Re-Approval Application for Ubuntu Morocco (ubuntu-ma)


The Ubuntu MoroccanTeam is a group of enthusiastic people dedicated to spreading Ubuntu in Morocco. We often get together at conventions, meetings, parties, and online

The team, which has been active for more than 9 years, consists of Ubuntu users from all over Morocco. Our varied membership reflects the diversity of languages in Morocco: Moroccan Arabic, Arabic, French, Berber and Spanish.

For us, giving Ubuntu love and support doesn't stop at Moroccan's border. Many team members also participate in other groups on Launchpad such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Documentation Team, French and Arabic Translators, BugSquad and so on.

Of course, we have also some active Ubuntu members.

Key Details


The Moroccan Loco Team aims to promote Ubuntu and its flavors in Morocco. This is done through:


List of our events




MoroccanTeam/Re-Approval2015 (last edited 2015-12-08 10:44:47 by waver)