Ubuntu Open Week - Ubuntu Documentation Project - Wed, Nov 29, 2006

see also Saturday Session.

09:01   mdke    alright, thanks. Welcome everyone, I'm going to talk about Ubuntu documentation
09:01   mdke    I'll do a little introduction.
09:01   mdke    tell me if I go too fast
09:02   mdke    The documentation team is completely made up of volunteers. The core team is [WWW]  https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-doc but many others contribute to documentation all the time.
09:02   mdke    To find out how to communicate with us, see [WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Contact
09:02   mdke    The ultimate reference page for any information is [WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam
09:02   mdke    There are essentially two types of documentation that the team produces.
09:02   mdke    1. System documentation - this is written in a markup language called Docbook XML, and is hosted in our repository.
09:03   mdke    that's what you get when you click System->Help->System Documentation
09:03   mdke    2. Online documentation - composed of an html version of 1, and a community driven wiki ([WWW]  https://help.ubuntu.com/community)
09:03   mdke    clear so far?
09:04   mdke    ok. First I'll start by talking about 1. System Documentation
09:04   mdke    So, how can you contribute to these documents
09:04   mdke    Diving in and trying things out is the best way to begin getting involved.
09:04   mdke    Download our repository, and start getting familiar with the markup language by reading and editing some existing documents. We have a validation tool included which will tell you where there is an error in the document markup. If you are confused, you can ask in #ubuntu-doc or on the mailing list, and you will generally get some help, but you should be patient!
09:05   mdke    Low hanging fruit for those wishing to get involved:
09:05   mdke    Proof reading is a good way to get involved. Also, we have a number of bugs open about typos, errors, omissions, which you can try and fix. See [WWW]  https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-doc/+bugs and [WWW]  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bugs (in the latter link substitute ubuntu-docs with xubuntu-docs or kubuntu-docs if interested in that variant!)
09:06   mdke    We have some key tasks we want to look at for the next release of Ubuntu
09:06   mdke    these are:
09:06   mdke    1. Improving the navigability and readability of the help ([WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TopicBasedHelp).
09:06   mdke    that's our major specification we're working on right now
09:06   mdke    2. #
09:06   mdke    2. Incorporating material from the Official Ubuntu Book into appropriate sections in the system documentation, amending the style accordingly.
09:06   mdke    3. Addressing areas which are missing from the documentation, in particular by reviewing material on the wiki/forum/mailing lists and converting it to docbook for inclusion in the system documentation (there is a good tool for doing this conversion).
09:07   mdke    4. Updating existing information which is no longer valid due to inclusion of new features in Feisty.
09:08   mdke    so that's a whistlestop overview of the system documentation. Does anyone have some questions specifically on that aspect of the documentation? Afterwards I'll talk about the community-driven wiki
09:08   mdke    but let's have a few questions now, otherwise I feel like I'm talking to myself...

[kudzubane] Is the HTML non-wiki documentation generated from DocBook as well?

[kudzubane] Is the documentation project also responsible for the Ubuntu book?

[kudzubane] What tools are you currently using for producing system documentation?

[jmbuser] ok, more specifically, what editors do you use or is it a matter of personal taste?

[apokryphos] Quanta+ is very good for docbook, too (just a note that http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/tutorials/quanta-docbook/quanta.html had a good docbook+quanta howto)

09:15   mdke    ok, any other questions on the system documentation? I should probably mention translation, which is a key task too
09:16   mdke    the documentation gets translated using Rosetta, in the same way as other Ubuntu programs

[teprrr] are you translation documentation for non-ubuntu related stuff too? if so, it'd be nice to have those translations to upstream too..

[mihakriket] Is thier a template for the docs?

09:21   mdke    that brings me on nicely to the wiki material, so I'll explain that, then take more questions
09:22   mdke    so this is the wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community
09:22   mdke    to contribute:
09:22   mdke    Simply log into the wiki (using your launchpad account), and correct errors you find in documents. Read existing documents to become familiar with the wiki markup, which is very simple. Above anything else, read the wiki guide: [WWW]  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide.
09:23   mdke    a good guide to our wiki markup is at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HelpOnEditing
09:23   mdke    it's very simple.
09:23   mdke    Low hanging fruit for those wishing to get involved:
09:23   mdke    One way of becoming familiar with the material and how we work is to begin reading it and checking it for accuracy. Report any bugs at the above links!
09:23   mdke    A number of more substantial "wiki-tasks" (as well as a list of pages that need serious attention) are listed on [WWW]  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiToDo.
09:24   mdke    The key tasks for improving the wiki over the next release are:
09:24   mdke    1. Improve the self-maintainability of the wiki by introducing easy tools for quality assurance ([WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpWikiQualityAssurance). This spec needs ideas, discussion and eventually some code!
09:25   mdke    2. Once we have a nice system in place, doing quality assurance to ensure users are given reliable information and can quickly identify how reliable a page is.
09:25   mdke    3. Improving existing material and adding new material to the wiki, in particular drawing on the immense resources offered by the forums ([WWW]  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum)
09:26   mdke    4. Clarify the license of material on the wiki by convincing the Community Council to approve the year-old specification ([WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiLicensing).
09:27   mdke    (there are quite a lot of links in this presentation, I'll make some notes available so that people can read over them and take in the pages I've linked to with a bit more time)
09:27   mdke    A long-term goal (at least for me) is to bring the system documentation and the online documentation closer and closer together, so that eventually it is easy for the system documentation to draw on contributions via the wiki,
09:27   mdke    and (the other side of the coin) users to browse and search all of the available documentation via a single interface, be it via the online website or the system help viewer. This goal is rather a large one, and is essentially waiting on the right tools to come together.
09:28   mdke    Ok. That was a quick summary of the wiki documentation material we have. I've come to the end of my prepared presentation, so we can dedicate the rest of the session to questions.
09:29   mdke    feel free to post questions in here, but please wait until I've answered the previous question. Who's first?

[mihakriket] To edit the documents on the wiki, do you need to be a member of the docs team?

<KHatfull> Are proper backup/restore/disaster recovery procedures/documentation something being looked at?

[daxelrod] What level of expertise are assumed of the reader of documentation? Or does it depend on what is being documented?

09:41   mdke    cool. Anyone else have some questions? Are people reading interested in improving documentation in Ubuntu?
09:41   mdke    we could sure use some help, and it's a great way of getting involved in Ubuntu for newcomers and experienced users alike

[dnkorte] if someone wanted to get involved in proofreading, whom does he contact?

[lazywanker] sorry if this has been covered already. how are k/x/ed/ubuntu specific docs integrated with the ubuntu (read: gnome) docs. is there a section for the ubuntu-common stuff that covers all distros?

[violot] Where do you need help in the docs the most? Or what do you need help on... etc.

[lazywanker] wrt to previous question. surely then you're going to get alot of overlap and/or people having to hunt in two places for an answer?

[mihakriket] I would be interested on working on the wiki. I sometimes have time @ work to go online.

[violot] Got a link to your weblog? I'm not familiar with you, don't think I've seen you before :)

[thebigearl] I want to help translating the system documentation to german. how can i do that?

[daxelrod] Has vandalism been a problem with the documentation wiki? I could see somebody replacing useful instructions with instructions to trash the system, for example.

09:56   mdke    we'll answer any questions you think of on the mailing list, and in our irc channel. We'd also be very interested in ideas and feedback you have
09:57   mdke    ok, if no one has any last questions, we'll pass onto the next session

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