||<>|| === Agenda === * Lan Party Update * Release Party Update * LinuxFest Update * #ubuntu IRC Channel Update regarding EPC w/ deinerson1 * Call for donated PC's for Endorphin Power Company ([[http://endorphinpower.ning.com/|EPC]]) w/ deinerson1 - EPC is running low on donated PC's and I would like to put out a call for some more. They are used for library replacements and for the residents as in room PC's with Ubuntu and wireless internet (we shot up to 15 residents with more on the way) * Brief Review of EPC wireless signal strength maps (old vs new) since the Open-Mesh Routers were installed. I'll post a link here as soon as I've got it done. * J AustinBardo (ausimage) has asked for some assistance in helping organize the New York LoCo. * Partnering with [[http://www.reruns.nm.org/|Computer ReRuns]] or CybernetworkNM? * Setting up a booth at [[http://nmsea.org/Solar_Fiesta/Solar_Fiesta_2009/index.php|Solar Fiesta]] * Need to add New Mexico LoCo council members to the wiki and talk about a small set of bylaws If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * dthomasdigital * Doomcat * gcleric * protonchris * |mando| * genfool * kenneth__ * fwopah is |mando| * ausimage1 from the New York Ubuntu LoCo * mneptok * woowoo '''Proceedings''' Meeting started at 8:00 by gcleric '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ Oh sure we have a huge agenda and tonight is the night we have a small turn out. <|mando|> Haha :) * gen_fool (n=fred@70-58-224-213.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm <|mando|> And of course, it's the first meeting I've attended in quite a bit. Ah here they come I genfool Hi guys :) small turn out mean things will move quickly right? =P gcleric good point howdy gen_fool let's start? +1 we have quorum of the council so we can vote. +1 +1 +1 <|mando|> +1 dthomasdigital gcleric protonchris quorum in place item 1: Lan Party Update As far as I know, it is still a go. I will not be there mom is in town she would kill me if I took Doomcat away. when is it again? * kenneth__ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm damn, Doomcat is the ace in the hole :) aloha kenneth__ welcome to the island of paradise. =P hi there gcleric: April 11th at 1pm going to be in the NYC..otherwise i'd be there. gcleric: :( gcleric: I'll be in NYC the week after :) gcleric, bring green chili gcleric we know it was because you feared Doomcat's kung fu protonchris: I'll keep the seat warm for you dthomasdigital: no doubt! I still have chess... should we move on? We can come back to this if deinerson shows up. Item 2: Release Party Update I'll have flyer's by this weekend ready to go. nice. IIRC, jimrz has the flying star booked. we are the venu reserved as well beat me to it protonchris what's the date for the party? Party will be on May 2nd from 6:00pm till 9:00pm In the Corrales, NM Flying Star hospitality room dthomasdigital, How can I pick up flyers to distribute, or down load and print? <|mando|> +1 to gen_fool's question, I would like to print some out to hand out at school * fwopah (n=fwopah@75-173-21-76.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm I will have them available both to print and pick up....I send a email on the mailing list when I'm done. Ouch. Oh, thanks. +1 +1 Hello fwopah Hi, my net flipped around again. * fwopah <-- |mando| shall we move on? Item3: LinuxFest Update Well we are moving right along see...ye of little faith.. =P I have 1 question about the release party gen_fool: now has the floor.. always wanted to say that... Have never atended one , what to expect as what is needed 49 registered on the website and 40 have official registered http://nmlinuxfest.ning.com/page/register-1 this form is how we will create the badges. Just bring yourself we normally take a collection to pay for the room. This year I have some door prizes supper hush hush...... gen_fool: bring yourself, your laptop and a hardy appetite. Probably be thirsty :) dthomasdigital: very cool. The room we rent includes tea and soft drinks it's pretty cool, oh and don;t forget we need a VGA cable for this room. how long? Oh 6 feet or so on the VGA cable. Continue with the LinuxFest? dthomasdigital: ya looking at me? +1 gcleric, we all know you have the cables. +1 Will be working extra hard for sponsors, it looks like we will have no problem getting 250 to 350 to attend....now we got to pay for it. I see that fedora is one of the sponsors what about Canonical? have we talked to them at all? Yes I have talked to Jono and have the contacts, they are next on the list nice! fedora, is pledging money they have to wait till next quarter to see what they will be able to give. Can we create a flyer or sorts to pass around to help get support, or something with info that I can use to ry to help with getting supporters? We will have coffee and tea service thanks to Aromacup and Green mountain coffee * |mando| has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) * fwopah is now known as |mando| gen_fool I'm working on those and will have flyer's and web banners you can use soon Cool That's about it for now. awesome dthomasdigital! thanks! =) <|mando|> +1 to that! Just if you have not signed up please do it helps me keep track and gives me numbers ro give to sponsors dthomasdigital: great job. thanks folks, but trust I'll be asking favors soon. move on? I'll 4,5, 6 till Dave is in the channel. count me in dthomasdigital: ditto. I concur on 4,5, and 6 Item 7: J ?AustinBardo (ausimage) has asked for some assistance in helping organize the New York LoCo. Ok, so the other day I logged into #ubuntu-us-ny to see if anyone wanted to meet up while I was in the NYC. gcleric: good idea. * fwopah (n=fwopah@75-173-20-63.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm I started chatting with ausimage who is the defacto team lead of the NY LoCo. * fwopah is now known as [mando] he stated that he's having problems organizing the NY LoCo and asked us for a little help/ideas if we can... they have 100+ members but no cohesion. <[mando]> Wow, large group. actually, no one shows up to their IRC meetings... at all. Ouch. <[mando]> Not surprising, but I can imagine the trouble there. <[mando]> Ouch indeed anyone have any ideas? I was hopping that he'd be here but it is late-ish there in EST We are lucky enough to have a good core group. Well I guess we need to get some details We also really need to document some of our policies and procedures. dthomasdigital: yea. Anything that might help other teams Like how we set up our council and how we vote. see last agenda item. table? +1 +1 until we can get more info ok.. I'd like the council to meet and talk about these things. Item 8: Partnering with Computer ReRuns or CybernetworkNM? dthomasdigital: great idea! I saw where they did windows too This item kinda relates to item 5. There are several org. around NM that specialize in re-provisioning old pcs. Are these places the kind of places where you donate time and earn a computer. not really. ok I just want to stay away from any windows shops, kind of defeats our purpose. they accept donated PC and get them working and then give them to 501c's thought it might be good idea to contact them. this way we don't have to look around our group for PC's and parts for EPC. Well of EPC could get the computers they need it might be good of us to at least introduce them. yes. I'll mention it to Sam or Dave. move on? again I guess we need dave * ausimage1 (n=ausimage@ubuntu/member/ausimage) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm howdy ausimage1 hey gcleric ausimage1: good evening * ausimage1 remembered =) * |mando| has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) * ausimage1 had an interesting evening :) ausimage1: hope all is Ok. tracking bug with my mini9 good good.. just can't believe things fall through so easy :/ everyone ausimage1 is with the NY LoCo tema grr team gcleric: you on a tiny keyboard? A big New Mexico howdy to ausimage1 thanks... ausimage1: yes a mactel 5,1 ah I have typing issues on my Mini9 too gen_fool, sends ausi ausimage1: =) gcleric: you like the pamphlet I put out? have not seen it do you have a url? move one to next item? yeah.... ausimage.us/Ubuntu/Promotions I believe It was blogged to the planet the other day ColonelOanik suggested a booth I think it would be a great idea http://nmsea.org/Solar_Fiesta/Solar_Fiesta_2009/index.php I'll gather info ausimage1: nice ColonelPanik that is dthomasdigital: sounds sweet. count me in. i'll man the booth if need or provide $$ to fees gcleric as always you rock Will be a great place to promote the LoCo and LinuxFest it will be in Sept. I can't commit now, but I let you know when we get closer. dthomasdigital: think we can get some banners from Canonical Thats about al lthe last agenda item is more a council thing gcleric working on Banners as I type sweet. dthomasdigital: was that the last item? Sound we talk about setting a nm loco council irc meeting time? Well we need Jim and mike I'm for setting a time. but have tritium's input would be welcome...as he has a baby arriving soon. Good point well sooner is better than later idea's for a date? I'll make sure it's added to next weeks agenda, have ti a little before the next meeting? sounds good. just a heads up the month of may is going to be a full one for me...more datacenter upgrades at work. New HVAC's are getting installed and connected to the back power systems. that reminds me got my new servers in the migration to VM has begun..... means several days taking the datacenter offline. gcleric: ouch gcleric has all the fun protonchris: but we are running vmware so I'll also be testing our DR site. =) bringing all our replicated servers up. Looks like we made it through the agenda, I'll be sending out the meeting notes ASAP plus the new agenda page for next week meeting ausimage1: we passed the NY loco item to our council for discussion. ahh dthomasdigital: as always, thanks for being so thorough dthomasdigital: protonchris would it be appropriate to invite ausimage1 to the council meeting? Again how did the guy with the least writing skills get this job. I think so, might get an idea of how we govern. gcleric: Sounds good to me. dthomasdigital: you raised your hand? cool }}}