
Differences between revisions 2 and 4 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2006-06-06 17:34:08
Size: 2625
Editor: 156-233
Revision 4 as of 2006-06-06 18:53:10
Size: 4298
Editor: 156-233
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Board member of the Fribourg based GNU/Linux User Group [] since 2001, member since 2000, I help to organise install parties, promote Free Software and give support for Debian and Ubuntu. Various presentations. Board member of the Fribourg based GNU/Linux User Group [] since 2001, member since 2000, I help to organise install parties, promote Free Software and give support for Debian and Ubuntu. Various presentations.
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I help FSF Europe at booths at important events in Europe since 2003. My main task are Free Software advocacy, explainig the work of FSF Europe to booth visitors and selling merchandise. I help FSF Europe []at booths at important events in Europe since 2003. My main task are Free Software advocacy, explainig the work of FSF Europe to booth visitors, promoting the Fellowship of FSFE [] and selling merchandise.
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 * LinuxTag in Karlsruhe 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in Wiesbaden
FOSDEM in Brussels 2005 and 2006
 * Linuxtag in Karlsruhe 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in Wiesbaden, FOSDEM in Brussels 2005 and 2006, LWE in Franfurt 2004 and 2005
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I also try to coordinate work of the FSF Europe Swiss Team since 2004. Planned events:
 * FROSCOM in Bonn 2006, June 24-25
 * LWE in Cologne 2006, November 14-16

I also try to coordinate work of the FSF Europe Swiss Team since 2004 and give a hand in translating and proofreading FSFE documents, newsletters and web pages.
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Founding member of the Swiss Campaign for Free Software [], president 2004-2005 Founding member of the Swiss Campaign for Free Software [], president 2004-2005
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Events: LOTS! [], presentation: "FSF Europe and Wilhelm Tux as an associate organisation" Past activities:
Events: LOTS! [], "booth babe", presentation: "FSF Europe and Wilhelm Tux as an associate organisation"
 * Interview: [] about Software Patents
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Interview: [] about Software Patents Planned events:
 * openexpo in Zürich-Oerlikon, September 20-21 2006 []
 * Software Freedom Day, September 16 2006, together with various User Groups and the SwissTeam
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Various actions in Switzerland promoting Free Software Various actions in Switzerland promoting Free Software.
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 * Ubuntu BugSquad (trying to help since May 2006)
 * Ubuntu French Translators (translation and proofreading since May 2006)
 * Ubuntu German Translators (translation and proofreading since May 2006)
 * Ubuntu Swiss Users, see SwissTeam

 * Building a Local Team for Switzerland
 * helped to organise Dapper Release Party in Zurich, June 5
 * Organising Software Freedom Day in Switzerland, coordinating CD orders, event locations, etc.
 * Ubuntu presentation and advocacy at Journées du Libre, Geneva, May 14 []
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 * passive english, italian, (french, german)  * passive english, italian, (french, german)pen the source Bern

Working as a freelance translator since 20+ years,
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=== Social ===

Experience in teamleading (mainly in public pharmacy), moderation and conflict management (pharmacy and professional school).
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 * some 10+ years of teaching experience for various software, mainly Office applications. Teaching OpenOffice since 4+ years.  * some 10+ years of teaching experience for various software, mainly Office applications. Teaching Open Office since 4+ years.
 * Free Software Advocacy since 2000
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  * Assembler vor x86 (beginner)
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  * Python (learning !)   * Pascal (didn't touch it since 15+ years)
  * Python (learning)
  * used to build web pages using HTML and PHP

I really would love to code more, but my time schedule is very tight, unfortunately.

=== Various ===

Booth work, marketing and sales.

Name, Personal and Contact information

Myriam Rita Schweingruber

Pharmacist, experience as a professional school teacher for 18 years and translator since 20+ years.

Ubuntero: For GPG key and Jabber account, see the Launchpad profile

Email: MailTo(schweingruber AT SPAMFREE pharma-traduction DOT ch)

Involment in Free Software


Board member of the Fribourg based GNU/Linux User Group [] since 2001, member since 2000, I help to organise install parties, promote Free Software and give support for Debian and Ubuntu. Various presentations.

FSF Europe

I help FSF Europe []at booths at important events in Europe since 2003. My main task are Free Software advocacy, explainig the work of FSF Europe to booth visitors, promoting the Fellowship of FSFE [] and selling merchandise. Past events:

  • Linuxtag in Karlsruhe 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in Wiesbaden, FOSDEM in Brussels 2005 and 2006, LWE in Franfurt 2004 and 2005

Planned events:

  • FROSCOM in Bonn 2006, June 24-25
  • LWE in Cologne 2006, November 14-16

I also try to coordinate work of the FSF Europe Swiss Team since 2004 and give a hand in translating and proofreading FSFE documents, newsletters and web pages.

Wilhelm Tux

Founding member of the Swiss Campaign for Free Software [], president 2004-2005

Past activities:

Planned events:

  • openexpo in Zürich-Oerlikon, September 20-21 2006 []

  • Software Freedom Day, September 16 2006, together with various User Groups and the SwissTeam

Various actions in Switzerland promoting Free Software.


Member of the following groups:

  • Ubuntu BugSquad (trying to help since May 2006)

  • Ubuntu French Translators (translation and proofreading since May 2006)
  • Ubuntu German Translators (translation and proofreading since May 2006)
  • Ubuntu Swiss Users, see SwissTeam


  • Building a Local Team for Switzerland
  • helped to organise Dapper Release Party in Zurich, June 5
  • Organising Software Freedom Day in Switzerland, coordinating CD orders, event locations, etc.
  • Ubuntu presentation and advocacy at Journées du Libre, Geneva, May 14 []




  • active: german, french, (english)
  • passive english, italian, (french, german)pen the source Bern

Working as a freelance translator since 20+ years,

I have a limited interpretation experience, mainly helping out at events. My only public interpretation was Richard Stallman speech from english -> french at WSIS phase one in Geneva on December 11 2003 []


Experience in teamleading (mainly in public pharmacy), moderation and conflict management (pharmacy and professional school).


  • Good knowledge about various licenses
  • more than 6 years experience with Free Software, Linux advanced user (I really should pass LPI exams one day...)
  • some 10+ years of teaching experience for various software, mainly Office applications. Teaching Open Office since 4+ years.
  • Free Software Advocacy since 2000
  • very basic hacking knowledge:
    • Scheme (beginner)
    • Assembler vor x86 (beginner)
    • C (beginner)
    • Java (beginner)
    • Pascal (didn't touch it since 15+ years)
    • Python (learning)
    • used to build web pages using HTML and PHP

I really would love to code more, but my time schedule is very tight, unfortunately.


Booth work, marketing and sales.



MyriamSchweingruber (last edited 2013-07-08 20:42:44 by HSI-KBW-078-043-093-082)