Log of the March 6, 2011 IRC meeting of the Ubuntu Michigan LoCo {{{ 20:58 < greg-g> alrighty, might as well get this thing officially started 20:58 < rick_h_> http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/39/detail/ 20:58 < greg-g> Here's the agenda: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/39/detail/ 20:58 < rick_h_> updated agenda 20:58 < greg-g> hah 20:59 < greg-g> welcome everyone 20:59 < jjesse> is #1 everyone joins greg-g and me on #debian-us-mi? 20:59 < greg-g> can I get a quick show of hands (o/) who is here? 20:59 jjesse raises hands 20:59 < thurston> yo 20:59 < snap-l> o/ 20:59 < brousch> i'm slightly here 21:00 < greg-g> pokes _stink_ 21:00 < greg-g> alright, well, that's probably it. 21:00 < brousch> rick_h_: you could at least hook me up with Apple commercials 21:00 < jjesse> what ar we watching? 21:00 < greg-g> so, Agenda item #1, Ubuntu Global Jam 21:00 < greg-g> This will be the weekend of APril 1st. 21:01 < brousch> you're joking? 21:01 < greg-g> In the past we have done these at either SRT Solutions in Ann Arbor or the library in Macomb County 21:01 < greg-g> brousch: har 21:01 < greg-g> both locations seem to get the same number of individuals, roughly 21:02 < snap-l> Can't do the library in Macomb anymore, as I'm not a resident anymore. 21:02 < greg-g> snap-l: oh right 21:02 < greg-g> well, SRT works for me, if jrwren can get it for us 21:02 < snap-l> I'm OK with SRT as well 21:02 < rick_h_> I'd say we hit up SRT, it's been a good location in the past 21:02 greg-g nods 21:02 < greg-g> jrwren: I'll email you as well, but we're thinking SRT for April 2nd (Saturday) for an Ubuntu Global Jam 21:03 < greg-g> oh yeah, I assume Saturday is the best day to do this ;) 21:03 < snap-l> assumtion granted. 21:03 < rick_h_> :( 21:03 < greg-g> rick_h_: bad day for you? 21:03 < rick_h_> yea, wife works one weekend a month, that day 21:03 < greg-g> ahhhhhhhh 21:03 < rick_h_> that's ok though 21:03 < rick_h_> best for group and all 21:04 < brousch> sunday 21:04 < rick_h_> might be able to sneak out late, but not until post 2pm 21:04 < snap-l> rick_h_: Actually, either day works for me. 21:04 < greg-g> sundays can work as well, too 21:04 < greg-g> rick_h_: is Sun better? 21:04 < rick_h_> for me yes 21:04 < rick_h_> if we're doing the usual noon-xxx something 21:05 < greg-g> yeah 21:05 < greg-g> alright, lets plan on Sunday April 3rd from noon - 5pm 21:05 < snap-l> OK, sounds good 21:05 < brousch> assuming srt will do sunday 21:05 < greg-g> topics? Anyone want to lead a session on bug triaging or documentation or something? 21:05 < greg-g> yeah 21:06 < rick_h_> let's put out a call 21:06 < greg-g> We'll be able to spend some time testing Natty in virtual machines 21:06 < rick_h_> and I'll see if we can come up with something 21:06 < greg-g> rick_h_: good idea 21:06 < snap-l> Is Natty actually getting released around that time? 21:06 < rick_h_> we've got a little bit of time to scrounge something up 21:06 < greg-g> snap-l: a few weeks later 21:07 < greg-g> s/few/couple/ 21:07 < rick_h_> Release Development Iteration 3 21:07 < snap-l> OK, then we shall test it like the wind 21:07 < rick_h_> is the 3/24 21:07 < greg-g> cool. Settled. I'll send out a call for proposals for the UGJ :) 21:07 < thurston> does running in a virtual server count? 21:07 < rick_h_> sure, counts as some 21:07 < snap-l> thurston: Everything counts 21:07 < greg-g> thurston: it isn't the best for testing hardware issues, but for other bugs in software yeah 21:07 < brousch> thurston: only if you can actually get it to work ;) 21:07 < thurston> lol 21:07 < rick_h_> and we'll talk someone into installing it since it'll be B1 21:08 < greg-g> I'll probably be doing an install around then 21:08 < snap-l> Is anyone else having fun with Google Calendar? It's acting like a complete pain for me 21:08 < rick_h_> working here snap-l 21:08 < brousch> i have a netbook that is expendable 21:08 < brousch> actual hardware 21:08 < brousch> could bring a dell latitude 600something too 21:08 < greg-g> alright, agenda #2: Natty Release Party - April 21st 21:09 < greg-g> er, I guess 28th 21:09 < rick_h_> thurs 21:09 < rick_h_> want to move it to weekend? 21:09 < snap-l> I'd prefer weekend if possible 21:09 < greg-g> yeah, I think a weekend night might be better 21:10 < rick_h_> 30th keeps it in 11:04 21:10 < greg-g> somewhere other than SRT :) 21:10 < rick_h_> Sat 21:10 < rick_h_> hah 21:10 < brousch> If it's the 28th I'll combine it with the WMLUG over here on the west side 21:10 < greg-g> brousch: ahh, yeah 21:10 < greg-g> brousch: Sat is clear, though, right? 21:10 < jjesse> brousch if you are doing something on the west side let me 21:10 < jjesse> know 21:10 < brousch> it meets on the last thrusday, so the 28th 21:11 < greg-g> so, I felt that liberty street brewing, where we were last time, got a bit cramped 21:11 < brousch> jjesse: np 21:11 < greg-g> we might have to do a reservation if we'll be decently large again (~10-15 people) 21:11 < snap-l> I think liberty can't contain us 21:12 < greg-g> snap-l: yeah 21:12 < brousch> heh 21:12 < snap-l> What about that place in ypsi? 21:12 < greg-g> Corner Brewery 21:12 < greg-g> rick_h_: doesn't like it 21:12 < rick_h_> hah 21:12 < rick_h_> I'm fine with whatever 21:12 < greg-g> he has to pick up his own plate ;) 21:12 < rick_h_> gah! 21:13 < snap-l> Um, we could do it at Penguicon 21:13 < greg-g> and they don't really do reservations, so we would need to get there before it got busy 21:13 < snap-l> since it's that freaking weekend. :) 21:13 < greg-g> oh, crap, yeah 21:13 < snap-l> I knew there was something in the way. :) 21:13 < brousch> didn't you do that last year? 21:13 < greg-g> yeah 21:13 < greg-g> that's right 21:13 < snap-l> Yeah, we did 21:14 < snap-l> Weekend before is Easter 21:14 < snap-l> Weekend after is May 21:14 < greg-g> alright, who all is going to Penguicon? 21:14 < snap-l> y 21:14 < brousch> n 21:14 < snap-l> rick_h_ is going as well 21:14 < brousch> too scary 21:15 < snap-l> even though he doesn't know it yet. 21:15 < rick_h_> heh, looks like I might be going 21:15 < snap-l> brousch: It's only scary if you let it be scary 21:15 < greg-g> I will be presenting at a conference in Lansing that weekend :/ 21:15 < snap-l> greg-g: boo 21:15 < brousch> i'll be watching greg-g drone on about licenses and libraries 21:15 < greg-g> hehe 21:16 < greg-g> well, it seemed like we were able to just meet up in the lobby bar for that and it worked out well 21:16 < snap-l> So, do we make it a separate event? 21:16 < snap-l> or combine with Penguicon? 21:16 < rick_h_> I think we can combine 21:16 < rick_h_> but make sure to pub it 21:16 < snap-l> I vote combine w/ Penguicon 21:16 < rick_h_> setup an official time/place 21:16 < snap-l> yep 21:16 < greg-g> yeah definitely 21:17 < rick_h_> like we did last year 21:17 < greg-g> I'm in Kansas City the next weekend anyways (sis's graduation) 21:17 < greg-g> are we good with the bar again? or do we want a room? 21:17 < snap-l> greg-g: Want me to organize? 21:17 < greg-g> snap-l: that'd be great 21:17 < greg-g> :) 21:17 < snap-l> got it 21:18 < greg-g> alright, lets skip #3 and go to #4, MUG Membership 21:19 < greg-g> so, MUG Membership, this is where we, as a loco, can start a collection to cover the cost of joing MUG (http://www.mug.org) as a "company" and that way those who donated get a year's membership and we'll have a meeting sometime later one where we can do an Ubuntu theme'd talk 21:19 < snap-l> I spoke with the board (since I'm now on the board) and we're good to go from MUG's perspective. 21:19 < greg-g> awesome, did I recount it correctly? 21:19 < jjesse> what benifits do we get as being a part of MUG? 21:19 < snap-l> greg-g: Believe so 21:19 < rick_h_> yea, let's start with "what is mug" 21:19 < rick_h_> board member... 21:20 < greg-g> haha, ok MUG, Michigan User Group, one of the oldest Unix/Linux user groups in Michigan, which meets around Detroit 21:20 < snap-l> MUG is the Michigan Unix Users Group, a non-profit organization committed to mumble mumble Linux Unix. 21:20 < rick_h_> lol 21:20 < greg-g> haha 21:20 < rick_h_> so they rent space and pay to bring in speakers from time to time 21:20 < snap-l> Benefits of membership include 21:20 < greg-g> they have monthly meetings, and a yearly membership is something like $25 21:20 < rick_h_> to fund that, people pay a memberhsip fee for $35 21:20 < snap-l> Warm feeling 21:20 < snap-l> Mailing 21:21 < snap-l> ability to vote 21:21 < rick_h_> it's voluntary 21:21 < thurston> free books 21:21 < greg-g> yep, free book giveaways most meetings 21:21 < brousch> damn, they charge to be a member? 21:21 < brousch> must be the unix influence 21:21 < rick_h_> they give you the chance to pay to be a member :) 21:21 < rick_h_> great group and the meeting space costs $$ 21:21 < greg-g> I didn't pay the few few times I went 21:22 < rick_h_> right, it's totally optional 21:22 < rick_h_> now they have a group membership deal 21:22 < rick_h_> you 'sponsor' a meeting 21:22 < greg-g> yeah, just a fact of life, really, they aren't making out like bandits on us 21:22 < rick_h_> and the group gets membership for it's peeps in exchance for the sponsorship 21:22 < greg-g> and that's what we thought would be cool for the LoCo to do 21:22 < rick_h_> so to sponsor a meeting it's $150? 21:23 < greg-g> snap-l: ? is that right, i have forgotten 21:23 < thurston> i already paid 21:23 < snap-l> yep 21:23 < snap-l> I did as well, but I'll pool in to a group sponsorship 21:23 < greg-g> yeah 21:23 < rick_h_> yea, it's turned a bit late for this at this point tbh 21:24 < greg-g> unfortunately, yeah 21:24 < rick_h_> was hoped to save $$ for the people, but I think the idea/support is still good 21:24 greg-g nods 21:24 < rick_h_> and want to try to push it forward anyway 21:24 < greg-g> I think we should 21:24 < snap-l> ++ 21:24 < greg-g> now, has anyone raise money like this before? 21:24 < rick_h_> so the idea would be we'd pool together the $150, sponsor the meeting, and then provide Ubuntu content for the meeting 21:24 < rick_h_> kind of "loco takes over MUG" night 21:24 < greg-g> :) 21:24 < rick_h_> support the local LUG and do some good will and all that 21:25 < snap-l> wfm 21:25 < brousch> will that cause political issues? some people hate ubuntu 21:25 < rick_h_> no, not in this group 21:25 < rick_h_> it's 90% ubuntu anyway 21:25 < rick_h_> we basically run half of it as it is 21:25 < greg-g> yeah, we'll see what happens after Natty, but.. ;) 21:25 < brousch> ok 21:25 < greg-g> so, I guess I could take paypal donations? 21:26 < brousch> must be the jcastro distortion field over there 21:26 < rick_h_> greg-g: works for me 21:26 < rick_h_> I'd say we send greg our 'donations' and then publisize how things stand 21:26 < greg-g> I'll even let someone look at my paypal account in person to see the transaction history so you know I don't skim off the top :) 21:26 < rick_h_> and shoot for a meeting post-natty perhaps 21:26 greg-g nods 21:26 < snap-l> greg-g: how are you handling paypal fees, or are we looking for 16 folks? 21:27 < rick_h_> well I'd just say allow donations 21:27 < greg-g> I didn't think there were fees for something like this? 21:27 < rick_h_> I mean, brousch probably doesn't need membership, but might be willing to toss over $5 :P 21:27 < rick_h_> greg-g: I think it depends on if people use CC or not in their paypal setup 21:27 < brousch> i'm supposed to spend $5 on free things 21:27 < rick_h_> but it's pretty nomical 21:28 < greg-g> brousch: :) 21:28 < rick_h_> brousch: no, to get that warm and fuzzy feeling 21:28 < thurston> person to person is supposed to be free 21:28 < snap-l> greg-g: Yeah, it's something like 2% or something, iirc 21:28 < greg-g> alright, I'll do that. I'll send out an email to the mailing list 21:28 < snap-l> maybe not 21:28 < rick_h_> awesome greg-g 21:28 < snap-l> greg-g: Thank you. :) 21:28 < greg-g> snap-l: ah, so $3 on $150, I can eat that 21:28 < rick_h_> snap-l: can you check out the schedule with MUG going forward and see about us nabbing the June/July meeting then if we get the funds 21:29 < rick_h_> then later we can bring up some ideas for topics/presenters 21:29 < brousch> what day do they meet? 21:29 < greg-g> yep 21:29 < rick_h_> 2nd tues each month brousch 21:29 < snap-l> rick_h_: Will do 21:30 < greg-g> awesome, I think that one is done? snap-l is checking on dates, i'll send out the email/blog post 21:30 < rick_h_> coolness 21:30 < greg-g> alright 21:30 < greg-g> $5, Penguicon 21:30 < greg-g> other than the Release Party, we haven't seen anything regarding LoCo participation 21:31 < rick_h_> has anyone heard from their tech chairs? 21:31 < rick_h_> I've not heard anything, usually they're asking us to do some content 21:31 < greg-g> I haven't, that I remember (or I forgot) 21:31 < greg-g> yeah 21:31 < snap-l> rick_h_: I haven't. Asked nullspace and waldo re: that 21:31 < rick_h_> ok, well if they want anything they should come by sometime or get an email to the mailing list 21:32 < rick_h_> I guess just wanted to bring it up and see if anyone else had heard anything 21:32 < greg-g> yeah, good idea. but I guess we're good 21:32 < rick_h_> +1 21:32 < greg-g> alright, last item, #3: Ubuntu Hour 21:32 < snap-l> We'll find out soon 21:33 < greg-g> Ubuntu Hours are basically a get together, usually once a week, but it can be less often 21:33 < rick_h_> we've always kind of had CHC as an unofficial ubuntu hour 21:33 < rick_h_> we could try to tag team the naming if it gets us points 21:33 < brousch> i've been considering one 21:33 < greg-g> yeah, that is what I was thinking 21:33 < greg-g> brousch: that'd be great 21:33 < rick_h_> but we've been weekly at least 3-5 of us for couple years now 21:33 < greg-g> brousch: is there a thing similar to Coffee House Coders that you would be competing with over there? 21:34 < brousch> no 21:34 < greg-g> good deal 21:34 < brousch> no weekly meetings of anything, grpug is every other week 21:34 < rick_h_> cool, let us know if you need a hand with anything then 21:35 < greg-g> rick_h_: yeah, if you/others are ok with it, we could "co-sponsor" or "co-habitate" the meetings and get it on our list of things for when we have re-approval as a LoCo 21:35 < rick_h_> greg-g: yea, I'll see what I can do about updating the CHC website and such with some ubuntu notes 21:35 < rick_h_> figure something out 21:35 < rick_h_> I don't run it, but will ping them on some rewording 21:35 < greg-g> or I can just do a mailing to our team saying, "join others at CHC" 21:36 < greg-g> no need to rename/rebrand/re-anything with CHC other than maybe say "Ubuntu peeps are espeically welcome" 21:36 < rick_h_> yea, hadn't thought about the renewal side. 21:36 < rick_h_> k, we'll figure it out 21:36 < brousch> The Ubuntu Hour starring the Coffee House Coders 21:36 < greg-g> cool, well, as a test, I'll send out an announcement for a co-located CHC/Ubuntu Hour for the next one and see who shows up 21:36 < greg-g> :) 21:37 < rick_h_> hah, I won't be at the next one, but snap-l can head that up 21:37 < greg-g> rock 21:37 < rick_h_> :P 21:37 < rick_h_> crap, next two actually 21:37 < greg-g> lame 21:37 < rick_h_> go snap-l! 21:37 < rick_h_> pycon :) 21:37 < greg-g> ok, not so lame 21:37 < greg-g> well, that was one efficient meeting, everyone! 21:38 < greg-g> I'll send out the log/minutes tomorrow lunch-time (I have a gf committment now) 21:38 < greg-g> unless someone wants to volunteer? 21:38 < brousch> for your gf commitment? 21:38 < greg-g> brousch: don't even think about it 21:38 < brousch> :-O 21:39 < greg-g> :P 21:39 < rick_h_> come check out a live taping of Rick's Rants in 7min Release Development Iteration 3 21:39 < rick_h_> oops 21:39 < greg-g> linky? 21:39 < rick_h_> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/lococast-net 21:39 < greg-g> Thanks for coming everyone! 21:39 < greg-g> now go listen to Rick Rant! 21:39 < greg-g> (I'd still love a volunteer for the minutes/meeting log, so if you can, just ping me, I'll see it) 21:39 < greg-g> (otherwise, I can do it) 21:40 < brousch> i can do it 21:41 < greg-g> brousch: thanks man }}}