||<>|| = Wiki = Over the past two years I've work on varies bits of the Ubuntu wiki, starting very small on [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem | Backup Your System]] by cleaning up the table on there. It is now far easier to add another row to that table. After that I've done a lot of systematic renaming over on the [[BeginnersTeam | Ubuntu Beginners Team]]. When they decided to change the naming from Padawan to Apprentice, Master to Guide to name a few examples. Also updating the banner to the correct date and combining two separate table lines into a single one. After that I started working on the [[Lubuntu]] wiki pages. First I generalized the [[Lubuntu/Testing | Testing]] page during the Natty release cycle. Around the Oneiric release I had some personal issues to deal with so no mayor changes anywhere. After the summer I got back to editing and since January 2012 I've become the [[https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-wiki-docs | Wiki/Docs Team Leader of Lubuntu]]. Since then things still continued it's course. One of the more mayor operations I've completed is the moving of [[Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp | [Wiki] Documentation/Help]] to it's (permanent?) new home [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation | [Help] Documentation/Help]]. = Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter = I've also started helping the [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter team]] starting with [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue243 | Issue 243]]. I have absolutely no idea why I started helping with that edition, but one of my objectives was to get more awareness for [[Lubuntu]] by adding their weekly meeting to [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter | the UWN]]. That resulted in some heated [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2011-December/001445.html | responses]] which I can't trace all back to mailing-list archives. But the end result was a new section in the UWN starting with [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue244#Weekly_Official_Ubuntu_Derivative_Distributions_Team_Meetings | the wrong name]] but fixed [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue245#Weekly_Official_Ubuntu_Flavors_Team_Meetings | the next issue]]. Since then I've tried to update the links to the meetings every week and write summaries when I've got time, but the team does an amazing job even without me. = IRC = I once started out helping people on IRC. However I noticed that wasn't my strongest point, so I decided to ditch that in favour helping different teams like [[Lubuntu]] and [[UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter | UWN]]. However I still reside on a few support channel and aid whenever possible. The second reason I use IRC is to keep in touch which the teams I'm in and have direct conversations instead of waiting for email responses to arrive. So you'll find me a lot on the different Ubuntu related channel for the different teams. How to get in touch with me I revert you to my [[MrChrisDruif | wiki-home]]. I've also become the co-Team-leader of the [[https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-irc-ops | Lubuntu IRC OP's team]] to help keep [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#lubuntu,#lubuntu-offtopic | #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic]] channels clean and free from (verbal) violence. {{{#!wiki comment = Ubuntu = == Backup Your System == ==== Update 1 ==== I've done a small edit on [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem | BackupYourSystem]], where I've updated the table to use rowstyle instead of normal style. This made the editing of the table a lot more clean.<
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem?action=diff&rev2=109&rev1=108 | First update]] ==== Update 2 ==== Fix an error from my first attempt at rowstyles and manually did per cell center the text in the second row.<
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem?action=diff&rev2=111&rev1=110 | Second update]] ==== Update 3 ==== Made some more tweaks to the table. I've made the font bold with font-weight and centered it with font-align. I also capitalized the words.<
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem?action=diff&rev2=117&rev1=116 | Third update]] ==== Update 4 ==== Removed the conflicting sections.<
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem?action=diff&rev2=118&rev1=117 | Fourth update]] == Beginners Team == === Bulletin === ==== Update 1 ==== I've updated the [[BeginnersTeam/Includes/Bulletin|Bulletin]] of the BeginnersTeam to the next meeting time. Made a mistake which was helped with update 3.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Includes/Bulletin?action=diff&rev2=48&rev1=47 | First Update]] ==== Update 2 ==== Removed a lot of duplicate code by joining the two table of the Bulletin into one table. I also added links from the #ubuntu-meeting and #ubuntu-beginners-team names to webchat pages for easy joining.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Includes/Bulletin?action=diff&rev2=49&rev1=48 | Second update]] ==== Update 3 ==== In this update I've fix the error I created with my first update and (in consensus with [[Silver_Fox]]) removed the part about GMT-5 part. Was confusing and unnecessary with the link to timeanddate.com, which now covers the entire next meeting time and date.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Includes/Bulletin?action=diff&rev2=50&rev1=49 | Third update]] === HeaderOther === ==== Update 1 ==== I've changed the naming from Master to Guide in correspondence to the decision from [[BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20110503 | March 3rd]] meeting.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Includes/HeaderOther?action=diff&rev2=19&rev1=18 | First update]] === Memberships === ==== Update 1 ==== After a small discussion I changed the Applicants List to what was mentioned in [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-beginners/2011-June/002114.html | this reply]]. I also added a example in the comments so if someday the list would get empty and for the other fields people will know what to put in the fields. I even searched the edits for when Applicants added themselves.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Membership?action=diff&rev2=167&rev1=166 | First Update]] === Meetings === ==== Update 1 ==== Removed Pablo Rubianes from absences, as the meeting was the night before. I changed row styling to new style (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnTables). I've split the meeting notes of the older sub-teams into years like the newer meetings of the main-team.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings?action=diff&rev2=408&rev1=407 | First update]] === Mentors === ==== Update 0.9 ==== Not my update but changed because of my suggestion. Changed by [[jledbetter | Jessica]].<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Mentors?action=diff&rev2=118&rev1=117 | Jessica's update]] ==== Update 1 ==== I've also updated the naming scheme on this page and added some rowstyles again.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Mentors?action=diff&rev2=120&rev1=119 | First update]] === Team Structure === ==== Update 1 ==== Changed naming scheme on the [[BeginnersTeam/Structure|Team Structure]] as well as fixing some styling. Also added a link to the launchpad page of the [[BeginnersTeam/Structure#Council | Council]] as was planned by the council.<
>[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Structure?action=diff&rev2=158&rev1=157 | First update]] = Lubuntu = == Lubuntu Testing == === 11.04 Natty Narwhal === ==== Update 1 ==== I've updated the [[Lubuntu/Testing|Lubuntu Testing]] page from Alpha3 to Beta1.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing?action=diff&rev2=26&rev1=25|First update]] ==== Update 2 ==== I've done a major overhaul of the page by generalizing the hell out of it.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing?action=diff&rev2=27&rev1=26|Second update]] ==== Update 3 ==== Updated the page from Beta1 to Beta2.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing?action=diff&rev2=28&rev1=27|Third update]] ==== Update 4 ==== I've updated the page from Natty Beta2 to a more neutral version in preparation for Oneiric Ocelot testing.<
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing?action=diff&rev2=29&rev1=28|Fourth update]] === 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot === = Opunity = ## https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Opunity }}}