
Real Open Source

I would like to see closer integration of the source code to the user as though it were a macro interpreted system, even if it's not, making Open Source more reality. So for example, any time a user wants to change what's happening on the screen or behind it, clicking on the Applications then Programming menu (or a top level icon like the browser world icon) will bring up a list of programs operating as source for the user to change at will by simply editing and saving the new source. This should have protection to enable backing out to the standard code if the user really messes up. Then users could try out their own improvements before submitting them to the community, which should be made easier also.

Sincerely, Kirk Fraser

Video Aids for Documentation and Tutorials

I think a great way to help simplify things for first time Ubuntu/Linux users is to have some video shorts setup as tutorials and or as an addition to the documentation. I feel it would be a tremendous help to the adoption of Ubuntu/Linux if there were a "Getting Started App" that was run after the install and it had the option of viewing a video(or set of videos) to help the user get familiarized with the Ubuntu/Linux. If it were to cover the basics like the Synaptic Package manager etc. I think you would see a lower turnover rate and higher adoption rate of Ubuntu. I think the little bit of added confidence this could give end users would aid them and "get them in the door" so to speak. If people are interested in something like this I would donate my time and leverage time in our video and audio studios to help accomplish this.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Jeff Moore

My Ideas

I have just installed Ubuntu on my laptop along side XP and I believe the biggest problems for inexperienced users is the look of the desktop, and the absence of a control panel. I think a good control panel is needed to group together similar admin tasks as well as simple appearance and installation tasks. I have previously installed a Linux system called Lindows. The control panel used in this seems almost perfect for Ubuntu, and, I think, with a bit of tweaking and poking by a programmer, it could bring many more users over to using the simple Ubuntu system.

Please post your ideas onto this page.

Linden Parker - 15 - Norfolk, UK.

PS. Please visit my website if you have a spare moment.

From mszorady Mon May 23 20:06:27 +0100 2005 From: mszorady Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 20:06:27 +0100 Subject: Kubuntu on External Hard drive Message-ID: <>

I decided to take the plunge to Linux last year. I'm one of those who did not want to risk my current hard drive with Windows. I know I've heard that ubuntu/Kubuntu and other distros do a nice job of partitioning, etc. But, I still was hesitant. I found a product called the Globetrotter by the folks who created the Mandriva Linux distro. Globetrotter is an external USB 2.0 HD that plugs into your existing Windows PC. Just boot and Mandriva runs. Globetrotter does not touch your existing HD. Wonderful! I'm finally running Linux! Problem is, I don't care too much for Mandriva 10.0 It's a bit too complicated, IMHO. So, I grabbed the Live CD of Kubuntu as was totally blown away at its ease of use and frinedly set-up.:). It even found my internet connection without my having to do anything! I run the Live CD all the time now! but, it's be far better to have Kubuntu on an external drive. My suggestion: offer an external HD with Kubuntu pre-installed! I know I'd buy it!:) if you can't do this, then perhaps instructions on installing Kubuntu on an existing External HD. I'll buy the HD...just tell me how I can get Kubuntu cleanly installed. I don't want to partition my exisitng HD and I don't want to open my box to install a second internal HD. I have USB 2.0. I want to make use of it.:)

NewIdeasToBenefitUbuntuUsers (last edited 2008-08-06 16:22:31 by localhost)