Draft: How mentorship could be handled in Ubuntu


someone who is allowed to upload packages (equivalent: Debian Developer)
Applicant/Package Maintainer/Uploader/Contributor
  • someone who wishes to become a Committer (or perhaps just someone who is happy to have a sponsor for uploading packages)
  • someone who has a solid knowledge of how Debian/Ubuntu works and guides applicants in maintaining their packages Tasks:
  • improve packaging skills of their applicants
  • procure the Code of Conduct
  • make sure the applicant is motivated and does not do it for becoming famous
  • decide when the applicant is ready to become a committer himself/herself and shall be promoted
  • proposes applicants to the technical board
  • an upload of a mentor on behalf of an applicant


Mentors decide which kind of packages they sponsor (depending on their skills)

Let applicants upload themselves

Help advertising new (first-time uploaded) packages

Track packages that did not get attention after some time (a week?)

Packages should be checked automatically

Try to fix sponsor/applicant relationships

Newer packages in the queue override old package versions

To be decided

Allow uploads for people who don't intend to become committers?

  1. No, everybody who is serious about providing packages for Ubuntu should consider becoming a committer.
  2. Yes, allow a permament sponsorship through a mentor/sponsor.

Should subsequent uploads/updates be accepted automatically even from applicants?

  1. No, every upload needs to be confirmed by the sponsor.
  2. Yes, only first-time uploads are reviewed.

To Do

  1. Create a new package pool for sponsored uploads (no limitations to certain people).
    • Features:
      • new versions of the same package remove old packages
      • new uploads get announced to the mailing list
      • subsequent uploads get announced to the sponsor only
      • automatic linda/lintian checks
  2. Create a mailing list ubuntu-mentors@ for general questions. Sponsors, applicants and other interested people should subscribe here.
  3. Create a mailing list ubuntu-mentors-newuploads@ for automatically announcing new uploads. Sponsors should be subscribed here.
  4. Create a web interface for displaying new packages currently in the upload queue. Options (for committers): confirm or reject (with reason = textfield).


MentoringDraft (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:13 by localhost)