||'''Contents'''|| ||<>|| If you have scripts to monitor the status of your mirror, please post them here. = Nagios = == Non-HTTP-based monitoring script == {{{ #!/bin/bash . /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/utils.sh # Where the archive is. TO=/srv/ftp.root/ubuntu HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) STAMP=${TO}/project/trace/${HOSTNAME} WARN=6 CRITICAL=12 while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -c|--critical) CRITICAL=$2; shift; shift;; -w|--warn) WARN=$2; shift; shift;; --) shift; break;; -*) echo "You lost me at '$1'"; exit 1;; *) STAMP=$1; shift; break;; esac done HOUR=$[ 60 * 60 ] # Hour of seconds NOW=$(date +%s) # Unix time STAMPAGE=$[ $NOW - $(stat -c %Y ${STAMP}) ] STAMPHOURS=$[ $STAMPAGE / $HOUR ] echo "$STAMP is over $STAMPHOURS hours old." if [ $STAMPHOURS -lt $WARN ]; then exit $STATE_OK elif [ $STAMPHOURS -lt $CRITICAL ]; then exit $STATE_WARNING else exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi }}} == HTTP-based monitoring script == This check is suitable for Nagios installations. It will do a HEAD-request on the requested file on both your webserver and the main webserver and calculate the time-difference between the two last-modified headers. Call this script as follows: {{{ define command { command_name check_ubuntu command_line /etc/nagios-plugins/custom/check_ubuntu $HOSTNAME$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ } }}} And: {{{ define service{ use generic-service host_name service_description Mirror status check_command check_ubuntu!!! } }}} Good files to check are: * ubuntu/ls-lR.gz for archive mirrors * .pool/MD5SUMS for releases mirrors {{{ #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Create a user agent object use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::DNS; use Date::Parse; use strict; use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins"; use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support); my ($host, $file, $mode) = @ARGV; my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $dnsquery = $resolver->search($host); if ($dnsquery) { foreach my $rr ($dnsquery->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; if ($rr->address =~ /91\.189\.91|185\.125\.190/) { print "OK - Mirror ok (runs at Canonical)"; exit $ERRORS{"OK"}; } } } else { print "CRITICAL - Cannot resolve hostname $host"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("UbuntuMirrorCheck/0.1 "); my $canonicalhost = $host; my $canonicalfile; if ($canonicalhost =~ m/(archive|releases)\.ubuntu\.com/) { $canonicalhost =~ s/^..\.//; $canonicalfile = $file; } else { if (defined($mode) && $mode =~ m/archive/) { $canonicalhost = 'archive.ubuntu.com'; $canonicalfile = 'ubuntu/ls-lR.gz'; } elsif (defined($mode) && $mode =~ m/cd/) { $canonicalhost = 'releases.ubuntu.com'; $canonicalfile = '.pool/MD5SUMS'; } else { print "CRITICAL - Cannot figure out the mode from hostname $host, and mode is not set"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } } # Create a request my $canonical = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => 'http://'.$canonicalhost.'/'.$canonicalfile); my $mirror = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => 'http://'.$host.'/'.$file); # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back my $canonical_res = $ua->request($canonical); my $mirror_res = $ua->request($mirror); # Check the outcome of the response if ($mirror_res->is_success) { my $canonical_time = str2time($canonical_res->header('last-modified')); my $mirror_time = str2time($mirror_res->header('last-modified')); if (!defined($mirror_time)) { print "OK - Unable to determine mirror's last-modified timestamp"; exit $ERRORS{"OK"}; } if ($mirror_time > $canonical_time) { print "WARNING - Mirror seems to live in the future"; exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"}; } else { my $diff = $canonical_time - $mirror_time; my ($rest, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $days = int($diff/86400); $rest = $diff-($days*86400); $hours = int($rest/3600); $rest = $rest-($hours*3600); $minutes = int($rest/60); $rest = $rest-($minutes*60); $seconds = $rest; if ($diff > 64800) { print "CRITICAL - Mirror is $days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds behind"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } else { print "OK - Mirror is up to date"; exit $ERRORS{"OK"}; } } } else { print "CRITICAL - Mirror is unavailable"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } }}}