Ubuntu Open Week - The Ubuntu Community - Wed, Nov 29, 2006

see also Monday Session.

06:03   jono    ok I am going to kick off discussing some of the future direction of the communitu
06:03   jono    the ubuntu community today is a pretty diverse place
06:03   jono    we have a number of different types of disciplines represented
06:03   jono    for us to improve the community we need to make our teams much easier to join
06:04   jono    and those teams need to be better connected and report their actions more

<neuro_> How different do you see the Ubuntu community to that of, say, Debian, Fedora, Slackware, or Gentoo? Any pros and/or cons?

<rasman> How does the commercial side of Ubuntu fit within the community? 06:06 jono rasman, I think it is important that our commercial side (Canonical and other people who make money from Ubuntu and Ubuntu services) have a solid connection with the community

<brian_> How do you see Ubuntu driving the apps that get built? And have the app projects themselves been coming to Ubuntu for input?

<brian_> are conflicts within the Ubuntu community resolved by spinning off another MyUbuntu ???

<mattl> Will you as community manager welcome people from the gNewSense community?

06:13 jono mattl, most certainly! I am always eager to talk to people who have got interesting things and ambition. gNewSense is a good example of a deriv - it fits a need that Ubuntu does not 100% right now. I am certainly keen to work with other derivs. for many distros, Ubuntu offers a solid base that is built upon - take Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc. we need to collaborate together where it makes sense, but to be different where it makes sense too. as Mark Pilgrim says, "gNewSense is the reference implementation of software freedom." what I don't want to see is people re-inventing the wheel

<corstar> Have bounties helped in brining a wider userbase to Ubuntu or is that just some geek cred?

<rasman> What do you mean by Ubuntu roadmap?

<brian_> back to apps, are there plans or a mechanism to put Ubuntu specific features into any of them?

<sjoeboo> do you ever see some sort of "feature voting" taking place, allowing users and the like the ability to weigh in on specs when they are not able to attend the summits/confrences?

<binary2k2> how important are LoCo teams to the ubuntu community?

<effie_jayx> how often do you talk to the different loCo teams... and why is the loCo team in my country in another irc server (unplug)

<corstar> Is there a meathod of advertising that we can use to gain maximum bang for our buck to spread Ubuntu?Maybe something similar to "spread firefox" What other meathods have worked for Ubuntu in the past?

<tonyyarusso> There has been some discussion about a one-vote per approved member system for certain things though, still very much in the mildly pondering stage, has there not?

<rasman> Is there a guide to getting our LoCo to start meetings or adgendas or even tasks?

<freakcode> What about proprietary software? Will it come as bundle in edgy+1, or is the team working in some type of tool to install via apt-get, upon showing a disclaimer to the user? If not, I think this should be an ideia, because many users rely on proprietary software (drivers, codecs), so a tool like that (more simple than using synpatic) should be more human-like.

<corstar> It must feel great to be working for a company that has such high moral values, will Cannonical get much bigger or do you think they have reached a peak for now?ALso, what oppertunities will open in the future?

<in_flames_666> how can the ubuntu users get involved in the community?

<brian_> Is there a feeling among the communtiy that Ubuntu needs a killer app or feature that will have people come running to it?

<samgee> Is it important for an active community member to be on all relevant communication channels? What if you don't like IRC and/or mailing lists?

<rejden> In some cases it's obvious that the new ubuntu members, which basicly came to contact with FLOSS thru Ubuntu doesn't understand the involvement within various other projects like Open Office or KDE suite, don't you think in some cases this can damage the FLOSS community itself?

<mruiz> How non-english speakers LoCo teams can coordinate their activities? We don't have enough tools; For example, Planet Ubuntu is only for english speakers.

<rejden> After almost few years of involvement within the translation community many of us find out that translation made to rosetta (for example gnome) doesn't make it to the main application (GNOME in this case) and we lost many great translatorst because of that, is there any way that Ubuntu is thinkin about more support of these translation and their interaction to the main application?

<freakcode> Again about Cannonical... Many people, especially from other projects and distros, doubts about the Cannonical business plan, like "How can they ship CDs worldwide, for *free*?". Its obvious that Mark done the first step, but can Cannonical really profit only with the comercial support and third-party costumers?

<corstar> Would it be possible for ubuntu to do a similar thing to the "google summer of code:

<brent_cool> When are we going to see Ubuntu on Pocket PCs and/or Tablet PCs?

<debarshi> Where exactly do you draw the line between Debian and Ubuntu?

<kudzubane> Do you have a sense of how the explosive growth of the Ubuntu community affecting the Debian community?

<brian_> Has Ubuntu thought about working with Universities to complete features?

<corstar> Last night Mark doged the "Google OS" question nicley, can you confirm, deny or ignore any rumors?

<finalbeta> Are you planning to somehow take into account more of the community input. The binary drivers thing is raging on mailing lists and forums. Is it not wise to actually listen to the end users, and not just the ones that make the most noise. Community voting or something. You can still ignore the result once you get them. But right now we read things like, "we will include proprietary code because people ask for it.

06:59   jono    ok folks I am going to wrap up now
06:59   jono    thanks for the excellent questions
07:00   jono    as usual. get in touch with me if you need anything else :)

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