||<>|| === Agenda === * Need a New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting (Agenda item carried over from last weeks meeting) * Setting up a booth at Solar Fiesta ColonelPanik update * 9.04 CD's have been ordered (Thanks Mike) If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * dthomasdigital * tritium * gcleric * jimrz * genfool_ * weazzle * ColonelPanik * novelo|hm * beanie77 * kenneth_ '''Proceedings''' Meeting called to order at 8:05 by tritium '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ dthomasdigital: I only posted the agenda. There's ubot3 ;) !upgrade > ColonelPanik I'll be a General? heh, he's supposed to /msg you with the info above Looks like he's not behaving ooops Shall we start? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Who wants to facilitate today? -1 * kenneth_ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm gcleric, jimrz: one of you care to? +1 weazzle: go for it uh-oh one sec Agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/April_21_2009 weazzle, you can doooo it! :) waiting for it to load :( wohoo New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting First agenda item agreed we need schedule a meeting. Ok, gotta help me out I like to have a meeting of the loco Council since this one was carried over from last meeting Is this a face-to-face? mainly just to talk about what should be listed on the wiki Yep, we do need a council meeting. face to face or on line? I could go either way irc or face to face. council members are tritium,gcleric,jimrx,dthomasdigitsal am I missing anyone? jimrz face to face could mean food though... =) I've missed the past two meetings. What are the topics? :) \+1 for food dthomasdigital: protonchris How could I forget him I have no preference either. ditto dthomasdigital: don't you follow him on Twitter too? ;) We have a few options if we choose IRC: #ubuntu-us-nm, #ubuntu-meeting, or I could create another channel for the council. yes I do those in favor of F2F? +1 +1 +1 +1 looks like the +1's have it now where Flyingstar? or somewhere new? I'll go anywhere +1 popeye's now have free wifi ;p heh, that's a new one ;) check out flying star, make sure it is up to snuff kenneth_: no way...really?? kenneth:all of 'em or just a particular one? the one on Coors NW has a sign advertizing free wifi we can figure out a time and place later if we want, what ya think? Do you guys want to pick the location now, or do you vote to move on to the next item? +1 next item kenneth_: that kills me in NY everywhere wanted a $2 or more per hour of wifi. +1 arg, lost connection again +1 sorry c'mon wi-fi Are we on the next item? dthomasdigital: yes, weazzle was re-loading the agenda Perhaps in the interest of time, he won't mind if I paste it: Setting up a booth at Solar Fiesta ColonelPanik update Fire away, Colonel. * weazzle has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) * weazzle (n=weazzle@71-222-215-215.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm check out the cool info ColonelPanik found on there web site: This web site is powered by Debian Gnu/Linux, Apache web server and other Free software. NMSEA would like to thank the New Mexico Gnu/Linux users group for their work in setting up, configuring and maintaining our server. hello Hi, weazzle. grrrr wi-fi They are not taking apps yet. Sounds like our kind pf people of people URL? ColonelPanik do you know when the date will be? No, I go to the NMSEA site twice a day. ColonelPanik: what's the URL for the Solar Fiesta? Sept 9/26-27 http://nmsea.org/index.php dthomasdigital is having a quote to convert his house next month, to solar at the very least his cooling and computer room done. Pretty cool stuff. Cool thanks ColonelPanik for running with this. very cool. dthomasdigital, wait until you go to the Solar Fiesta before you do anything expensive Oh it's going to cost big time, I'm thinking about 800 Kilowatt hour system ouch The Thomas house is gadget full we suck up the juice. dthomasdigital: I'm saving up for mine. I'm looking to split solar/wind cool....next item? +1 Yes, I did get the CDs ordered. I got a response back today: Hi, Your Cd's have been requested. Many Thanks Rachael Thank's to tritium for ordering, with out him I'd have nothing for my presentations. I heard a solar guy say that is is 10x cheaper to buy low power appliances than for a solar system. The data point is about 5 years old. So, now it's just a waiting game. Rachael Tripp? She rocks She's a trip ;) tritium: that's bad... gcleric: hehe, I know. like something I'd say.. =) =) So, I'll need all of your help in distributing the CDs. I have small update about LinuxFest if any one want to hear? yes. I don't want any leftovers in my house. Let's get them out into the community. dthomasdigital: sure +1 +1 +1 Last weekend the floodgates opened and 20 people registered sweet :) nice! sked for it we are over the 75 mark on official registered attendees. not counting presenters sweet. tritium, I could use a few, priming the pump for the Portales Lindependence you asked for it, genfool needs new keyboard also 2 other presentations where turned in and I just need to get them on the site ColonelPanik: sure thing. We'll get you some. fedora will let me know next quarter how much money they can donate. speaking of which when is the next meeting for the NMLC? I need something to pass out about the Fest. Fliers I have other sponsors getting them lined up too gcleric NMLC meeting coming up soon I'll let you knwo ASAP also April 16, 2009 Las Cruces, NM - Southwest Regional Technology Symposium was a blast met some folks from the MVLUG handed out lots of disk My next presentation is April 29, 2009 Santa Fe, NM - Ignite Santa Fe OK I'm done On the topic of CD's I'll created Ubuntu 9.04 cd labels http://sites.google.com/site/nmlocoparty/ I'm using google sites to post a first draft kenneth_ rocks Nice, kenneth_ ! kenneth_: 5 point for Gryffindor! Very nice, how did you do it and how do you get them printed? Oh the wife is going to kill me as I'll be printing them on her nice color printer I used gLabel and I printed them through print to file (pdf) What's you favorite flower for your funeral? 8) }}}