

ubuntu-na.pngThe Namibian LoCo Team seeks to promote the use and knowledge about Ubuntu Linux in Namibia - a pretty large country on the south-western coast of Africa, with a comparatively small population of around 2.5 million people.

In order to "spread the word", we will be organising regular events that bring together Linux and Ubuntu enthusiasts, interested people that want to "try out" Ubuntu as well as outright Linux and Ubuntu experts that previously found no real platform to present themselves.


We are currently busy setting up all our resources, and will add the contact details as they become available here for your convenience. Currently you can reach us as follows:

How to Contribute

Ubuntu and Linux currently are not very much in "common use" in Namibia - or so it seems. You can make a difference here, by contributing to our LoCo team in many ways:

...and much more. As we go along establishing our LoCo over the coming weeks, we will be able to provide more and more links and resources here, that you can use to get in contact with us and contribute your bit to the "spirit of Ubuntu" that we would like to see flourishing amongst us here.


We are still looking for suggestions regarding projects.

One of the ideas that the Namibia LoCo founder has, is to get young kids involved into using Ubuntu Linux as quickly and effectively as possible.

If you are a teacher at a school in Namibia, if you run a teaching facility of some sort, if you are looking for a "cool" youth project for your church that involves the use of computers, then be cordially invited to get in touch with us - we would be glad to help, and of course also regularly report on such projects here.

Launchpad Membership Policy

Currently the subscription policy of our Launchpad page is "Moderated Team". This means, you can create your own Launchpad account at and once that is done, apply for a subscription to our team page at - we will see to it that you get signed up quickly.


Monthly meetings will be held using IRC, please stay tuned for more here - as mentioned, we are just "pitching our tent" right now.

Sub-pages :


NamibiaTeam (last edited 2011-10-18 11:13:45 by WVS-BR02-41-182-157-38)