
Revision 27 as of 2007-03-04 09:39:12

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Team Tasks

Team tasks are tasks that have been assigned a priority by the Team/Council.



Assigned To



ToDo List

The todo list is a less formal list of items that needs to be looked into. Please add items as you think of them.


  • Merge ["DebuggingFirefoxDevels"] & ["MozillaTeam/Bugs"].

  • Go through ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/Triage/Responses"], clean it up a little, make sure a response is tailored to a specific issue. Also add some more general responses and a standard for including responses.
  • Start writing ["MozillaTeam/Develop"].
  • Write a page on the major accessibility issues, converse with the AccessibilityTeam to do this. ["MozillaTeam/Accessibility"].

    • Email sent to the accessibility list asking for help.
  • Add to the ["MozillaTeam/GettingStarted"] page to outline the actual processes we have in place.

  • Work with AlexanderSack to flesh out these pages. ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags"], ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/Procedures"] & ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/States"]

    • Started today to clean it up a little, went through and changed spellings and grammar, still needs a bit more restructuring but is a low priority as it is still very useful.


  • Develop method of pulling Mozilla related information from the forums. There was chatter about forum ambassadors a few weeks ago. I am not sure how far that idea went.



  • continue to extend the clue file to match ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags"] and ["MozillaTeam/Bugs/States"]
