Ubuntu Open Week - Community Q+A - Jono Bacon - Wed, Apr 25, 2007


(11:00:44 AM) jono: righteo folks, lets get this going \m/
(11:01:19 AM) jono: the aim of this session is to simply provide an hour of Q+A - you are welcome to ask my what you like - and I will try to help
(11:01:38 AM) jono: naturally I cannot answer all things, so I may refer to others
(11:01:44 AM) jono: the way it works is simple:
(11:02:03 AM) jono: join #ubuntu-classroom-chat and post your question in there including my nick and the word QUESTION
(11:02:16 AM) jono: the questions will then be posted in here by elkbuntu and I will answer them
(11:02:36 AM) jono: I want to start things off with a question from Hobbsee

<Hobbsee> QUESTION: Are you going to spend all of UDS evenings drinking, instead of sleeping at all, like LCA?

<hobbsee> QUESTION: how many beers are you owed, on estimate, for UDS? And how many do you owe?

<Hobbsee> QUESTION: how old do you have to be to be a member

<Belutz> QUESTION: is the loco leader must be an ubuntu member? or can he/she can just an ubuntero?

<gumpa> QUESTION where is the best place to learn about making a custom livecd?

<PriceChild> QUESTION: Do you have any ideas on what can be done to further help the integration of the forums with the main ubuntu community?

<mART> jono: QUESTION: Do you think the extensive use of launchpad will create a parallel universe for some activities especially in the Gnome community, E.g. translations in launchpad. How do you think the development process could be improved to avoid parallel efforts?

<Belutz> QUESTION: do you have any suggestion of what to be put in presetations for Introducing Ubuntu and Feisty Fawn demo?

<harrisony> QUESTION: How do you react to the people that boycott launchpad and ubuntu due to the licencing of LP?

<pixelpapst> QUESTION: since you mentioned pushing ppl. to use forums, should I point people to forums or answers.lp nowadays to look for help ?

<harrisony> QUESTION: how would you rate microsofts open source/linux efforts

<richb> QUESTION: Do you think the trend of of supplying flavours of Linux based on desktop environments or role will spread further (Currently Ubuntu and FC7)?

<PriceChild> QUESTION: The Launchpad devs have seemed very reluctant to help integrate the forums wth launchpad. Supposedly due to the very good reason that Launchpad != Ubuntu. The forums have integrated a few features like links to accounts and related bugs to posts. Do you still think that this integration can be two way?

<Belutz> QUESTION: when are you going to make a loco tour in south east asia to talk about loco? you can also make a metal concert while making a tour :D

<ukubuntu> QUESTION, how does a person who loves UBUNTU and the community, but cannot code, earn a living?

<luis_lopez> Question: What's the average time you have to be involved doing community work or development before applying to be a ubuntu member?

<Belutz> QUESTION: how does ubuntu/canonical acknowledged loco contributions?

<deniz_ogut> jono QUESTION: What can you say about the Full Circle magazine, Ubuntu community magazine released issue #0. Perspectives for the future?

<tonytiger> jono: QUESTION. As Community Manager, you visit various communities at events around the world. What does a Community Manager do on a day-by-day basis, sat at home, though?

<superm1> QUESTION: what do you think its going to take for more linux friendly vendors to begin shipping ubuntu/debian friendly packages? It seems the popular trend is still rpms.

<mc44> QUESTION: Community support seems to be a rather disparate effort with forums, various irc channels, launchpad, mailing lists, locos, wiki help, official documentation etc. How do you think support can be improved in the future? (/me apparantly missed this one)

<mART> jono: QUESTION: What do you think of the idea of creating some kind of ubuntu club that you can join when installing ubuntu. I could imagine this to be something like Apples iDisk Service used to be in the pre-.Mac era or like the Nintendo club. The difference would be that it only would be used to improve community interaction without commercial interest.

<pwnedd> jono: QUESTION: Is there any good place where people can request / fill requests for features or articles related to Ubuntu? (I'm thinking along the lines of Wikipedia's requested articles)..

<ukubuntu> QUESTION, How small can a loco team be? Do you need technically able people in it to be an official loco.?

<Belutz> QUESTION: I mean, what if a loco team become inactive? and is there a reward for active loco, such as more stickers and cds for that loco team?

<harrisony> QUESTION:do you want another email (from me) to deal with :D

<reiki_work> QUESTION: I have been an Ubuntu user since August of 2005. Wehn do you think linux ingeneral will finally "seize the day" and get organized enough to seriously threaten Microsoft's hold on the world's wallets?

<Hobbsee> jono: QUESTION: when will you write all the MOTU documentation for us, kthnksbye!

<sampbar> QUESTION: is there any staff members which could do Question and Answer sessions with school IT staff?

<jsgotangco> QUESTION: When is the next jono album be out in the P2P servers

<mc44> QUESTION: If you were asking a question of yourself, what do you think the most important question ywould be? And what is the answer?

<tonytiger> QUESTION. Linux communities have a tendency for the over-keen but well-meaning members to dominate, perhaps not in the best way. How do loco teams and other small advocacy groups stop this from happening, and ensure Ubuntu is presented in a fair light.

<Belutz> QUESTION: with very large workload, how do youa manage your time to hang out, go to movies or find a soulmate?

<ukubuntu> Question There is a Ubuntu-UK loco, where could I find a more localised group that is not just a lug? are there lists? Are there such town locos in the UK?

<tonytiger> QUESTION. Sub-question then is how do you control the damage these people can do whilst you're re-educating them?

<apokryphos> QUESTION: will Ubuntu ever be able to run without computers, and instead run just on hype? :D

(11:58:23 AM) jono: right
(11:58:26 AM) jono: I think we are about done
(11:58:33 AM) elkbuntu: one more.... :D
(11:58:35 AM) jono: ok :)

<harrisony> QUESTION: How do you officially pronounce Canonical and Ubuntu ( can you record you saying it)

(11:59:37 AM) jono: thanks so much everyone for taking part, and thanks for the great questions :)
(11:59:51 AM) jono: jono AT ubuntu DOT com is the address :)
(12:00:13 PM) jono: have a great open week folks! :D

MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/communityQA (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:24 by localhost)