Ubuntu Open Week - Kubuntu - Sat, Dec 2, 2006

see also Monday Session.

06:14   imbrandon       ok since i'm running a little late we'll just skip right to the Q & A , if you would keep those to #ubuntu-classroom-chat and nixternal and elkbuntu will paste them in here

[TheGateKeeper] I like kubuntu but what has motivated me to look to another distro is that you if you upgrade there is a more than reasonable chance the system will break, a clean install (seems to be required) & (k)ubuntu is slow when compared to other distros like arch. So my question is there anything you can do to address these issues?

: yea we even developers hate that about a transition , we are working very very hard so that is no longer the case. but yes, that is a major issue, and is very high priority to have fixed from this release onwards

[kalon34] maybe could you shortly describe what are you doing in Kubuntu, imbrandon ?

[anschel] How did you decide which KDE programs to use (konversation, konqueror, etc.) and jordi which "generic" ones (openoffice)

[ma1kel] What's are the major prioritys for the next Kubuntu release?

[kalon34] It's more personal, but how can you do such important things in Kubuntu and not jorgp working at Canonical ?

<nixternal>What are Kubuntu's plans for composite by default for 7.04?

06:29   imbrandon       BTW just as a side note , Kubuntu is always looking for contributors , you dont have to be a "Core" dev etc to help out, just stop by on irc and we'll always point you in the right direction
06:29   imbrandon       nixternal is a poster child for a none coder helping :)
06:29   imbrandon       ( thats a good thing )
06:29   nixternal       adding to what imbrandon just said: if you can't code, document ;)

[rmjb] Since Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same "underneath" where does Ubuntu end and Kubuntu begin?

06:31 imbrandon the "core" and the core goals stay the same like getting it all on one cd , the the beleifs etxc. if you are on the tech side of the house it ends at "ubuntu-desktop' and kubuntu-desktop packages thats how we make those choices. so the base system "ubuntu-base" is still exactly the same untouched

[lotusleaf] Kdar will not install in Edgy (and some have said it doesn't install in feisty, will Feisty include Kdar, if not, what will replace it?

[Bourlotie] Would you rather be a Canonical employee and work full time on Kubuntu? Do you think that this would make your work more efficiently?

<siretart> when is kde4 scheduled for release?

if kde4 comes out during the end or right after the release of feisty, will we backport?

[anschel] If KDE is on a different schedule from Gnome will Kubuntu Still come out every six months?

<nixternal> would you happen to know the current status of Kubuntu Herd 1?

[rmjb] how is Kubuntu art handled?

[ lotusleaf] Do you have any plans to throw new releases of Amarok, Koffice, etc. into one directory so additional entries for new versions between each don't have to be manually added to sources.list each time, and instead can be checked for updates? maybe a bleeding edge or beta repo, so only one line is added and remains for all new bleeding edge builds? (rather than adding amarok, koffice, etc. individual lines each tim

[ LKRaider] how large is the core kubuntu team right now?

anschel wonders how he can join the kubuntu cult?

[ lotusleaf] will Kubuntu ever have Cinelerra?

[Lure] you may want to add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates/Kubuntu

[sid] How many core kubuntu devs are there?(full time?)

And how many core gnome devs?

<nixternal> will Kubuntu continue calling itsel the GNU/Linux distro for everyone? (emphasis on GNU/Linux since Ubuntu doesn't state that)

[sid] Does it say GNU/Linux on the website anywhere? I think this is important also

07:03   imbrandon       everyone feel free to email me imbrandon at kubuntu.org with any other questions and i'll try to blog about them or get back to you
07:04   imbrandon       everyone have a great day and rember "Kubuntu for president!!' :)

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