## page was renamed from NewMexicoTeam/august_11_2009 <> === Agenda === * Quick update from tritium: [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1886|Free Official Ubuntu Books For Approved LoCo Teams]] have been ordered. Order has been confirmed by publisher. * Follow-up with protonchris about rss feeds in drupal and aggregate the feed on the team planet - posted by dthomasdigital * SFD at cottonwood mall follow-up - posted by dthomasdigital * Looks like it can happen at the mall we will have to purchase short term liability insurance $90.00 to $130.00 This is about what we paid last year at UNM gcleric correct me if I'm wrong on that. * Software Freedom Day Ubuntu LoCo [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Software_Freedom_Day%3A_September_19%2C_2009|wiki page and sign-up sheet]]. * Does the Ubuntu LoCo want to pool resources and get a booth at [[http://www.newmexicognulinuxfest.org/|New Mexico GNU/LinuxFest]] much like [[http://nmglug.org/|NMGLUG]] did. We can talk about in IRC channel #newmexicognulinuxfest if we need to. - posted by dthomasdigital * Don't forget EPC August 15th go to the project page [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Endorphin_Power_Company_Ubuntu_Install_and_Support/9_04update|here]]. - posted by dthomasdigital If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * beanie77 * doomcat * dthomasdigital * gcleric * kenneth_ * nick125 * tritium * wolffu * jimrz * ColonelPanik * ClayJar '''Proceedings''' Meeting called to order at 8:02pm by dthomasdigital '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ agenda page for tonight https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/August_11_2009 Ready to start? +1 * beanie77 (n=pra@97-123-160-46.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm +1 just in time Hi All +1 Good evening. howdy beanie77! aloha tritium! Hi, gcleric :) protonchris around? No, he hasn't responded to my ping yet. I will give a quick update on item 1. Per http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1886, I placed an order for official copies of both books for us. I have already received confirmation that the order has been placed. well the 1st item belongs to tritium very cool I have a PDF flyer that they'd like me to share with the group, detailing special editions of the books, with CDs or DVDs inside, available at Barnes and Noble. I will post a link on our website as soon as protonchris can fix it. ;) * jimrz (n=jriordan@c-68-54-8-56.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm good evening everyone, sorry I'm late hey jimrz I can also sign the group up for a program to get 35% discount on books in the future. Very nice that they did that jimrz your fashionably late I always like getting perks So, anyone that wants to borrow either the official Ubuntu book, or the official Ubuntu Server book, please let me know. I should be receiving them shortly. great thanks tritium No problem! I wonder if we could create some kind of library? dthomasdigital: That would be neat, but where would we keep it? I certainly have some books to donate...EPC comes to mind dthomasdigital: was thinking the same thing * ColonelPanik votes yes! that sounds great But that's something we can bring up at a later date I'm sure that will be a pretty good size project. item #2 we kind of need protonchris Let's postpone that until protonchris appears. +1 +1 +1 Otherwise, I think we might be waiting here a while. +1 SFD fast approaches si RLY? ColonelPanik: RLY RLY The people from Cottonwood Mall have till tomorrow to get back to me before dthomasdigital breaks out the katanas * doomcat laughs cost of "liability insurance" and time will be known then dthomasdigital: is there an issue? the cost will be between 90 and 130 bucks gcleric no issues those people just move slow dthomasdigital: cattle prod? We might have to do it under NMLC if that is OK with the group, and the NMLC board What would be the benefits of that? +1 +1 +1 +1 * nick125 isn't questioning the idea...just curious high traffic area to hand out massive amount of media What does the liability insurance cover? If someone trips on a cord, table falls on them we are covered standard policy ...of course, let's hope that doesn't happen. Also if we do it under NMLC the incorporation gives us protection too that, too That sounds best. funny protection to hand out disc Are we going to have any displays? i.e., maybe a few demo videos running or something? dthomasdigital: everyone want's their cut... I building them as I type Well I'm good for 20.00 nick125: that would be smart. A laptop showing off some eye candy might be wise. Play some open source music, etc. SFD 2007 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Software_Freedom_Day%3A_September_15%2C_2007 * jimrz also good for $'s * nick125 would give $, but he doesn't have much I can contribute too. nick125: no worries You can use the donate button on the NMGLF site http://www.newmexicognulinuxfest.org/?q=node/11 button is on the bottom, just email me once you donate and let me know it's for SFD I'll contribute...just spending $$$ on tiling my house... gcleric I saw your hands, tough work man. dthomasdigital: What time do you think SFD will be at? earlier than say...7am? did another 110sqft list weekend... Oh what the heck, I'll just sign up. I'm not doing anything that day. I'd mid-morning, that's the spirit ColonelPanik I've not forgotten about you. Swag for your SFD will be on the way soon I love the idea of two event at the same time in NM we sure have grown. You all are doing good on SFD, all I have for help is one Mandriva user! a psychologist I should have plenty of Ubuntu disk to send some SFD ballons and stickers too. Any Fedora? fedora is sending plenty of liveCD and DVD should have those too dthomasdigital: I gave you nearly all the 9.04 CDs we got. That should go a long way. Wow, great I still have a few CDs left too. tritium yes, and the SFD people are sending more too we should be well covered for us and ColonelPanik's event I will see you guys Sat. If stuff is ready then we can save shipping$$$$ guys if your goign to attend the Albuqueruqe event be sure and sign up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Software_Freedom_Day%3A_September_19%2C_2009 Just trying to keep track of it all. done we're going to have like.....fifty people in the booth. I can't stay long. Just a reminder that I can't make it to EPC on the 15th. My brother-in-law is graudating from PA school that day. I'll have to catch you next time. * clayjar (n=chatzill@201.sub-70-212-161.myvzw.com) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm Ready for the next item +1 Oh I''ll update the mailing list as soon as I hear from cottonwood Good night, all. good night, tritium laters tritium * tritium waves good night tritium good night tritium good dreams bye +1 The non-profit booths are $50.00 welcome clayjar! g'evening, gcleric. I know must of us are going to the fest hell most of us will be doign all the work I just thought it woul dbe good to have an official booth hi clayjar dthomasdigital: =) yep any thoughts? hi, doomcat. Yes, sign up new peeps dthomasdigital: I think it's a good idea. +1 I've all ready donated $150..00 but that's ear marked for other things but another $10.00 from me for the LoCo booth is no problem Sorry for showing up late, but are you preparing for the conf. on 12/19? * wolffu (n=wolf@c-68-35-41-133.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has left #ubuntu-us-nm ("Ex-Chat") * ColonelPanik Opens wallet, finds $20. prepairing for SFD on 9/19 and fest on 12/19 Again button on the fest page can be used just let me know what you want it used for dthomasdigital: I'll donate this weekend. cool if anyone wants any more info about the fest I'm more than happy to talk about it in #newmexicognulinuxfest Please excuse my ignorance, but do we have more info on SFD besides the date? I want to keep the Ubuntu LoCo channel about LoCo stuff https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Software_Freedom_Day%3A_September_19%2C_2009 Oops.. it's a website. Got it. What's tonight's topic? gcleric next item you want to take? clayjar agenda page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/August_11_2009 sure! tx. we are on the lst item EPC came buy today and picked up the donated PCs, laptop and printers. I'm still waiting on approval for the servers and the server rack. cool ...but we are on for Saturday. very nice :) ...that is this Saturday at 10am at EPC. looks liek we will have a good group too Only the best! round up the usual suspects EPC's address is 509 Cardenas Dr. SE yep our team rocks Albuquerque, NM 87108 Well unless we have other business........ Please feel free to bring PC spare parts. Great meeting tonight I'll be sending the notes out to the mailing list ASAP bye g2g 2 bed hope u like me leave cya will do gcleric I think I have a few real good mice to bring * doomcat has quit ("you made kittens angry and some sad by using windows. Bill gates why did you do this i love kittens") I am really looking forward to seeing some of you on Sat. ColonelPanik: and the rest of us will hide in the corner... =P lol haha it's about that time ... good night all see you Saturday laters jimrz any questions about EPC? * jimrz has quit ("Leaving.") if not I guess we are done. Now I have the pleasure of calling "helios" the infamous Ken Starks in Austin TX ColonelPanik: What for? See you all I'm off to bed after some much needed documentation. night Pick his brain on how to put on a Linux event ColonelPanik: Helios of the famous School/linux issue? I'm a newcomer to ABQ, recently from Chicago, so I'm reading the websites right now... looks like the most active F/OSS group around here. clayjar: We take most pride in being the most active group around here! :P And just cause he is a cool guy. gcleric: Yes clayjar: we welcome to the ABQ... just in time for the chili roasting too.. . clayjar NMGLUG in Santa Fe is a fine group too * nick125 gets the marshmellows clayjar, No, all the action is in Portales, I have several meetings everyday. Also folks at MVLUG down to the south are nice group too I was looking for a generic Linux group at first, but I think this group is the only one that seems to be active. We all worry about ColonelPanik......but it's a good kind of worry. clayjar: if you are not busy Sat morning stop by EPC and meet some of the group.. EPC's address is 509 Cardenas Dr. SE Portales is the Linux capitol of the Universe or even the multi-verse Thanks for the invite! :) I'd probably drop by to say hello and share my spare parts, too. I don't think I can stay too long, though. * nick125 doinks ColonelPanik clyjar I'm an Ubuntu member, fedora Ambassador, and OpenSUSE Ambassador so these Ubuntu LoCo folks are a pretty open bunch clayjar: very cool... dthomasdigital, What? No Mandriva? clayjar: This brings up the question....what distro ARE you using? ;) clayjar oh and I can't spell and and these guys make me document everything My love/neglect relationship with linux goes all the way back to the first version of slackware... I'm either using Ubuntu or Fedora mostly for LAMP setups these days... clayjar: mine too. ColonelPanik when you going to send me that guys contact. helios? Have slackware on a laptop I can;t give up my first love too or my Mandriva guy? dthomasdigital, cool, glad to meet an evangelist. dthomasdigital, same here... although my laptop boots into fedora as well... evangelist is a good title for me I'm a true believer now to get my wife off windows that would be a real miracle. lol darn photographers and their photoshop I wonder how well ReactOS works with Photoshop... dthomasdigital, Those mixed marriages don't work I know Photoshop 3 is in one of their screenshots. Anyway, Wine probably doesn't like Photoshop for now.. CS 2 will work but not CS4 Ready to call the meeting, I got to get to bed }}}