Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


List all the local partitions to the nautilus "Computer" place and make possible for an user to mount them.


At the moment there is no GUI method of mounting non-removable hard disk partitions.

Use cases


The changes apply to the Ubuntu desktop. When the GnomeMount specification is implemented, so that gnome-mount is available for Xubuntu, this will automatically apply to the XFCE desktop as well.



Possible future improvements

Having a way for the user to ignore and mask some partitions would be nice. That would require to modify gnome-vfs and nautilus to add the corresponding options and to store those settings to gconf. Most of users probably don't need that feature though, it's not a part of the specification then.


Lots of windows talk here. Which filesystem types does this apply to? Does it work with random OS X, Mac OS 9, Linux, BSD filesystems? -- Engla

Pitti: Yes, this of course applies to any file system Linux can handle.

Hi, in Kubuntu this patch makes fstab mounted partitions inaccessable through media:/ and taking them from fstab does not help either as it does not launch a dialogue to mount them --FFIXXX



MountAllLocalFilesystems (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:05 by localhost)