Configuration instructions for the D-Link DWL-G122 using NdisWrapper == Instructions == ---- Plug in a wired internet connection ---- Install NdisWrapper with {{{ sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils }}} ---- Download the driver from and unzip it into /home/ ---- Enter the directory with {{{ cd D-Link\ AirPlus\ G\ Utility\(V1.00\ Build\ 40628\)\ with\ RaLink\ driver\\(1.2\)/Drivers/WinXP2K }}} ---- Install the driver with {{{ sudo ndiswrapper -i NetRTUSB.inf }}} ---- Create a module alias for NdisWrapper with {{{ sudo ndiswrapper -m }}} ---- Add the module with {{{ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper }}} ---- Go to System>Administration>Networking ---- Select Wireless Connection ---- Click Properties ---- Tick enable this connection and enter your info (you're probably on DHCP, by the way) ---- Select Wireless Connection ---- Click Activate ---- Click OK ---- Unplug the wired internet connection and open up Firefox and go to a reliable site to check if it's working ---- == Tested on... == (please leave a note here if these instructions work for you) * Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger x86