Ubuntu Open Week - Edubuntu - Wed, Nov 29, 2006

05:05   ogra    soo ... Edubuntu !
05:05   ogra    i'll give a short 10-15min intro and will be available for questions then ...
05:06   ogra    Edubuntu is an ancient african word for "bring that free software education to the people" ....
05:06   ogra    n just kidding ...
05:06   ogra    *no even
05:06   ogra    edubuntu is an ubuntu derivative focusing on educational needs
05:07   ogra    first specced out at the UBZ conference in sydney
05:07   ogra    (by the founder of k12ltsp and the ltsp upstream guys)
05:08   ogra    shortly after that spec was written canonical held an edubuntu summit in london
05:08   ogra    with a buch of educators attending and speccing out the needs of a first edubuntu release
05:09   ogra    there was an initial roadmap we wanted to implement ->
05:09   ogra    1.) conquer the single classroom
05:10   ogra    2.) be able to be run in a complete school environment
05:10   ogra    3.) also be sized for municipalities
05:10   ogra    the first edubuntu release was mostly build by me alone ...
05:11   ogra    since i'm no educator the app selection only reflects what i could get as input from the educators attending the edubuntu conf as well as looking at other distros
05:12   ogra    additionally we never cared which desktop an app belongs to, we try to select the best item for one task and dont care about the desktop environment ...
05:13   ogra    ... which always turned out to be a challenge with the limited CD size we have ....

are the K12LTSP folks working on Edubuntu now or are they still working on K12LTSP?

there are several program frequently used in Engineering Studyies, like Opnet, Autocad, PSpice... is there any alternatives available y ubuntu OS ??

are there anyways we can help push edubuntu into schools when we don't have kids?

What is the age bracket that edubuntu was designed for?

I'm presenting a paper on using Edubuntu at a technology in teacher education conference. The focus is on providing access (and thus social justice) to provide access to teachers and students -- what message(s) would you like to see shared with teacher educators who are potential future users of Edubuntu?

[apral] Where does edubuntu stand now in education circles marketwise?

Will Ubuntu find a place in enterprise segment

one of the things that this particular teacher education conference is highly interested in are iLife-like tools for digital storytelling like projects. Development of a "suite" of tools along these lines would be helpful.

There will be an additional cd (2X) shipped via ShipIt, beginning with fiesty ?

I think you misunderstood maccabeus' question. You answered about what teachers should tell edubuntu instead of what edubuntu advocates should be telling the teachers.

<devilsadvocate> would'nt high schools be a better place to go to compared to universities?

<leetcharmer> Can you add or do you know of any software that would aid in science/math related courses -- such as Physics? I need a method to write down the formulas quickly for notes, and studying.

<brian_> Is there (and what is it) a framework for developing Edubuntu apps?

<jjtec1> How big is Jordan's team and is there room for help ?

<brian_> is there a Look-and-Feel standard for Edubuntu?

<plagerism> Currently my school is looking to migrate to another Distrobution with some sort of Distributed Filesystem( to allow root access to an individual fs per Student). The reason being is that *nix is the class. Is there any software packages that would allow this, and if so Would Edubuntu Support it??

<devilsadvocate> can anyone tell me if edubuntu is gnome-based?

<brian_> I've got 2 daughters in H.S. Algebra right now and I see a lot that can be done with an algebra app, but I'd like to have some infrasture code that would allow the user to drag symbols and numbers around

<devilsadvocate> I've just seen the advocacy page and it seems most of the apps that give edubuntu the specialization are either DE neutral or are KDE apps - why ship with gnome and then depend on kde apps? I've noticed that things like proxy settings and similar environment variables can get messy in such a situation. Why not just ship with KDE and have a more coherent interface?

<jjtec1> So in fiesty, the aim of the first CD is still 6-15 year olds?

<brian_> That brings me back to my infrastructure question, education applications all need similair capabilities, wouldn't it be nice to have a toolkit around that we all could use?

<davmor2> How much compatiblity is their between edubuntu and proprietary solutions

<brian_> Desktop independence, is that really a goal? If so why? You are your own distro, you can declare your own standard.

<devilsadvocate> A mjor problem with selling edubuntu to a school is that the core use of computers is in teching programming languages - specifically Basic, C, in that age group. Is there anything that will help the transition from the windows environment to linux? Read as IDEs, compilers like QBasic. Also, are there attempts at making apps to familiarize young children with the linux environment itself?

<gumpa> are support contracts available for edubuntu?


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