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Migrate default installs from ifupdown to netplan as a preferred method of describing network configuration for users, and leaving the implementation details to netplan itself. Make sure people can easily describe complex network configurations without worrying about the syntax required by the software that will implement the configuration.

Deprecate ifupdown in Ubuntu for the 17.10 release. Deliver a unified network stack of netplan and networkd/network-manager across all 17.10 images in preparation for the 18.04 LTS.

This will make it easier to have a consistent experience across all systems when it comes to configuring network devices; as well as how to do the configuration when dealing with multiple systems at once via MaaS or as provisioned in clouds using cloud-init.

Release Note

Ubuntu 17.10 introduces a new default configuration method for network devices, using netplan instead of ifupdown. Configuration is now written as YAML files to /etc/netplan instead of in /etc/network/interfaces. See Netplan for more information about how to configure your network devices.

Ifupdown is still available in the archive, and can be reinstalled by running the command: "sudo apt install ifupdown".


Netplan has been implemented to support simple, declarative representation of complex network configurations, as well as address some current limitations of ifupdown. Netplan provides a simple and elegant yaml configuration format with support for multiple backend providers.

Some of the shortcomings of ifupdown covered by netplan:

Given increasing demand for complex networking scenarios (large cloud uses often require complex layering of different features, such as bridges over bonds over VLANs, etc.), it has shown to be important to improve the ease of representing the network config.

Use Cases



Early in the 17.10 cycle, we switch to using netplan by default; this is a rather straightforward change to unseed ifupdown. This can be done as soon as this spec is agreed upon.

Some pieces will require code changes: debian-installer (netcfg) will need to be writing the new config format; changing netcfg is a critical, but relatively simple step.

Make a go/no-go decision on whether netplan is appropriately doing its job by the Artful Final Beta; September 28th 2017.

This migration plans does not include the removal of ifupdown from the archive. ifupdown will still be available for users who wish to explicitly install it, but would not be automatically installed by default for any Ubuntu deployment.

UI Changes

Not applicable.

Code Changes

debian-installer / netcfg

Netcfg needs to write network V2 YAML as well as e/n/i configuration.


There is a netplan ifupdown-migrate command that exists that may be used by system administrators to convert simple ifupdown configuration to netplan. Typical upgrade scenarios would automatically keep ifupdown installed; and we will rely on users to do the migration themselves.

Test/Demo Plan

Outstanding Issues

Systemd bugs (to be identified precisely).

BoF agenda and discussion

BoF Notes


Use @SIG@ to sign-off your team on this Spec.




-- vorlon 2017-05-23 20:50:55


-- raharper 2017-06-19 14:05:09



MigratingToNetplan (last edited 2017-06-19 14:05:09 by raharper)