <dpm> The intention is to help translation teams to make the best use of the existing resources to be effective and successful,
  15 [15:05] <dpm> with the end goal to provide millions of people with a localized desktop in their own language.
  16 [15:05] <dpm> Which when you look at it, it's a pretty awesome goal.
  17 [15:05] <dpm> There will be plenty of time for questions at the end, but if you've got any at any point during the session, please feel free to ask.
  18 [15:06] <dpm> Right, so after being done with presentations, let's get on to it, shall we?
  19 [15:06] <dpm>
  20 [15:06] <dpm> I'm going to start with the two most important points I believe a translation team should concentrate on setting up first.
  21 [15:06] <dpm> These will provide the ground work to build upon for a successful translation effort:
  22 [15:07] <dpm> for a good team coordination and to foster team growth
  23 [15:07] <dpm>
  24 [15:07] <dpm> Translation Guidelines
  25 [15:07] <dpm> ----------------------
  26 [15:07] <dpm> Each team should have a document that outlines the conventions used to translate into their language,
  27 [15:07] <dpm> as well as how the team works.
  28 [15:07] <dpm> This should include things such as:
  29 [15:08] <dpm>  * How to join the team
  30 [15:08] <dpm>  * The workflow for submitting and reviewing translations
  31 [15:08] <dpm>  * [IMPORTANT] Guidelines for translation of computer programs into the team's language: grammar rules, conventions, a glossary with translations of common terms, etc.
  32 [15:09] <dpm> I'll restate the last point: it will take a while to create the translation guidelines, but once set up,
  33 [15:09] <dpm> they will extremely speed up the translation process and help providing a consistent and quality translation.
  34 [15:09] <dpm> Most teams use the Ubuntu wiki to host such a document, under a page such as Ubuntu<Language>Translators.
  35 [15:09] <dpm> Here is an example:
  36 [15:10] <dpm> One word of advice on the first two points: try to define the processes (accepting new team members, review workflow, etc.), but try not to make them too bureocratic :)
  37 [15:10] <dpm>  * More info:
  38 [15:10] <dpm> Here you'll find more information about guidelines for translation teams, along with some nice examples from other teams that should help you get started:
  39 [15:11] <dpm>
  40 [15:11] <dpm>
  41 [15:11] <dpm> Communication
  42 [15:11] <dpm> -------------
  43 [15:11] <dpm> For a well coordinated effort and to enjoy true community work, it is also important that team members keep in touch.
  44 [15:12] <dpm> It is not only important from a social point of view and for a healthy team,
  45 [15:12] <dpm> but also for discussion about the translation itself: doubts about translations, organizing online or physical events for translations, etc.
  46 [15:12] <dpm> The most common communication channel is a mailing list.
  47 [15:13] <dpm> You can request one at or in Launchpad,
  48 [15:13] <dpm> although for translation teams we recommend an Ubuntu list.
  49 [15:13] <dpm> We've also got a global mailing list for Ubuntu Translators.
  50 [15:13] <dpm> We ask all local team coordinators to subscribe and forward all relevant messages to their teams,
  51 [15:14] <dpm> but anyone interested in following news about Ubuntu Translations is welcome to subscribe. Here's how:
  52 [15:14] <dpm>
  53 [15:14] <dpm> Other useful ways of communicating are local forums and IRC channels.
  54 [15:15] <dpm> IRC can be very useful to run meetings to discuss the translation coordination, setting goals, organize events, etc.
  55 [15:15] <dpm> Forums can be used in a very similar way as mailing lists, but have some additional features and might be friendlier for beginners
  56 [15:16] <dpm> It is also worth getting in touch with your local community team (LoCo) if there is one.
  57 [15:16] <dpm> There might be people willing to help with the translation effort there.
  58 [15:16] <dpm> You can find a LoCo nearby here:
  59 [15:16] <dpm>
  60 [15:16] <dpm>
  61 [15:17] <dpm> Regular Events
  62 [15:17] <dpm> --------------
  63 [15:17] <dpm> You'll want to keep your team alive, get people excited about translations and get new contributors for your language.
  64 [15:17] <dpm> Running regular translations events will help you on this
  65 [15:18] <dpm> You can organize translations jams any time. They can be, for example:
  66 [15:18] <dpm>  * Online IRC events: where several contributors join on IRC to work together on finishing a set of translations
  67 [15:18] <dpm>  * Physical events: where existing and new contributors meet at a place to work on translations in the same way.
  68 [15:18] <dpm> Here are some hints to organize such an event:
  69 [15:18] <dpm>
  70 [15:19] <dpm> A very good occasion for organizing such an event is during the Ubuntu Global Jam.
  71 [15:19] <dpm> The Global Jam happens once every release, near the end of the cycle,
  72 [15:19] <dpm> and during this time LoCo teams from all over the world join the party to contribute to improving Ubuntu
  73 [15:20] <dpm> using the best skills they have in particular areas
  74 [15:20] <dpm> A key area are, of course, translations.
  75 [15:20] <dpm> So this is a good time to join the worldwide party and organize a Translations Jam for your language
  76 [15:20] <dpm>  * More info on the Ubuntu Global Jam:
  77 [15:20] <dpm>
  78 [15:21] <dpm> Remember to announce any event in advance, so that people know about them with enough time and have time to prepare and make arrangements.
  79 [15:21] <dpm> You can use social networking resources (microblogs, blogs, Facebook, news sites, etc.) or any other means (e.g. regular press, flyers, etc.) to make a wide announcement.
  80 [15:21] <dpm>
  81 [15:21] <dpm> Regular Meetings
  82 [15:21] <dpm> ----------------
  83 [15:22] <dpm> To help getting the information flowing, to coordinate the translation efforts and for more agile discussion, IRC meetings can also be extremely useful
  84 [15:22] <dpm> Meetings are good for:
  85 [15:22] <dpm>  * Sharing news
  86 [15:22] <dpm>  * Getting to know or introducing new members to the team
  87 [15:22] <dpm>  * Discussing and setting translation goals
  88 [15:23] <dpm> Even if you don't run many meetings, it is always useful to have a couple of them in the cycle.
  89 [15:23] <dpm> For example:
  90 [15:23] <dpm>  * A meeting at the beginning of the cycle to discuss or announce any news in translations, and to set goals (e.g. "Finish the ubuntu-docs translation this cycle")
  91 [15:24] <dpm>  * A meeting near the end of the cycle to discuss what's left to do and to organize any events to give a final push to translations before release
  92 [15:24] <dpm> You can create a new IRC channel for your team on Freenode (e.g. #ubuntu-l10n-<languagecode>),
  93 [15:24] <dpm> or reuse the one your LoCo has, if there is one.
  94 [15:25] <dpm>
  95 [15:25] <dpm> Spreading the Word
  96 [15:25] <dpm> ------------------
  97 [15:25] <dpm> You'll also want everyone to know about your translation effort: your achievements, where you need help, etc.
  98 [15:25] <dpm> Let the world know: this will help you build up a strong community and user base around your team and get people interested in participating
  99 [15:26] <dpm> Use the social networks, blogs, microblogs, Facebook, etc.
 100 [15:27] <dpm> Publish your achievements, how and where is Ubuntu used in your language, any topic related to the work that you are doing
 101 [15:27] <dpm> Consider getting some members of the team to apply for Ubuntu membership:
 102 [15:27] <dpm> amongst other benefits, they'll be able to post to the Ubuntu Planet and let the global community know about your translation efforts.
 103 [15:28] <dpm> Here's how:
 104 [15:28] <dpm>
 105 [15:28] <dpm>
 106 [15:29] <dpm> Upstream Collaboration
 107 [15:29] <dpm> ----------------------
 108 [15:29] <dpm> The more you get involved in the translations process, the more you'll hear about upstreams.
 109 [15:29] <dpm> Ubuntu, as a project, includes the best of breed Open Source software projects available.
 110 [15:29] <dpm> Many of these are developed outside of the Ubuntu project. We call them upstreams.
 111 [15:30] <dpm> As such, it is also common that translations in upstream projects are done outside of Launchpad, with different teams than the Ubuntu translators.
 112 [15:31] <dpm> We import those excellent translations from upstream translators and expose them in Launchpad for the Ubuntu translation teams to complete and fix if necessary.
 113 [15:31] <dpm> It is important for these new translations and fixes to flow back to the upstream projects,
 114 [15:32] <dpm> so a smooth relationship with the upstream teams is the best way to achieve this.
 115 [15:33] <dpm> In my experience, having members from the Ubuntu translation team join the upstream teams or viceversa is usually the best way to go.
 116 [15:33] <dpm>  * You can learn more about Ubuntu and upstreams here:
 117 [15:34] <dpm>
 118 [15:34] <dpm>
 119 [15:34] <dpm> Other Tips
 120 [15:34] <dpm> ----------
 121 [15:34] <dpm>  * If there isn't a translation team for your language, you can start one like this:
 122 [15:35] <dpm>  * Before accepting new members to a team, it might be worth letting them translate a few strings and mentor them in the process of becoming an Ubuntu translator
 123 [15:35] <dpm>  * Use the Launchpad UI for translations: it will allow submitting both suggestions and translations whenever you've got time and saving them. You can go back to them, complete them or modify them at any later time
 124 [15:36] <dpm> (so that will allow you things as submitting translations with your phone while you're waiting in the supermarket queue :)
 125 [15:37] <dpm>  * For extra QA, make use of Launchpad's built-in review features: even if you can submit translations directly, tick the "Someone should review this translation" checkbox or use the "Reviewer mode" link and get someone else from the team to review your suggestions
 126 [15:37] <dpm>  * Use the Ubuntu wiki or an external one to make a list of the translations that need work and to keep track who is working on them
 127 [15:38] <dpm>  * Remember that translation templates in are ordered by priority: the most important templates appear first on the list. You might want to concentrate on those first
 128 [15:39] <dpm>  * You can ask any questions about Ubuntu Translations on the translators mailing list or in Launchpad:
 129 [15:39] <dpm>  * We've also got a FAQ for anything related to Ubuntu Translations:
 130 [15:40] <dpm>  * If you are a team coordinator, here you'll also find some guidelines for you
 131 [15:40] <dpm>  * If you are a team coordinator and can no longer take care of the team, or if your translation team coordinator is not responding, here are some tips for a graceful role reassignment:
 132 [15:41] <dpm>  * External resources such as are also useful to check translation terminology and consistency
 133 [15:41] <dpm>  * Check out the Ubuntu Translations Knowledge Base - you'll find lots of info there, don't read it at once, it's rather thought as a reference resource. Feel free to expand and modify it!
 134 [15:41] <dpm>
 135 [15:41] <dpm> Q&A
 136 [15:41] <dpm> ---
 137 [15:41] <dpm> So that was all for the listening part :)
 138 [15:42] <dpm> We've got some minutes left for you, please feel free to ask any questions related to translation teams or Ubuntu translations in general
 139 [15:42] <dpm> If you are a member of an existing team, also please feel free to share your views, tips, workflow, etc.
 140 [15:42] <dpm> (just ping me on #ubuntu-classroom-chat and we'll give you voice on this channel)
 141 [15:42] <ClassBot> IdleOne asked: Good morning! Wanted to ask about the CoC and what the chances of seeing it translated officially so that everybody can read/sign it in their own language in time for 11.04. there is at least one unofficial French version at ?
 142 [15:43] <dpm> There will be a session at UDS for this, and any contributions to help achieving this will be very welcome
 143 [15:44] <dpm> Stay tuned for the scheduling of UDS sessions in the next few days
 144 [15:44] <dpm> Any more questions?
 145 [15:44] <ClassBot> arjunaraoc asked: Ubuntu mail archive rendering does not support  non latin scripts. can I migrate my team to google groups
 146 [15:46] <dpm> Of course. We recommend using the Ubuntu resources, but if there are such issues, feel free to use an external resource. I'm surprised that mailman does not support non-latin scripts, though. You should probably file a bug against mailman, the software used for the Ubuntu mailing lists
 147 [15:46] <dpm> next?
 148 [15:46] <ClassBot> arjunaraoc asked: How is the priority of translation packages determined?
 149 [15:47] <dpm> This will give you an insight on how the priority is defined:
 150 [15:47] <dpm>
 151 [15:48] <dpm> we basically worked out a scheme for priorities assigning each template or group of templates a numerical value
 152 [15:48] <dpm> and then we entered those values in Launchpad
 153 [15:48] <andrejz> I have a suggestion about a chat room. In our case it turned out that many people (especially new ubuntu users, who are enthusiastic to help out) do not know how to use IRC. To lower the entry barrier we use a jabber chatroom, like this one. This means potential contributors only need to add a new contact to their gmail/jabber account (which everyone has) and start writing. It might not seem much, bu
 154 [15:48] <andrejz> t this helps a lot.
 155 [15:48] <dpm> Thanks andrejz, that's a good suggestion
 156 [15:49] <ClassBot> valter asked: How to better improve upstream / launchpad integration? Release packages often contains untranslated strings due to different workflows
 157 [15:49] <dpm> That's correct
 158 [15:50] <dpm> The Launchpad Translations developers are currently focusing on improving upstream integration
 159 [15:50] <dpm> The first part is import: how translations get into Launchpad for the Ubuntu project
 160 [15:51] <dpm> Right now it is through packages, which leads to times in which translations are out of sync
 161 [15:51] <ClassBot> There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.
 162 [15:51] <ClassBot> valter asked: is it possible to have a different structure to better match the different distros?
 163 [15:51] <dpm> The plan is to import translations directly from bzr-mirrored upstream branches
 164 [15:51] <dpm> so that translations are imported with just a few hours delay
 165 [15:52] <dpm> valter, could you specify what you mean by a different structure?
 166 [15:53] <dpm> in the meantime, are there any more questions or suggestions related to translation teams?
 167 [15:55] <andrejz> i would like to add it's good to look at and see if gnome upstream exists for your language and coordinate with them. also do that for other teams (KDE, Debian, Translation project)
 168 [15:56] <ClassBot> There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.
 169 [15:56] <dpm> yeah, good point. andrejz is the team coordinator for both GNOME and Ubuntu in Slovenian, so he knows well what he's talking about :)
 170 [15:57] <andrejz> i am just a member of gnome translators group (also a member of translation project)
 171 [15:57] <dpm> in any case well experienced in terms of upstream-downstream coordination :)
 172 [15:58] <andrejz> if upstream team has difficulties with the workload don't be afraid to send, lend your members to them
 173 [15:59] <andrejz> Question: why do not you take out firefox, debian-installer, which require other setups for proper translation/check in from launchpad or atleast make them readonly
 174 [15:59] <dpm> let me answer this on the -chat room, as we've got no more time on this session
 175 [15:59] <dpm> Ok, so many thanks for listening and participating, and thanks for andrejz's input as special guest :)
 176 [15:59] <dpm> I'll now leave you in the good hands of Scott Lavender, who'll be talking about "Ubuntu Studio Q&A"

MeetingLogs/openweekMaverick/BestPracticesForTranslationTeams (last edited 2010-10-15 16:22:39 by user80)