I, Michael Hudson-Doyle, apply for core-dev.


Michael Hudson-Doyle

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page


Who I am

I am a long time Canonicaler (since May 2007) and I've worked on several different things (Launchpad, Linaro infrastructure, ARM server support, Go shared libraries).

My Ubuntu story

My first Linux was Redhat 5.something back in 1998 or so (I just missed the glibc transition!).

After using OS X for a while (2002-2007 ish) I've used Ubuntu exclusively since early 2007 (just before I started with Canonical). Earlier in my Canonical career I was not so directly involved in the development of Ubuntu itself, but my involvement has steadily increased over time.

My involvement

Most of my packaging has been around Go support, starting with collecting, testing and occasionally writing patches to make gccgo useful on arm64 (and ppc64el) in time for trusty's release and moving on to taking over the golang packaging in time for Wily. My next project will be using the shared library support I've implemented in Go upstream in the distro, which will require touching the packaging of many Go packages.

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

Getting gccgo to the point of being able to build juju in time for trusty involved learning a lot, fast.

Getting Go 1.5 into Wily fairly late in the cycle without disrupting other teams was pleasing.

Areas of work

I've mostly worked on toolchain-y type things -- binutils, gcc, gccgo, golang, one glibc patch.

My sponsorship miner report has recent things, but you can also find my name in the gcc-5 and gccgo-4.9 changelogs (and probably some others).

Things I could do better

I don't have an especially broad knowledge of packaging (I don't think I've ever touched a package that didn't use debhelper, for example).

I don't spend as much time on general Ubuntu maintenance as I should.

Plans for the future


As mentioned above, I plan to work on using Go shared libraries in the distro. I also plan to get more involved in the Debian side of things so that we do not develop a too-large delta there.

I'll also do my bit to keep the sponsorship queue down (see below for more ranting about this :-p).

What I like least in Ubuntu

I've worked on projects with mandatory pre-merge reviews for so long that the prospect of being able to upload to Ubuntu unsupervised is almost scary. I'd love to work towards a model where _all_ uploads get prompt review, core devs included, and uploads from non-core-devs are reviewed as promptly or almost as promptly as core devs. If this involves the next iteration of the sadly failed UDD/NoMoreSourcePackages experiment, all the better.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.


Michael has been a part of the Ubuntu community for many years, even if his work hasn't involved much interaction with the archive until recently. With his work on the golang toolchain, he has definitely gone straight for the deep end. I have sponsored three uploads for him which ranged from the trivial (a patch to fix a build failure) to the extreme (a merge of a new upstream version of golang from Debian unstable, after a year plus of packaging drift). In between was an SRU, where his handling was spot on for the SRU process.

Michael can certainly use some more exposure to different packages in the archive, but I am already confident in his ability to correctly handle himself around previously unseen packaging situations. His work on enabling shared library support for packages written in go has already required him to become well versed in some of the most arcane corners of the packaging system, and the rest will be a piece of cake by comparison; and giving him direct upload access will certainly let him go about implementing such things across packages more efficiently for the benefit of Ubuntu.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here:
## http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?
=== Areas of Improvement ===


MichaelHudsonDoyle/CoreDevApplication (last edited 2016-03-09 22:37:27 by mwhudson)