Open Week -- Screencasting:Your Desktop Oughta be in Pictures -- Duane Hinnen -- Thu, May 5
1 [16:02] <ClassBot> Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session.
2 [16:03] <duanedesign> hello everyone
3 [16:03] <duanedesign> I am going to be giving a session on doing screencasts, and doing them well.
4 [16:04] <duanedesign> A screencast is a digital video in which the setting is partly or wholly a computer screen, and in which audio narration describes the on-screen action.
5 [16:05] <duanedesign> A bit of trivia for you. In 2004, columnist Jon Udell invited readers of his blog to propose names for the emerging genre. Udell selected the term screencast, which was proposed by both Joseph McDonald and Deeje Cooley.
6 [16:05] <duanedesign> There are many different ways to make screencasts and different applications you can use. I will show you one way and will use as many default applications as possible.
7 [16:05] <duanedesign> The applications you will need for making a screencast are:
8 [16:06] <duanedesign> gtk-recordmydesktop - records desktop video/audio.
9 [16:07] <duanedesign> their are three packages in the repository. packages: recordmydesktop gtk-recordmydesktop qt-recordmydesktoop
10 [16:08] <duanedesign> recordmydesktop being the commandline utility. gtk-recordmydesktop, for gnome, and qt-recordmydesktop, for KDE, are GUIs for that commandline utility
11 [16:09] <duanedesign> piTiVi = for editing video, combining audio and video and re-encoding to other formats.
12 [16:09] <duanedesign> audacity - recording and editing audio
13 [16:09] <duanedesign> - for titles at the beginning and end of your screencast
14 [16:09] <duanedesign> VirtualBox - virtualization enviroment. package: virtualbox-ose
15 [16:10] <duanedesign> This last one is optional. But their are advantages to use a VM which I will touch on later
16 [16:10] <duanedesign> or know :)
17 [16:11] <duanedesign> In a VM you can record your screencast from a default install. This way your custom themes, icons and setup will not confuse a user.
18 [16:11] <duanedesign> A VM allows you to save snapshots. This make it easy to go back to your VM setup before the demo. Ideal for rehearsing your screencast as well as making it easy to keep a standard default install.
19 [16:12] <duanedesign> that is nice if your screencast involves installing packages.
20 [16:13] <duanedesign> if you end up doing multiple takes you will quickly get tired of uninstalling all the packes to start over
21 [16:13] <duanedesign> If the intention is to demonstrate application usage and/or the host configuration is sufficiently similar to a standard install a VM is not necessary.
22 [16:14] <duanedesign> Or you can use a Guest Session. Guest Sessions do not have snapshots but do have the other advantges
23 [16:14] <duanedesign> The first step, after installing the appropriate software, is to make an outline.
24 === Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
25 [16:14] <duanedesign> Decide exactly what it is you are wanting to show. Keep the videocasts short and focused. Cover only one topic in each videocast.
26 [16:15] <duanedesign> No 3 hour epics :)
27 [16:15] <duanedesign> After you have an outline, you will make a script. The script will cover what you want to say and do during the screencast.
28 [16:16] <duanedesign> I recommend using storyboards for writing your script
29 [16:16] <duanedesign> This helps you visualize the script and visuals together.
30 [16:17] <duanedesign> I have a couple on my people page
31 [16:17] <duanedesign>
32 [16:18] <duanedesign> not the .ogv but the other two files ;)
33 [16:19] <duanedesign> one is for 16:9 screen the other is 4:3.
34 [16:19] <duanedesign> I have found the Gnome, and other style guides, help me write a script that is clear. concise and consistent. Though a lot of it is geared towards written documentation there is a lot of relevant stuff when it comes to grammar usage and terminology.
35 [16:20] <duanedesign> Some examples of grammar usage tips would be, do not superfluous adverbs like simply, easily, quickly. Do not apply emotion, desires, or opinions. Avoid stuff like 'This app is awesome', instead maybe 'This app has helped me ...'
36 [16:20] <duanedesign> Also the Style Guides help with some of the GUI terminology. Here is an example from the Gnome Style Guide showing you what different part of the windows are called.
37 [16:20] <duanedesign>
38 [16:20] <duanedesign> This helps create consistency across a wide range of resources.
39 [16:21] <duanedesign> ensuring that we are all calling a radio button, a radio button and not confusing people
40 [16:21] <duanedesign> Once you get your script done, You will want to rehearse the steps you are going to take. This is a good opportunity to develop and refine your script.
41 [16:22] <duanedesign> To do this start a virtual machine running the operating system and application which is to be demonstrated. Go through the software and practice the steps to be demonstrated. You might need to do this a couple of times until you are comfortable with the steps and you know the script very well.
42 [16:23] <duanedesign> Speak clearly, slowly, and enunciate. The primary reason for negative feedback when it comes to screencasts is that the presenter is talking too fast or using a lot of 'umm'.
43 [16:23] <duanedesign> Once you are familiar with the steps you will be taking, it is time to record the screencast.
44 [16:24] <duanedesign> If the demo requires the installation of additional packages then to save time it can be preferable to setup the necessary repositories, download the necessary packages without installing them, then remove the repositories.
45 [16:24] <duanedesign> This of course assumes that you want to show how to enable repositories and install software
46 [16:24] <duanedesign> To download packages and not install them use apt-get with the -d option: apt-get -d packagename1 packagename2 ...
47 [16:25] <duanedesign> Now the steps of recording the screencast.
48 [16:25] <duanedesign> Start a virtual machine running the operating system and application which is to be demonstrated.
49 [16:25] <duanedesign> Start a recording application to capture the contents of the virtual machine window.
50 [16:25] <duanedesign> Start a recording application to capture the contents of the virtual machine window.
51 [16:26] <duanedesign> you only have to do that once :)
52 [16:26] <duanedesign> With recordmydesktop you can control it from the GUI or the commandline.
53 [16:26] <duanedesign> I will mostly cover the GUI way of doing things
54 [16:26] <duanedesign> If you are interested in using the commandline I suggest the command 'man recordmydesktop'. Additionally you can find an example command, and one i often use, at
55 [16:26] <duanedesign> With the GUI to record either left-click the icon in the panel or click the record button in the main window
56 [16:26] <duanedesign> main window -
57 [16:27] <duanedesign> If you do not want to capture the entire desktop there are three ways of selecting the area on which you will confine the recording.
58 [16:27] <duanedesign> Using the preview thumbnail on the main window you can draw a window with the crosshairs.
59 [16:27] <duanedesign> Using the Select Window button and then select a window on your desktop.
60 [16:28] <duanedesign> Using the Select Area on Screen function accessed by right-clicking on the panel icon.
61 [16:28] <duanedesign> dditional info on defining an area -
62 [16:28] <duanedesign> additional*
63 [16:28] <duanedesign> now you will Go through the software and execute the steps you rehearsed.
64 [16:29] <duanedesign> aside from being mindful of how you are speaking you also need to consider your mousse movements.
65 [16:30] <duanedesign> avoid excessive mouse movements
66 [16:30] <duanedesign> It is sometimes preferable to record the video first, and add in the audio later. If you're sufficiently able to multi task reading aloud instructions whilst doing them, then record audio and video together.
67 [16:31] <duanedesign> doing them seperately though has some advantages
68 [16:31] <duanedesign> When doing them together you have to do both parts perfect.
69 [16:32] <duanedesign> Ok so it is recorded. Now watch the screencast to ensure all is ok.
70 [16:32] <duanedesign> If it looks good add a 'intro', 'outro' slides to the start and end of the screencast.
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72 [16:33] <duanedesign> the first part of that is important. Make sure it looks good. You are severly degrading the efectiveness of your screencast when it is not done well.
73 [16:35] <duanedesign> take the time to do do it over until you nail it. We are looking for professional quality screencasts. You can find some examples of professional looking screencasts by looking at....excuse me I do not have a FOSS related link in front of me.
74 [16:35] <duanedesign> those are microsoft office screecasts.
75 [16:36] <duanedesign> i can hear the booing and hisses through the internet :)
76 [16:36] <duanedesign> ok, add a 'intro', 'outro' slides to the start and end of the screencast.
77 [16:36] <duanedesign> Again there are different ways to do this. I will show you one way
78 [16:37] <duanedesign> Open OpenOffice Presentation. Make a slide containing the graphics and text you want. Maximise the presentation of the first (header) slide within the virtual machine. You can do this by running Slideshow -> Slideshow
79 [16:37] <duanedesign> (f5) in OpenOfffice. Using the same process as you did for the main demo record 5-10 seconds. Repeat for the [footer] slid
80 [16:38] <duanedesign> slide*
81 [16:39] <duanedesign> if you are recording your audio and video seperately now, after making your intro and outro slides, would be a good time to record the audio
82 [16:39] <duanedesign> audacity is what i use for that
83 [16:41] <duanedesign> on audio a nice microphone makes a world of difference. But alot of us have only our laptop or monitor microphone. So if you are using your default microphone make sure your levels are turned up correctly and you are an appropriate distance from the microphone
84 [16:42] <duanedesign> You do not want to be shouting, but you also do not want to be so close that everytime you use a word iththe letter P your audio distorts and you bust your users eardrums.
85 [16:43] <duanedesign> once you have the pieces time to put them together
86 [16:43] <duanedesign> Ubuntu now has a movie editor, Pitivi, installed by default.
87 [16:44] <duanedesign> Use the Import Clips button in Pitivi to bring your screencast and the header and footer video clips you did into the project. Then you simply click on the clip thumbnails in the upper left of your screen and drag them from the Clip Library to the Timeline. Do this for each clip placing them sequentially in the timeline.
88 [16:45] <duanedesign> When you are ready to output the video, select 'Render Project'.
89 [16:46] <duanedesign> Check the combined audio/video/intro/outro for errors/glitches/sync problems.
90 [16:46] <duanedesign> again think quality
91 [16:46] <duanedesign> Optionally if you wish encode/compress screencast to other formats.
92 [16:46] <duanedesign> that is one way to do screencasts and one set of tools.
93 [16:48] <duanedesign> their are other apps for recording your screen. kazam is one that I have used before
94 [16:48] <duanedesign> i have also created a script that uses ffmpeg and parec to record screencasts
95 [16:49] <duanedesign> you can find instructions to use it and a link to download it on my blog.
96 [16:50] <duanedesign> if you have an interest in making screencasts we have a Screencast Team in the community
97 [16:50] <duanedesign> we would love to have you.
98 [16:50] <duanedesign> you can also find an outline of the steps i went over here on the Screencast Team wiki
99 [16:52] <duanedesign> any questions.
100 [16:52] <ClassBot> There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.
101 [16:52] <duanedesign> darn my aversion to question marks.
102 [16:52] <duanedesign> any questions?
103 [16:52] <duanedesign> thats better :)
104 [16:54] <ClassBot> j1mc asked: is something like kdenlive a better tool for video editing, even if it uses Qt stuff? Or is pitivi pretty good?
105 [16:55] <duanedesign> j1mc: i have not used kdenlive but it looks llike a very capable tool.
106 [16:55] <duanedesign> as long as you can import the clips you record and put them together you are good to go.
107 [16:56] <ClassBot> jo-erlend asked: on both my laptops, running 11.04 and using Unity, I'm having bug problems with the video from grecordmydesktop. Small squares are not drawn og only parts of the screen is drawn. Are there better tools to capture Unity in action? Can this be driver issues?
108 [16:57] <ClassBot> There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.
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110 [16:57] <duanedesign> I had a similar issue. If you read my blog post link i posted that issue was the genesis for me creating the screencast script
111 [16:57] <duanedesign> jo-erlend: you might give it a try i would be more then happy to answer any questions you have about using it
112 [16:58] <duanedesign>
113 [16:58] <duanedesign> ^^in case you missed it
114 [16:59] <duanedesign> ok, out of questions and out of time
115 [17:00] <duanedesign> Thank you everyone for lending me your eyeballs
116 [17:00] <duanedesign> i look forward to seeing all your great screencasts out their on the intertubes