#format wiki #language en || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~michael-verret/|MichaelVerret]] || || '''Ubuntu Forums''': || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=362700/|Axxium]] || || '''IRC''': || '''Axxium''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || == About Me == I'm a 33 year old father of two living in the United States with my beautiful wife of 11 years (She made me type this last part), in the Great State of Louisiana. My profession is not computer related but that doesn't stop me from contributing. I build and repair computers for friends and associates. I also dabble with Bash and C++ programming. My other hobbies include website setup, administration, maintenance and artwork. In between those things I find time to play guitar. Ubuntu is not my first experience with Gnu/Linux but I must say it is example of the Gnu/Linux community's finest. I have experience in organizing groups and teams and a variety of other tasks by serving as an administrator for Zenwalk Gnu/Linux. Currently I run my computers on the latest AMD_64 versions of Ubuntu and greatly enjoy all of the perks. I also recommend others to do the same. In August 2007, I founded the LouisianaTeam LoCo team. The team is still in it's infancy but I'm optimistic it will quickly grow. This is an exciting time to be in Gnu/Linux and Ubuntu, I'm happy to be a part of it! == My contributions to Ubuntu == * Founder and current team leader of the U.S. Louisiana LoCo team. * Member if the art team. * Create digital art such as Logos for Ubuntu LoCos. * Create presentation templates for slideshow presentations in ODF format. * Create and maintain custom "Ubuntu and Kubuntu" themes for the CMS Xoops. * I spend a lot of time on IRC channels on irc.freenode.net, helping users and administering the channel #ubuntu-us-la. * I build customs PCs and repair Desktop and Laptop systems. I always mention and highly recommend Ubuntu as the system owner's Operating System. To date I have a high number of Windows to Ubuntu converts, not only from my build and repair customers but from any person that I meet or work with. * Naturally I provide support and teach users locally on how to install and use Ubuntu as their operating system on a daily basis.