## page was renamed from NReleaseSchedule * ''Please do not edit'' * Freezes normally happen at the start of the given date, UTC time. So last minute changes need to happen the day before. * Some background information and Q&A about the Ubuntu release process can be found on TimeBasedReleases * See the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OtherProjectSchedules|Schedules of other projects]] * See the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule/WorkItems|overview of Work Item Iterations for Natty]] ##'''[[https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/canonical.com/embed?src=canonical.com_s06eui659foffov7no0nqqcutk@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=GMT|Google calendar of Maverick Meerkat schedule]]'''<
> ##'''[[http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/canonical.com_s06eui659foffov7no0nqqcutk@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics|Maverick Meerkat schedule as iCal]]'''<
> || '''Week''' || '''Date''' ~-(Thursday)-~|| '''Work Item Iteration''' || '''Status''' || '''Notes''' || ||<-5 #eeeeee> October 2010 || || 1 || October 21st || Release Development Planning ||<#CCFFCC> || Toolchain Uploaded || || 2 || October 28th || Release Development Planning ||<#CCFFCC> || {*} '''Developer Summit''' || ||<-5 #eeeeee> November 2010 || || 3 || November 4th || Release Development Planning||<#FFFFCC> || || || 4 || November 11th || Release Development Planning ||<#FFFFCC> || || || 5 || November 18th || Release Development Planning ||<#FFFFCC> || || || 6 || November 25th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC> /!\ FeatureDefinitionFreeze || || ||<-5 #eeeeee> December 2010 || || 7 || December 2nd ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC> ||'''[[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1|Alpha 1]]''' || || 8 || December 9th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC>|| || || 9 || December 16th||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC> || || || 10 || December 23rd ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC> || || || 11 || December 30th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFFFCC> /!\ DebianImportFreeze || || ||<-5 #eeeeee> January 2011 || || 12 || January 6th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFEBBB> || || || 13 || January 13th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFEBBB> || || || 14 || January 20th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFEBBB> || || || 15 || January 27th ||<#FFCC99> Release Development Iteration 1 ||<#FFEBBB> || || ||<-5 #eeeeee> February 2011 || || 16 || February 3rd || Release Development Iteration 2 Planning ||<#FFCCCC> ||'''[[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha2|Alpha 2]]''' || || 17 || February 10th ||<#FFCC66> Release Development Iteration 2 ||<#FFCCCC> || || || 18 || February 17th ||<#FFCC66> Release Development Iteration 2 ||<#FFCCCC> || Ubuntu 10.04.2 || || 19 || February 24th ||<#FFCC66> Release Development Iteration 2 ||<#FFCCCC> /!\ FeatureFreeze || || ||<-5 #eeeeee> March 2011 || || 20 || March 3rd || Release Development Iteration 3 Planning ||<#E47A7A> ||'''[[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha3|Alpha 3]]''' || || 21 || March 10th ||<#FF9933> Release Development Iteration 3 ||<#E47A7A> || || || 22 || March 17th ||<#FF9933> Release Development Iteration 3 ||<#E47A7A> || || || 23 || March 24th ||<#FF9933> Release Development Iteration 3 ||<#E47A7A> /!\ UserInterfaceFreeze (24/3), /!\ BetaFreeze (24/3) || || || 24 || March 31st ||<#FF9933> Release Development Iteration 3 ||<#E47A7A> || '''[[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta|Beta 1]]''' || ||<-5 #eeeeee> April 2011 || || 25 || April 7th ||<#FF6600> Release Quality Iteration ||<#E47A7A> /!\ DocumentationStringFreeze (7/4) || || || 26 || April 14th ||<#FF6600> Release Quality Iteration ||<#E47A7A> /!\ BetaFreeze (11/4), /!\ NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline (14/4), /!\ KernelFreeze (14/4), /!\ Main Release Freeze (14/4)|| '''[[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta|Beta 2]]''' || || 27 || April 21st ||<#FF6600> Release Quality Iteration ||<#BB3333> /!\ LanguagePackTranslationDeadline (20/4), /!\ Release Image Build (21/4) || || || 28 || April 28th ||<#FF6600> Release Quality Iteration ||<#BB3333> /!\ Unseeded Universe Freeze (26/4) /!\ '''FinalRelease''' || {*} '''Ubuntu 11.04''' '''http://www.ubuntu.com/'''|| ----