= LWN Subscriptions for Ubuntu Members =
Ubuntu members are entitled to a subscription to Linux Weekly News.
== Process ==
1. Apply for an account at [[https://lwn.net/newaccount|Linux Weekly News]]. If you have an existing account you can skip this step.
1. Send an email to Canonical's [[mailto:Business-services@lists.canonical.com | Business Services team ]] (preferably using your ubuntu.com address) asking for a subscription sponsorship. This email MUST contain:
* Your LWN username
* Your Launchpad username.
1. You will receive a mail when the subscription has been accepted.
1. Enjoy LWN! (Read the [[http://lwn.net/op/FAQ.lwn|FAQ]])
== Expiry ==
There is a high amount of requests for these accounts, so unused account subscriptions are disabled and given to someone else if they remained inactive for 5 months. They can be enabled again, just email again per above when you next need it again.