This pages summarizes information on UME and langpack.

Overview of langpacks

The concept of language packs is well explained in the TranslationLifecycle page.

Gain for a mobile langpack

UME borrows packages from main for which we have translations in the default and in the GNOME langpacks; ArneGoetje was kind of enough to estimate that the difference between installing the German default and GNOME langpacks and installing an imaginay mobile langpack with only German translations for the mobile packages would save us 10 MB.

Issues of Hildon modules

Hildon modules use message codenames instead of English language strings in the code; this is not supported by Rosetta, and hence we need to massage the po/en_GB.po po/*.pot and po/*.po files to get normal looking po files in the source packages and upload them to Launchpad.

Hildon modules also share translations or split the translation data in separate sources; it makes it harder to locate where the translations actually are and we might be missing many modules transporting translaions.

String Freeze and Mobile Roadmap

The UME roadmap still requires string / UI changes after the Ubuntu string / UI freeze (28th February for Hardy); we need to be able to translate source packaegs of mobile packages or packages modified for UME (in the ubuntu-mobile ppa) after the freezes.

Limitation of Rosetta

If two binary packages for different architectures are uploaded to the archive with different strings, the latest upload "wins" and the removed strings are obsoleted. You should make sure that packages have the same strings (pot files) for all arches, e.g. apply the same patch stack for all arches.

TODOs / Roadmap

MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:15 by localhost)