## ## "IMPORTANT" : PENSEZ A REPORTER LES MÊMES MODIFICATIONS QUE VOUS FAITES ICI SUR LES ## PAGES EN ARABE ET EN FRANÇAIS. C'EST INDISPENSABLE. MERCI ! ## ## "AVIS AU ADMINISTRATEUR" : PENSEZ A REPORTER LES MÊMES MODIFICATIONS QUI SONT FAITE ICI DANS LES ## AUTRE PAGES DE LA MoroccanTeam DES AUTRE PROJET Canonical ex.: edubuntu.org etc... ## #language en #pragma Description of the Wiki of tha moroccan comunity of ubuntu's users #pragma keywords Ubuntu-MA, ubuntu ma, ubuntu-ma, ubuntu morocco, ubuntu maroc, UBUNTU MA, UBUNTU-MA, ubuntu au maroc, communauté marocaine des utilisateur d'ubuntu <> = The Moroccan team : = |||| ||<
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> || {{attachment:MoroccanTeam/logo-officiel.png}} ||<>|| ## Dude ,Rah Ma3ndich M3a langli . . . need help ! = The Moroccan Team = The Moroccan team wishes to promote Ubuntu in Morocco. This will be done through several mediums : * On launchpad we are the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-moroccan-users|Ubuntu Morrocan User]] group. * The website http://www.ubuntu-ma.org [[http://ubuntu-ma.tuxfamily.org/|which is in building.]] * A mailing list https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ma ( ubuntu-ma AT lists.ubuntu.com ). * The Casablanca GNU/Linux Days * [[http://achraf.cherti.name/blog/2008/04/20/premier-concours-marocain-de-l%E2%80%99open-source-cmos/|The (first) Moroccan Open Source Contest]] (04/26/08). * [[http://achraf.cherti.name/blog/2008/05/07/jai-assiste-aux-open-source-days-2008-a-rabat-maroc-un-evenement-dedie-aux-logiciels-libres-et-a-gnulinux/|Open Source Days in Rabat]] (04/26-27/08). * [[http://achraf.cherti.name/blog/2008/05/19/gnu-linux-days-agadir-maroc-compte-rendu-bilan-interviews-conferences-ateliers/|GNU/Linux Days 2008 in Agadir]] (05/08-09-10/08). * The website http://www.linux-maroc.org * Mailing lists managed by Moroccan LUGs * First saturdays : a set of conferences held the first saturday of each month With some associations help, among them: * [[http://linuxmaroc.cjb.net/|Association for Open Source Development.]] * [[http://tiznit.new.fr/|Linux Association and Souss data processing.]] * [[http://linux-maroc.org/musk/|Moroccan Unix for Scholars and Kids.]] * [[http://www.nalug.asso.ma/|Nador Linux Users Group.]] * [[http://amal2.org/|The AMAL2 association]] (Association Marocaine des Logiciels Libres ) formerly known as [[http://osim.ma/|OSIM]] (Association Open Source In Morocco.) In addition to that, special meetings around Ubuntu will be organized in order to demonstrate the advantages of this distribution and make it known to the world. In several occasions, we have had Ubuntu CDs distributed to the people attending our conferences and most of them were pleased so far. Some meetings are organized on the #ubuntu-ma channel: * [[http://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-moroccan-users/msg00014.html|First Ubuntu Moroccan Users meeting]] (06/01/08 19:11-22:53 UTC) == Our Roadmap == The Moroccan Loco Team aims to promote Ubuntu and its flavors in Morocco. This is done through: * Install parties * Stands at fairs * Presentations and speeches at various events * Regular meetings on IRC channel #ubuntu-ma * Giving support, CDs and info in the various Morocco regions, in all Moroccan languages + French/English/Spanish. See also the list of local contact persons on the main page, grouped by location Here : [[/Members|members]] * Active collaboration in translations into Arabic, French, English and who know perhaps soon Berber . = Ubuntu Moroccan Users = * A non-exhaustive Ubuntu Moroccan Users list: Please join us! Its fun, fast and easy. Just add your name to the growing list of our [[/Members|members]] .