Please find below the specifications under consideration for the Mobile track at the [[UDSLucid||UDS]] for Lucid Lynx. == High Priority Specs == * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-alternate-images|ARM: properly support alternate images in addition to live]] (NCommander) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-2d-launcher|ARM: 2D launcher for UNR]] (JamieBennett) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-device-tree-support|ARM: Device Tree support]] (JamieBennett) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-une|ARM: cut down UNR seed]] (StevenK) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-lightweightbrowser|ARM: lightweight webkit based browser]] (dyfet) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-per-soc-powermanagement|ARM: Per SoC Power management improvements]] (ogra) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-suspend-resume-testplan|ARM: Sleep/hibernation support and testing]] (ogra/GrueMaster) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-softboot-loader|ARM Softbootloader]] (NCommander) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-bringup-testing| Establish test procedures and documentation for new hardware]] (PaulLarson) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-alternates|UNR: Add support for alternate installer]] (StevenK) ## * UNR: Include new DX team enhancements (StevenK) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-applications|Application changes for UNR]] (StevenK) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une|UNR: Renaming UNR to UNE]] (StevenK) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:desktop-lucid-unr-session|UNE: Using sessions to switch session types]] (StevenK) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-umr-reloaded|UMR: Moblin Remix Reloaded]] (persia) == Medium Priority Specs == * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-debian-cd-to-redboot-tools|move debian-cd for imx51 completely to redboot-tools]] (ogra) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-stacked-squashfs-live-images|stacked squashfs builds for live images (separate rootfs and kernel/modules completely)]] (ogra) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-rootstock-gui|rootstock gui]] (ogra) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-lpia-future|lpia versus i386]] (StevenK) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-efficient-install-testing|Efficient testing of install images]] (PaulLarson) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-casper-speedup|casper cleanup/speedup]] (JamieBennett) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-add-social-networking-applets|UNE(UNR) Social Networking Applets]] (gruemaster) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-bzr|Store UNE applications in bzr]] (StevenK) * [[|Ubuntu Liquid]] (ian_brasil) == Low Priority Specs == * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-debian-cd-cleanup|clean up d-cd armel backends to remove a ton of code duplication between imx51 and dove]] (NCommander) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-ext-images|extX images versus vfat]] (NCommander) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-maximus-blacklist|UNE: replace the maximus blacklist(s) with proper info on the affected windows]] (persia) * dpkg stripping doc/man etc. (lool) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-multiarch-execution-environment|multiarch execution environment with qemu static]] (ogra) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-unr-ssd-optimizations|Optimizations for SSD netbooks]] (dyfet) == Wishlist Priority Specs == * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-une-uefi-bootloader|UEFI bootloader based on Apple's Cortex A8/A9 work]] (JamieBennett) (asac: deferred to lucid+1 as per meeting Nov 10) * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-lsb-compliance|LSB Compliance testing]] (gruemaster) * cross-compilers (lool, zumbi) == Informational Specifications == ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-arm-kernel-versions|ARM: kernel version]] (NCommander) ## * [[UbuntuSpec:mobile-lucid-lxde-goals|LXDE Community Development for Lucid]] (dyfet) ## * [[|Ubuntu Liquid]] (ian_brasil) == Feature Specifications == ## UbuntuSpec:launchpad-spec == Topics for discussion == These are items that probably need discussion at UDS. They could be converted to specifications: ## * mytopic ##== Things spotted on brainstorm that might be of interest == ## * brainstorm URL goes here == Administrative Procedure == To add more specifications to this page, please use the following procedure 1. Verify that you will be attending UDS (either physically or virtually) 1. Register a specification on launchpad from [[]] 1. Fill out at least the Summary, Release Note, Rationale, and Use Cases on the SpecTemplate under the namespace, using the CamelCase form of the blueprint name for the URL 1. Add an UbuntuSpec: link to the blueprint on this page 1. Subscribe [[|David Mandala]] to the specification The deadline for submissions is 6th November (0:00 UTC)