Ubuntu Open Week - Bazaar - Martin Pool - Mon, Apr 23, 2007

see also Wednesday Session.


(05:06:05 PM) poolie: good morning class
(05:06:21 PM) poolie: i'm martin pool, i work on Bazaar at Canonical with jam-laptop
(05:06:41 PM) poolie: and some other folks
(05:07:34 PM) poolie: Bazaar is a version control system designed to work well for ubuntu developers and to work well with launchpad
(05:07:42 PM) poolie: and to be easy to learn and pleasant to use
(05:07:53 PM) poolie: 'what is a version control system'?
(05:08:13 PM) poolie: well it remembers the changes you have made to a source tree, so that you can go back and see why changes were made
(05:08:15 PM) poolie: undo changes
(05:08:19 PM) poolie: review incoming work
(05:09:39 PM) poolie: merge in someone else's work,
(05:09:46 PM) poolie: and publish your changes
(05:09:55 PM) jam-laptop: Hi all
(05:10:10 PM) poolie: there are many other systems, including cvs, svn, monotone, darcs, git, mercurial
(05:10:23 PM) poolie: some of the distinguishing features of bazaar include:
(05:10:45 PM) poolie: very good support for windows, mac and linux
(05:11:06 PM) poolie: a simple user interface and attention to keeping it friendly
(05:11:12 PM) poolie: a good python scripting api
(05:11:41 PM) poolie: ability to host branches on any web or ftp or file server without needing to run a special daemon
(05:12:03 PM) poolie: and very good handling of refactorings like renaming files or directories
(05:12:07 PM) poolie: i'll look at some qns

<zorglu_> QUESTION: so bazaar has been designed to fit ubuntu ? and this is not ubuntu which choosed to because it fitted its need ?

<KalleDK> QUESTIONS What are the pros and cons versus SVN

How does bazaar do without a central server to track everything?

<awkorama> QUESTION: So client side bazaar is just a bunch of scripts and server-side it can be only one ftp server?

<mc44> question: why bother to make it work well with mac and windows?

<Monika|K> QUESTION: Bazaar works well for Linux and Ubuntu. Does it also work well for other types of software development, i.e. could/should/will it replace CVS/SVN eventually?

<dabaR> I only got one file, hello when I branched his URL

<nansub0111> QUESTION: does the bzr-svn plug-in work the other way as well too? Suppose I use bzr locally for version control, but the public repository is subversion. Thanks

<nansub0111> COMMENT: I should clarify I want to use subversion only for releasing public files

QUESTION: sabdfl has talking about the importance of revision control in freedom even other than code. Can bazaar be used for non code applications? what sort of applications do you think it could be useful for

<Xk2c> QUESTION: will pakages be handeld via bzr in future?

<PriceChild> launchpad is managing some sources in bzr isn't it?

<ucap> QUESTION: Is there a tutorial somewhere? What other resources would you recommend to get to know bazaar?

<tekNico> QUESTION: Is BazaarNG ever going to get small, simple *and* fast as Mercurial? ;-)

<jam-laptop> for an example of a non-code project using ubuntu: https://code.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/

<alienSkull> QUESTION: Do you use Bazaar while developing Bazaar?

<zorglu_> QUESTION: what is the status of the eclipse plugin ? how stable it is, can i feel confident that it wont crash my precious source code ? :)

(05:41:59 PM) PriceChild: dabaR, would like to see the continuation of the demo you were doing poolie.
(05:42:46 PM) poolie: ok
(05:42:59 PM) poolie: so at least one person now has a copy of my code
(05:43:13 PM) poolie: now edit 'hello' in your favourite editor
(05:43:43 PM) poolie: add a line of text or two
(05:43:48 PM) poolie: save/exit
(05:43:52 PM) poolie: and run 'bzr diff'
(05:43:57 PM) poolie: and it shows you what you've change
(05:44:05 PM) poolie: and 'bzr status' summarizes that
(05:44:13 PM) poolie: this should be familiar from cvs or svn
(05:44:20 PM) poolie: you can now 'bzr commit'
(05:44:39 PM) poolie: this may be surprising - you don't have write access to my branch - but you can do it into your new local branch
(05:45:27 PM) poolie: now try 'bzr log' and it should show your change following mine
(05:45:45 PM) poolie: i'll let people catch up...

<ranf_> QUESTION: how do I see where it got commited to?

<Demon012> QUESTION: How do you tell bazaar to commit to another location like for an example an FTP Server?

<nealmcb> QUESTION: I'd like to use bzr to manage changes to configurations in /etc and maybe other places. The documentation mentions this, but I'd love to see best practices or examples tailored to sysadmin. And I'd love to be able to host the repository somewhere other than in /etc or / itself.

<dAndy> QUESTION: Is bzr entirely python or is there C mixed in for better performance? What else is being done to improve performance?

<ranf_> COMMENT: for the push I had to include my LP username like so "bzr push sftp://user@bazaar.launchpad.net/..."

<Demon012> QUESTION: is there any web based bazaar clients that can be used to submit changes to a branch? or even to just view the contents revisions to them?

<dabaR> < rulus> Question: how to get your change to poolie's branch?

<ucap> QUESTION: How important is launchpad for the success of bazaar and/or vice-versa?

<KalleDK> QUESTION How about roll back.. is that merge a earlier version and commit as svn or is there a rollback feature

(06:00:13 PM) poolie: thanks very much, interesting questions
(06:00:46 PM) jam-laptop: You are all also welcome in #bzr on this server
(06:00:51 PM) jam-laptop: Feel free to ask questions there
(06:00:56 PM) poolie: thanks jam

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