## page was renamed from MonTranslation = Overview = == This is the home page for Ubuntu Mon translation == Our intention is to maintain a central communications channel for Mon languages. Generally, this includes the people translating in [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-mnw|launchpad Mon Language]]. These variants are almost identical in their written forms, so it makes sense for some communication and co-operation to take place. We hope to eliminate the duplication of effort that is currently taking place in regards to translations. Our translations are based on [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/eoan/+lang/mnw|Mon Language]]. That effort is headquartered [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-mnw|here]]. Essentially, we are producing a know-how form of Mon Language version. We do not intend to restrict the activities of local translation groups, but rather to provide a common base for everyone to build upon. Through co-operation, we hope to strengthen rather than weaken localised versions of Mon Language. = How to Participate = Joining the Ubuntu MonTranslators team allows you to commit translations and vote on policies. If you are not a member, your contributions will need to be approved by a member. The procedure for joining is as follows. 1. Sign up for a [[https://login.launchpad.net/+login]]. 1. Make your e-mail address visible on your Launchpad homepage so that we can get in touch with you. If we cannot contact you, you cannot join. 1. Apply to join the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-mnw|Ubuntu Mon Translators team]] 1. An Administrator should e-mail you. Reply to their message. The team is moderated, meaning that you need to be approved by an Administrator before you are allowed to join. Membership is dependent upon: * adequate command of both English and Mon language to qualify as a translator * ability to contribute constructively and work as a team under the leadership of the Administrators * following established guidelines and directions * remaining contactable via the mailing list Don't let these requirements scare you off, though. Provided you have decent written English language skills, you will likely be admitted. = Communication = Our primary communications channel is our [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-mnw|Ubuntu Mon Translation Team]]. = Translation Guidelines = Unless they conflict with the information given below, translations should be based on the proper vocabulary. You can check the following online dictionaries for some vocab. * the [[http://glosbe.com/en/mnw//|Mon-English-Mon Online Dictionary]] * the [[http://software.sil.org/padauk/|Font]] * the [[http://www.sealang.net/mon/dictionary.htm|SEAlang Library Mon Dictionary]] * the [[https://code.google.com/archive/p/mon2uni/ |Mon Unicode]] * the [[http://keymagic.net/|Unimon Keyboard]] * the [[https://github.com/TaoMonLae/mon_keyboard_linux |Mon Keyboard for Ubuntu]] by Tao Mon Lae == Dialectical/Contextual Differences == Since our goal is to provide a common base for Mon, one must be mindful of the use of words in translation, and the differences between dialects and contexts (nouns/verbs, computing/non-computing, etc.). We will use the mailing list or webchat to discuss such matters. == Translation Tools == Highly recommended: * [[https://m.apkpure.com/mondict/com.jamonrott.memd|English to Mon Dictionary]], by JaMonRott * [[https://glosbe.com/en/mnw |English to Mon Online Dictionary]] * [[https://apps.apple.com/app/moneng-dictionary/id1509441935?src=AppAgg.com | MonDict Ios]] Other useful resources: Coming Soon!! ---- CategoryHomepage CategoryTranslations CategoryTranslations