Ubuntu Open Week - Packaging Firefox Extensions - Alexander Sack - Wed, Apr 30, 2008
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Open Week | Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | How to ask questions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules | Ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, prefaced with "QUESTION:" |See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/JoiningIn to filter out channel noise | Current Session: "Packaging Firefox Extensions" - Alexander Sack [19:00] <jcastro> ok, next up is Packaging Firefox Extensions with asac! [19:00] <asac> thanks jcastro [19:00] <jcastro> asac: take it away! [19:00] <asac> Welcome to the Firefox Extension Packaging world. [19:00] <asac> First I want to give some general information about extension packaging. In particular the why. [19:01] <asac> (this questions pops-up frequently so i think its good to address here upfront) [19:01] <asac> Then I'll go and give a quick review on what was done during the hardy cycle and where we plan to go for the future. [19:01] <asac> Next, I will give a short insight in how you can contribute. [19:02] <asac> and finally we'll go and exercise some basics by packaging an extension. For that we will repackage ubufox which should help to show. [19:02] <asac> the general idea [19:02] <asac> So why do we want extensions packaged. Isn't addons.mozilla.org good enough? [19:03] <asac> addons.mozilla.org surely is a great portal for getting extensions and automatically updating them. [19:03] <asac> But its not all positive: [19:03] <asac> 1. it doesn't allow you to install extensions globally easily. [19:03] <asac> 2. more important is the fact that automatically updated extensions might not match the quality expectations of users, especially in corporate environments [19:04] <asac> packaged extensions would allow us to stabilize extensions and given the track record of crashes due to extensions it looks worth to do [19:05] <asac> Any questions on these? [19:05] <asac> < toobuntu> QUESTION: Are Ubuntu packaged Firefox extensions meant to replace the -install-global-extension option? There seem to often be issues with permissions and configs, and they globals just haven't work out well for me in a multiuser environment. [19:06] <asac> right the install global option is not really working properly [19:06] <asac> packages don't replace it, but its the better approach for distributing extensions [19:06] <asac> ok lets go on [19:07] <jcastro> * waiting on questions * [19:08] <asac> OK, lets move one. What was done in hardy? [19:09] <asac> In hardy we started to package extensions using our new mozilla-devscripts helpers that make packaging quite easy [19:09] <asac> we will use this helper to package the example later on [19:09] <asac> anyway, It was hard work, especially since most extensions were not yet available for firefox 3. [19:10] <asac> But thanks to the hard work of contributors we managed to get more extensions into the archive than ever before. [19:10] <asac> An overview of packages can be seen on the firefox 3 extension page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions which is used to document the data needed to properly maintain extensions in ubuntu. [19:11] <asac> so in short, I would declare this a victory and i want to express my thanks to all involved in making that happen [19:11] <asac> However, we are still not where we would like to be and for intrepid we are planning to scale this up. [19:12] <asac> Based on our experiences from the hardy cycle we discussed how to better automize the extension packaging process. [19:12] <asac> which is a requirement to maintain as many extensions as possible in the future with as little manpower as possible. [19:13] <asac> of course we will still need you on the manpower side ;) [19:13] <asac> as not everything can be done automatically [19:14] <asac> For those intereseted the (not yet finished) current state of that discussion can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/LargeScaleMaintenance [19:14] <asac> Any questions? [19:15] <jcastro> < toobuntu> QUESTION: If we encounter an extension that is not already packaged, we should make an effort to package it, then? Please tell us what's involved... [19:15] <asac> i think we will come to that later. but basically all starts with adding the extension to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions wiki page and gather all the data in the table [19:16] <asac> once that is done and everything is available, the packaging can start. [19:16] <asac> its not even required that you do the packaging on your own. getting the data is often harder than packaging itself [19:16] <asac> :) [19:16] <asac> especially sorting out licensing ;) [19:16] <asac> Next [19:17] <jcastro> < MiSc0110> QUESTION: Are this packaged extensions for Firefox only, or are they for Thunderbird too? [19:17] <asac> currently we focussed on extensions for firefox [19:18] <asac> but that doesn't mean that we won't do the same for thunderbird in future. [19:18] <asac> I agree, that we should add a similar wiki page for thunderbird extensions. the process will be similar and we can certainly maintain include thunderbird extensions in our intrepid work [19:19] <asac> Next [19:19] <asac> (if you are interested in particular thunderbird extensions, please come to #ubuntu-mozillateam channel and ask there) [19:20] <asac> ok ... lets move on [19:20] <asac> So, how can you contribute? [19:20] <asac> obviously you can help doing the packaging work. after some practice you will usually learn quickly how to package extensions [19:21] <asac> and usually reach an expertise level just after a few extensions. [19:21] <asac> packaging extensions is definitly a good starter task [19:21] <asac> but as said above, you can also contribute by suggesting new extensions [19:21] <asac> and getting all the data required before we can start packaging them. [19:22] <asac> for that you do not need any special technical skills [19:22] <asac> as said above the most important things you need to figure before you suggest an extension for packaging is to check: [19:22] <asac> 1. does the .xpi include a license file - and is the license suitable for ubuntu [19:22] <asac> 2. does the xpi support firefox 3 - if not, does it work if you disable compatibility. [19:23] <asac> however, extension authors are not really used to licensing and often they just don't know the difference of including a license in the .xpi or just stating the license on a website [19:24] <asac> so if there is no license file in the .xpi it makes sense to contact the author, explaining the situation and asking him politely to include a license file in the top level directory of the xpi [19:24] <asac> Which license is suitable and how to check if an extension works with firefox 3 is documented in the first paragraph of the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions wiki page. [19:24] <asac> (there might be more licenses, but the list should cover most cases) [19:25] <asac> Questions? [19:25] <ompaul> Question: how does one disable compatibility [19:25] <asac> this is documented in the top most paragraph on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions page [19:26] <asac> you have set the extensions.checkCompatibility to false [19:26] <asac> in about:config [19:26] <asac> next [19:27] <asac> OK, lets get started on the packaging excersize for today. [19:27] <asac> I wrote a basic packaging page once: [19:27] <asac> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/Packaging [19:27] <asac> You do not need to read it now, please just do what is listed in the Prerequisites section (on top of that page). [19:28] <asac> (if you want to do this excersize) [19:28] <asac> OK, lets wait a few minutes for those of you who want to follow ... [19:28] <asac> feel free to ask questions during this excersize whenever you want :) [19:33] <asac> ok, while you are finalizing your preparations some words. [19:33] <asac> packaging usually starts with setting up an upstream branch [19:34] <asac> this is what the ubufox.upstream branch is. [19:34] <asac> its a bit unfair, because ubufox ships decent sources, and in real live you need to convert .xpis to proper upstream branches first [19:34] <ompaul> rogfou> QUESTION: what is the policy for updating such extension packages? especially for an LTS (it's ok to answer this question after the exercise if prefered) [19:35] <asac> our largescalemaintenance approachs plans to provide latest extensions to -backports for _all_ stable distributions [19:36] <asac> unless there is a serious bug we won't send new upstrewam versions to -updates though. but i think thats a good compromise [19:36] <asac> serving our users with a somewhat similar experience than AMO ... just QAed and opt-in [19:36] <asac> end of answer :) [19:36] <asac> ok, lets go on [19:37] <asac> so basically you need an .upstream branch. based on that you create a packaging branch. to do so run: [19:37] <asac> bzr branch ubufox.upstream ubufox.ubuntu [19:37] <asac> this will create a ubufox.ubuntu directory next to your ubufox.upstream branch [19:38] <asac> now we have to add the initial packaging. [19:38] <asac> for that we copy the debian/ directory from the XPI.TEMPLATE into the ubufox.ubuntu directory [19:38] <asac> e.g. cp -r XPI.TEMPLATE/debian ubufox.ubuntu/ [19:39] <asac> then you switch to the ubufox.ubuntu directory [19:39] <asac> cd ubufox.ubuntu [19:39] <asac> and add the new files to the branch [19:39] <asac> bzr add debian [19:40] <asac> the output i get from this looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8993/ [19:40] <asac> the content of the ubufox.ubuntu directory looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8994/ after doing that [19:41] <asac> now you have to edit the template files [19:41] <asac> 1. changelog: change the package name in the first line to match the package you are trying to package [19:41] <asac> and change the name to match your name/email [19:42] <asac> the changelog currently contains some documentation about the best-practices on how to commit, but thats not important for this session. [19:42] <asac> usually you would also change the version of the changelog to match the upstream version (which is in install.rdf) [19:43] <asac> so in this case you would use 0.6~a1-0ubuntu1 [19:44] <asac> 2. control: here you have to change the Source: field to match your package (ubufox) and the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field (use your name if you want to be the primary packaging contact) [19:44] <asac> usually you would also change the Vcs-Bzr field, but since this is just an excersize you can skip this [19:44] <asac> together with fixing package description and so on [19:45] <asac> in case you would create a thunderbird extension you would also adapt the Depends: field accordingly. [19:45] <asac> the template should cover the most common firefox cases (usable for firefox 2 + firefox 3) [19:46] <asac> 3. copyright ... you don't need to edit this for this excersize. usually you would fill in the license of the extension you package [19:47] <asac> oh, for 2. i forgot that you need to change the Package: field as well (ubufox) [19:48] <asac> 4. rules: here you have to change the fields MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG and the MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND [19:48] <asac> the MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG would be the value you added to the Package: field in control [19:49] <asac> the MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND is expected to produce an .xpi in the top level directory [19:49] <asac> the rules files looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996/ for me now [19:50] <asac> ok lets sync up [19:51] <asac> my changelog looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8998/ [19:51] <asac> my control looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8999/ [19:52] <asac> and the rules like above (http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996/) [19:52] <asac> when you are done you can commit everything like [19:52] <asac> bzr commit -m "* initial packaging (0.6~a1-0ubuntu1)" [19:52] <asac> and do a test build [19:52] <asac> dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b [19:53] <asac> ok, kind of a rush, but i hope you could follow [19:53] <asac> questions so far? [19:53] <ompaul> <progfou> QUESTION: does the update policy specify if one should update only on security issue and major bugs correction (data loss) or also on added new features? [19:53] <asac> problems? [19:53] <asac> we want latest extensions everywhere ... thats why our policy for -backports allows new features [19:53] <ompaul> <artir> dpkg-buildpackage: fallo: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 [19:54] <asac> for -updates we have the same policy as the ubuntu distribution [19:54] <asac> e.g. only security related changes that are minimal. [19:54] <asac> however, security issues have to be considered case-by-case [19:55] <asac> there might be cases where updating to latest upstream might be better, but usually we want minimal patches for security changes [19:55] <asac> next [19:55] <asac> ah [19:55] <asac> for that error, please post the complete output [19:56] <ompaul> <artir> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9002/ [19:58] <asac> anyway. i think time is running low. if you want to finish this excersize feel free to join us in #ubuntu-mozillateam. we can surely sort out the final issues there :) [19:58] <ompaul> mailing list? [19:58] <asac> same goes for further questions. you can ask in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, or in the mozillateam channel [19:59] <asac> mailing list is: ubuntu-mozillateam AT lists DOT ubuntu DOT com. [19:59] <asac> but you need to be subscribed. most discussion happens in #ubuntu-mozillteam [19:59] <ompaul> asac, thank you \o/ [19:59] <asac> thanks for joining ... and thanks for helping for extension packaging in future [19:59] <asac> hope you had some fun at least ;)
MeetingLogs/openweekhardy/ExtensionsPackaging (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:18 by localhost)