
LoveTheOne are a small NGO currently operating in southern India, providing medical relief to poor, destitute and abused children, "one child at a time." Led by two paediatricians, LTO are in the process of building a 'Kidz Haven' in Southern India, as a place where vulnerable children can come to, simply to regain their childhoods.

General Information


Love The One are only a small outfit, and since the addition of 'andylockran' to the team in March 2009, their basic IT needs are beginning to be met. Very little of what is currently done by the project uses IT. Records are paper-based and email is 'outsourced' to Google Apps.


In the summer of 2009, the paediatricians laptops both broke down, and were replaced by two MacBooks. Since the majority of work done on the computers has historically been emailing and creating a monthly newsletter, the Macs have come into their own (in comparison to having to use Microsoft PowerPoint or Publisher, as was done previously).

Ubuntu, however, is being used on two servers to do a remote incremental backup of work stored on the computers, and to power an increasingly computer-based database of patient, volunteer and partner information. There is also a netbook running Ubuntu which gets used by the local volunteers as it can run in the local language.

Part of the charity's work is also in educating the children. Although not currently a focus due to the need for medical provision, plans are forming to train and equip the children with basic IT skills. There are a number of projects already operating in this area, so Love The One may look to partner with an existing project to provide the qualifications.


With more and more volunteers coming out to work alongside Love The One, there needs to be a centralised storage of information, providing access to a mixed environment of computers. Ubuntu can be used as the core operating system for the network servers, and may also provide local language support for the indigenous volunteers.



Whilst Ubuntu may have been the cheapest option intially, it's perceived 'ease-of-use' for the end user is not yet realised. Although Ubuntu have made such a vast improvement in relatively little time, Apple are leading the market in providing end-user friendly interfaces. On the server, the choice of Ubuntu is a no-brainer, as I've found it to be a very stable and upgradeable option, compared to other distros which invariably break during a major upgrade.


With so many devices needing to be integrated to the system, now and in the future, the only choice was a standards based environment which could cope with such demand. Coupled with Ubuntu serving web-based services for administration needs, rather than desktop applications, it provides the fullest option for continued development in the long term future.

Process not Product

Since being involved on the charity side of the equation, rather than the IT supplier side of the equation, I've been able to use Ubuntu and open source software in a much 'freer' way. Rather than having to shoehorn the organisation into a certain product in order to make them efficient, I've been able to develop and recommend software which fits what we already want. We focus on our process, and find or develop software to fit.

Interview Questions

Photos and Stories

There are so many stories and photos to show of the project, so I suggest you take a look at the website and find out more. However, the following story explains the inspiration behind the initiative.

The Starfish Story

A man was walking along a beach when in the distance he could see a small boy down on the shore line. As he got closer he could see the hundreds and thousands of starfish, washed up by an unusually strong tide, and left for dead stranded on the beach.

The man paused and watched the little boy repeatedly bending down, picking each starfish up one by one and tossing it back into the water.

The man approached the little boy and said “Young man, what are you doing? Stop as you will tire yourself out, there are too many starfish stranded that you can’t make a difference here.”

The young boy with tears in his eyes looked up at the older man, stooped down silently, picked up another starfish and threw it back into the ocean.


NGO/CaseStudy/LoveTheOne (last edited 2009-09-09 18:07:57 by 218)