
Using bzr to Manage Extension Packages

New Upstream Version of Existing Extension

When a particular extension project releases a new version, we need to release a corresponding package in ubuntu. This is called a new upstream release. Among other things, we will need to update the source, change the package version numbers and perform changelog maintenance. This is a step-by-step guide to updating a package for a new upstream release.

NOTE: I will be using the firebug extension as an example of how to update a package's new upstream source.

  1. Make sure you have the latest XPI.TEMPLATE

    bzr branch
  2. Create a local branch of the current ubuntu package. We will treat this as the upstream from here on out, so lets call it that to avoid confusion.

    bzr branch firebug.upstream
  3. Download a new version of the upstream project. This can be accomplished in a number of ways - in the case of firebug, they use svn via google code.

    svn co
  4. cd .ubuntu branch
  5. bzr merge /path/to/upstream/branch
  7. edit changelog
  8. bzr commit -m "* merge NEWUPSTREAMVERSION from .upstream branch"
  9. testbuild, fix package; rinse, repeat
  10. dch -r
  11. bzr commit -m "* RELEASE NEWUPSTREAMVERSION-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepid"

Work in progress beyond this line

using one branch for both .upstream and .ubuntu

Find upstream revision number in branch log

bzr log lp:nspluginwrapper

Branch upstream branch using that revision number

bzr branch lp:nspluginwrapper -r UPSTREAM-REVISION upstream

Branch ubuntu branch

bzr branch lp:nspluginwrapper ubuntu.VERSION-XubuntuY

Copy over new source to the upstream branch

cd upstream
cp -r ../new-source .
bzr commit -m "New upstream version a.b.c"

Merge updated local upstream branch with the ubuntu branch

cd ../ubuntu.VERSION-XubuntuY
bzr merge ../upstream

Configure .bzr-builddeb/default.conf to specify upstream branch revision ID

editor .bzr-builddeb/default.conf

Check REVISION-ID of your upstream commit in 'bzr log --show-ids'. .bzr-builddeb/default.conf:

merge = True
export-upstream = .
export-upstream-revision = revid:REVISION-ID

Commit changes produced by merge and configuration of .bzr-builddeb/default.conf

bzr commit -m "Merge with upstream revision UPSTREAM-REVISION+1

Apply the rest of your packaging changes

bzr commit -m "changes..."

Release it...

dch -r
bzr commit -m "RELEASE VERSION-XubuntuY to ubuntu/name"


MozillaTeam/Extensions/Bzr (last edited 2009-01-02 10:25:07 by cable-89-216-185-198)