{*} '''''Neo''''' is one of the most active member in our [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-tn/|LoCo Team]]. he organized/participated to the almost all of our last three years events. He help many people on ML and IRC and he is doing a hard job to promote the use of ubuntu, and to provide a first support to ubuntu user. He's our [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-tn/|LoCo]] Contact and he's doing his best to enlarge our community. '''''Cheers Neo''''' :) - '''''[[Wajih|MaWaLe]]''''', 30-06-2013. {*} Neo was the first member to know in ubuntu-tn community , he encourage me to join it and he is not just a community friend but one of my few IRL friends , he is a hard worker and a big opensource lover, we shared a great geeky moments in events that we organized in ubutnu community. he helped a lot of people.and am sure he will contribute more and more. - '''''[[geekette86|Manel Lamine]]''''', 30-06-2013. {*} After the first wave of the founding members of the Ubuntu Tunisia community, Ahmed is one of the most remarkable members of the second wave. Active, present in most of FOSS activities in Tunisia and always smiling. He, with a group of young people, are giving a boost to our community. His election as the LoCo contact demonstrates confidence that gives him the community. I highly recommend his approval as an Ubuntu member. - '''''[[nizarus|Nizar Kerkeni]]''''', former LoCo contact, 01-07-2013. {*} Il n'est pas facile d'être activiste du Logiciel Libre, du monde GNU/Linux, et d'Ubuntu en Afrique du Nord sans connaître Neo, un personnage incontournable, qui répond toujours présent pour les logiciels libres, Neo s'investit de toute son énergie, son âme, et ses connaissances, afin de faire connaître, d'aider, d'améliorer, et de faire découvrir Ubuntu. - '''''[[oix555|Omar Sadeg]]''''', [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-dz/|Ubuntu Algérie LoCo]] Admin, 02-07-2013. {*} Ahmed is an active member in our Loco team. I worked with him in many project and he was a person who I can count on him. He was elected unanimosly as the new LoCo contact. I highly recommend his approval as an Ubuntu member. - '''''[[Zied_ALAYA|Zied ALAYA]]''''', former LoCo contact, 03-07-2013. {*} Neo is one of the most active members in ubuntu-tn. I worked with him in a lot of events during last years and his contribution was impressive. I highly recommend his approval as an Ubuntu member. - '''''[[Abdelmonam|Abdelmonam Kouka]]''''', 04-07-2013. {*} Neo is one of the most active members in ubuntu-tn,who encouraged me to join the community and to use the Free and Open-Source Software.I worked with him in a lot of events during 2 years I highly recommend his approval as an Ubuntu member. - '''''[[LunaPersa|Hammouda Mariam]]''''', 04-07-2013. {*} If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Neo31/Testimonials?action=edit&editor=text|here]] - ''Please do not remove this template testimonial''. - '''''[[wikipage|name]]''''', dd-mm-yyyy.