Ubuntu Open Week - Xubuntu - Wed, Nov 29, 2006

10:00   somerville32    Welcome everyone to the Ubuntu Open Week Xubuntu Session!
10:01   somerville32    There are a few things I'd like to go over and then I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
10:02   somerville32    I'd ask that you please ask your questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat and we'll make sure to work through them and answer them the best we can. :)
10:02   somerville32    First off, I'd like to introduce myself.
10:03   somerville32    My name is Cody Somerville, I've been using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu for some time now (And loving every minute I might add).
10:03   somerville32    I'm also an Xubuntu developer.
10:04   somerville32    I'd also like to introduce some of my colleagues.
10:05   somerville32    Maxamillion, who has been a great help in developing our new website
10:05   somerville32    TheSheep, who has made numerous contributions all across the board
10:06   somerville32    And I'm sure there are others lurking about but I'm not going to waste time scrolling through all 328 names.
10:06   somerville32    So... What _is_ Xubuntu?
10:07   somerville32    Xubuntu, as you may know, a GNU/Linux operation system that is built on top of the Ubuntu base.
10:07   somerville32    Xubuntu makes use of the Xfce4 desktop
10:08   somerville32    and is shipped with top quality packages from the Ubuntu archives. Xubuntu will use, as far as possible, GTK2 applications, ensuring maximum efficiency.
10:08   somerville32    However, since Ubuntu is built on the Ubuntu base, you can also install your KDE and Gnome applications.
10:09   somerville32    It is a common misconception that Xubuntu is only suitable for low-end desktops.
10:09   somerville32    I'd like to dispell that myth.
10:10   somerville32    Xubuntu and the Xfce4 desktop is fast, efficient, friendly to use but also carries a strong feature set.
10:11   somerville32    Xubuntu IS ideal for old or low-end machines, thin-client networks, and also for those who would like to get more performance out of their hardware.
10:12   somerville32    Our aim is to provide the best desktop experience possible we can and we're working towards that goal.
10:13   somerville32    So, what kind of things are we working on?
10:13   somerville32    The Xubuntu Team is assisting upstream development - Thunar, Xfce4, etc.
10:14   somerville32    We've also taken responsibility for some of the light-weight, alternative software on launchpad
10:14   somerville32    ie. bug triage, working with upstream developers, etc.
10:15   somerville32    We're also working at improving our documentation efforts - both for official documentation and the wiki.
10:15   somerville32    The Xubuntu wiki pages have seen massive reorganization and updates in the last few weeks
10:15   somerville32    And the efforts continue to improve in these areas.
10:16   somerville32    Xubuntu Artwork is something I'm really proud of.
10:17   somerville32    J Mak, TheSheep, and the rest of the Xubuntu artwork team have been doing an awesome job.
10:17   somerville32    Programming, packages, and development has also seen a recent surge in activty.
10:18   somerville32    Jani, Crimsun, Gloubiboulga, TheSheep, etc. have all been working really hard on different projects to help improve Xubuntu and give back to the Ubuntu project as a whole.
10:19   somerville32    Vincent, Adam, and Jonathon have done some amazing work with our new website.
10:20   somerville32    And we've all been working very hard to give back Ubuntu and all the sister projects through advocacy and other individual efforts.
10:20   somerville32    So, how can people get involved with Xubuntu?
10:20   somerville32    Getting involved with Xubuntu is extreamly easy!
10:21   somerville32    We have a very detailed adaption of the Ubuntu contribution page available at: http://xubuntu.org/devel
10:21   somerville32    # Join the Xubuntu-devel mailing list
10:21   somerville32    # Join us in #xubuntu-devel on irc.freenode.net
10:21   somerville32    # Join us in meetings to help network with others and share ideas
10:22   somerville32    Once you've gotten yourself settled, you'll want to look at getting involved in one of our teams/projects such as the wiki effort, documentation effort, artwork effort, etc.
10:23   somerville32    Once you've made some sustained contribution, you can feel free to join the Xubuntu-team team on launchpad to become an official Xubuntu developer.
10:24   somerville32    I guess I can take some questions now :)

[NeilW] Why no games *at all* in Xubuntu as distributed?

[C_Mooney] Will you ever impose a limit on Xubuntu - ie when will it become *too* bloated?

[jeanvial] In the future you thing include a Xubuntu distro for PC Pocket?

[maxamillion] no, it would still be a little heavy for something like a pocketpc, there are projects for pocketpcs that use gui toolkits geared for embedded systems

[fzap] what is the minimum hardware requirement for running xubuntu.

< Bourlotieris> Will there be any Beryl effects in Xubuntu Feisty as is planned for Ubuntu (GNOME) ?

< jjtec1> Any particular times more busy than others in the irc?

< tictacaddict> Xubuntu seems to get left out sometimes in news updates, how-to's, wiki entries, etc. People will mention Ubuntu and Kubuntu but leave out Xubuntu. Is that because it's relatively new? Because people don't like XFCE? What? I feel like it isn't getting the coverage it deserves.

< bruenig> What sort of criteria is used to weigh efficiency and productivity. Are there applications that you rule out because they are just too resource intensive even if they provide a significant productivity boost. And are there things you include because of productivity even though they are more resource hungry than lighter alternatives. Ideally you would

< bruenig> ht but how do you weigh those two things when they are in conflict to make a decision on what to include?

< jjtec1> are any [programming] language skills better than others in Xubuntu?

< jjtec1> Can a 1st year c++ student be any help?

< jjtec1> I am a student and used equipment is the normal for me, will xfce continue to work on keeping wieght down to a minimum?

does Xubuntu have any official ties to Canonical?

<tictacaddict> The xfwm4 compositor doesn't seem to be available since I upgraded to edgy. Was it intentionally disabled (and why?) or is that just a problem on my end? If it's enabled and I'm just missing something... sorry/nevermind!

<bruenig> What sort of criteria is used to weigh efficiency and productivity. Are there applications that you rule out because they are just too resource intensive even if they provide a significant productivity boost. And are there things you include because of productivity even though they are more resource hungry than lighter alternatives. Ideally you would like to get maximum productivity while keeping it but how do you weigh those two things when they are in conflict to make a decision on what to include?

<fliegenderfrosch> Is there a list anywhere with features planned for feisty?

< TLE> Newbie question here. Will installing a non GTK2 app slow the system down (on low-end machines) even when it is not run because extra stuff have to be loaded at boottime or something like that?

<devilsadvocate> Why does xubuntu use gdm instead of xdm?

< jjtec1> is GTK2.0 used for xfce?

<JKnife> why the different names for eatch DE?

< jjtec1> doesn't KDE use the QT environment ?

< arualavi> you say that xdm don't have all of the required features, the same with wdm?

< JKnife> How can I get involved in Xubuntu documentation?

< TLE> Could you tell us a little bit about the common desktop app's that is part of Xubuntu. What they can and how good they are compared to their GNOME/KDE counterparts

[JKnife] Will Xubuntu ever get shipit support?

[TLE] How about IM, and internet browser, and multimedia apps ?

11:07   somerville32    Btw, Installing Xubuntu from Ubuntu is very easy
11:07   somerville32    apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
11:07   maxamillion     or aptitude install xubuntu-desktop for those who prefer aptitude
11:07   somerville32    Feel free to see http://xubuntu.org/devel for more information about getting involved with Xubuntu!

[tictacaddict] xubuntu comes with gxine for multimedia, correct?

[stani] How about samba/network support?

<tictacaddict> Why the switch from xfmedia to gxine anyway? They are a little different but xfmedia seemed to work okay

11:10   somerville32    Welp, I think my wrists are getting sore.
11:11   somerville32    I'd like to thank everyone for coming out.
11:11   somerville32    Lots of good questions
11:11   somerville32    I'd love to see you guys all get involved! :D
11:14   somerville32    See you all on xubuntu-devel !! :)

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