
Revision 6 as of 2006-06-17 16:35:27

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attachment:IconsPage/IconNautilus.png The nautilus file manager is extensible through the use of scripts.



With scripts you can do many things such as :

  • make an enhanced "open with"-alike feature (open some files that match a filter in your preferred application
  • make a zip of a directory and mail it
  • open a terminal in the selected directory
  • ...

all of this with a simple right click

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Managing Nautilus scripts


You can find the Nautilus-scripts folder here :


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Adding scripts

  • place your scripts in the nautilus-scripts folder
  • name them accordingly to the label you want in the right-click context menu
  • make them executable (chmod +x my_script_name) That's it! Big Grin :)

(i) You will not have a File->Scripts nor see a Scripts entry in the context menu until you first add files there

Removing scripts

  • simply remove them from the nautilus-scripts folder

Setting rights to your scripts

attachment:IconsPage/IconWarning3.png You may need to run some scripts as a root user, this is generally a bad idea, unless you BR know what you are doing. Setting appropriate rights can be done thanks to the chmod command.

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What is a script ?

You can place in the nautilus several "scripts", they can be :

  • binaries (compiled programs)
  • shell scripts (bash, sh ...)
  • ...

that is to say basically anything that can be run

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Environment variables

Whenever a script is called, nautilus set some variables that can be used in your scripts. These are :


    • newline-delimited paths for selected files (only if local)

    • newline-delimited URIs for selected files

    • current location

    • position and size of current window

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Sample scripts

Notes: These scripts may be out of date. Use at your own risk

Email the selected file

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This one is really useful. How many times have you needed to find a file and then send it? And to be honest, from Evolution or mozilla-thunderbird this is not that simple. It is much easier to use Nautilus to find your file and then send it from there.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # By John Russell

    # This script sends the selected file(s) with your email client.

    use strict;

    my $MAILTO_URL="mailto:?";
    my @files = split("\n", $ENV{NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS});
    my $count = 0;
    foreach my $file (@files)
        if ( ! -f $file && ! -l $file )
            my @dialog = ("gdialog","--title","Error","--msgbox", "\nError: Can not send $file.    \n\n    Only regular files can be mailed.    ","200", "300");
            system (@dialog);
           $MAILTO_URL = $MAILTO_URL . "attach=" . $file . "&";
            $count += 1;

    if ($count > 0)
        my @command = ("gnome-open", $MAILTO_URL);

Added by Darrell: I found that the mailto: syntax in the above does not work with mozilla-thunderbird. I have created the following amended version which seems to work with Thunderbird:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # By John Russell
    # and hacked to work with thunderbird by Darrell

    # This script sends the selected file(s) with mozilla-thunderbird.

    use strict;

    my $attach_string="\"attachment='";
    my @files = split("\n", $ENV{NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS});
    my $count = 0;
    foreach my $file (@files)
        if ( ! -f $file && ! -l $file )
            my @dialog = ("gdialog","--title","Error","--msgbox", "\nError: Can not send $file. \n\n    Only regular files can be mailed.    ","200", "300");
            system (@dialog);
           $attach_string = $attach_string . "file://" . $file . ",";
            $count += 1;

    if ($count > 0)
        $attach_string = $attach_string . "'\"";
    # replace spaces with '%20' as demanded by mozilla/thunderbird    
        $attach_string =~ s/\s/%20/g;
    # invoke shell script to call thunderbird differently depending on whether it's running already or not
        my $command = ("~/scripts/thunderbird-email-attachments " . $attach_string);

You will see there is also a shell script which is required, (~/scripts/thunderbird-email-attachments in my example above, don't put it in the nautilus-scripts directory, otherwise it will show up in the context menu):


    # if thunderbird is already running open a compose window in the running instance

            if `ps xc | grep -q mozilla-thunder`; then 
                    exec mozilla-thunderbird -a Mozilla-Thunderbird -remote         "xfeDoCommand(ComposeMessage,$1)"

    # else start a new instance with the compose window only

                    exec mozilla-thunderbird -compose $1 

Mount ISO

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Mount an ISO image, from Nautilus. Note from carney1979 - this script will be updated to work with filenames containing spaces soon.

    #By modprobing loop it makes sure that the module is loaded and ready for 
    #use.  If it is already loaded then nothing will happen.
    modprobe loop
    for I in `echo $*`
       foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
    sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 $I /media/iso

Unmount ISO

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Unmount an iso image, from nautilus. Note from carney1979 - this script will be updated to work with filenames containing spaces soon.

    for I in `echo $*`
       foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
    sudo umount $I

Set file read-only

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Change file-permission to read-only.


    chmod ugo-wx $*

Edit file with gedit with root-privileges

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Note from carney1979 - this script will be updated to work with filenames containing spaces soon.

    for I in `echo $*`
       foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
    sudo gedit $I

Open Nautilus with root-privileges here

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    # root-nautilus-here
    # opens a root-enabled instance of a nautilus window in selected location
    # requires sudo privileges and gksudo, which may involve security risks.
    #Install in your ~/Nautilus/scripts directory.
    # Placed in the public domain by Shane T. Mueller 2001
    # Fixes provided by Doug Nordwall
    # 2004.04.18 -- - Added gksudo usage to provide popup
    #               password window if sudo has expired.  Line only echos got
    #               root to std output.  But gksudo updates your sudo access
    #               privs, so running nautilus with sudo will succeed
    #               without asking for a password.
    foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for nautilus root access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
    sudo nautilus --no-desktop $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI

Run file with root privileges

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Note from carney1979 - this script will be updated to work with filenames containing spaces soon.

    for I in `echo $*`
       /usr/bin/gksudo $I

Open search window here

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    # From Johnathan Bailes
    # This script opens a gnome-search-tool in the directory you select.
    # Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later
    # Install in your ~/Nautilus/scripts directory.
    # You need to be running Nautilus 1.0.3+ to use scripts.
    exec gnome-search-tool

Open terminal here

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    # This script opens a gnome-terminal in the directory you select.
    # Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later
    # Install in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts or ~/Nautilus/scripts
    # You need to be running Nautilus 1.0.3+ to use scripts.
    # When a directory is selected, go there. Otherwise go to current
    # directory. If more than one directory is selected, show error.
        if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
            # Go to file's directory if it's a file
            if [ ! -d "$destination" ]; then
                destination="`dirname "$destination"`"
            zenity --error --title="Error - Open terminal here" \
               --text="You can only select one directory."
            exit 1
        destination="`echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI" | sed 's/^file:\/\///'`"
    # It's only possible to go to local directories
    if [ -n "`echo "$destination" | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9]\+:'`" ]; then
        zenity --error --title="Error - Open terminal here" \
           --text="Only local directories can be used."
        exit 1
    cd "$destination"
    exec x-terminal-emulator

Hide or Show Hidden Files

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    # When hidden files (.emacs, etc) are hidden, shows "Show Hidden Files" option.
    # When hidden files are shown, shows "Hide Hidden Files" option.
    # Uses gconf to toggle between the two Nautilus options.
    # Should be placed in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ with executable permission.
    OLDSTATE=$(gconftool-2 --get "/desktop/gnome/file_views/show_hidden_files")
    if [ "$OLDSTATE" == "false" ] ; then
      mv ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Show\ Dot\ Files ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Hide\ Dot\ Files
      mv ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Hide\ Dot\ Files ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Show\ Dot\ Files
    gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/file_views/show_hidden_files" --type boolean $NEWSTATE

Note: You can do the same without a script by pressing CTRL+H under Nautilus

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