||<>|| === Agenda === If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! * Status of EPC Ubuntu Classes. * Open-Mesh equipment, how they are setup, capabilities and monitoring. * EPC testing of Network Equipment Saturday December 6th 2008 1:00pm. * New Mexico LinuxFest update, Board of directors and corporation being named (not a New Mexico LoCo thing but hey a Linux thing). {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * dthomasdigital * protonchris * jimrz * doomcat * weazzle * tritium * source3 * deinerson1 * kenneth * genfool * gclerc * DrDogwelder '''Proceedings''' Meeting started at 8:00pm by tritium. '''Topics Discussed''' * Status of EPC Ubuntu Classes. Much interest has been raised about teaching Ubuntu at all levels at the EPC computer lab. deinerson1 will be teaching an Ubuntu 101 begining class on Sunday the 7th at 3:00pm at the EPC computer lab. His agenda for the class: A brief history of computing. Overcoming computer anxiety. A quick look inside Terminology. Starting and shutting them down. We still need to put together a formal curriculum and scheduling. It was proposed to create an education committee. The Education Committee was formed: Tritium will be committee chair, members include deinerson1 and source3(limited involvement) * Open-Mesh equipment, how they are setup, capabilities and monitoring. gcleric went through the issues with some equipment we are thinking about using for the EPC room setups, gcleric thinks the devices are solid but there are some downsides. * EPC testing of Network Equipment Saturday December 6th 2008 1:00pm. We are still a go for testing at EPC on Saturday. * New Mexico LinuxFest update, Board of directors and corporation being named (not a New Mexico LoCo thing but, hey a Linux thing). Just updates on getting the board members named and details like creating a IRC channel. Tritium will set up #newmexicolinuxfest up for IRC use. Great meeting fantastic turnout and much was accomplished. Meeting over at 9:30pm Transcript: {{{ Good evening It's the proton Hey, what's up? Not much working on a few things before the meeting, How ya been? Busy, but now I have a few quiet weeks before holiday travel. I'm going to be heading home for Christmas myself a fun filled 10 hour drive. We're flying. ~20 hour drive. Wish I was flying but the other way, Christmas with my 4 sisters "Total Drama Island" Hilarious. Are you going to be the first person voted off the island? Oh I ma every year I'm tossed off every year In my mind, that is winning. good point How is your netbook treating you? good evening everyone pretty good it's prefect for meetings, and great for late night bed movie watching. Does hulu steaming just great. hey jimrz hi chris Hey Jim I got to email you later, need some info from if your still interested on being on the board of directors for the New Mexico Linux Corporation. will watch for your mail Cool I'll be sending you and Mike some info packets.... ko songbird works great on linux and windows! (i use both) hi weazzle doomcat: nice. I haven't tried it yet. hey weazzle Hey, how's your evening going? good weazzle: good. How are you doing? ouch weazzle: good. How are you doing? I am doing well Long weekend did me good amen I've just had a hell time project at work will not go away. Feature creep? Good evening. hi tritium Hola tritium Hi jimrz, weazzle. Ok wife has her tea I got my wine ready to get down with some Ubuntu talk. dthomasdigital: we should get rid of the comma in the agenda page URL +1 (e.g., December,_9_2008) a comma? +1 dthomasdigital: yes, as in the on here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/December,_9_2008 No prob fixing now +1 off with the comma! Thanks! Hello, doomcat. +1 Hi tritium And it's 8:00... Gotta love NTP somebody say "1,2, 3 GO coma removed now and forever https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/December_2_2008 * tritium pastes the agenda for reference: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/December,_2_2008 3,2,1... close dthomasdigital: comas are even worse than commas! way true lol, might have been a slip heh, I know So, shall we get started? Let's go I talked to Eric today he said he would be here. :) Hi deinerson1, source3. hello all hello erveryone hi So, the first agenda item is "Status of EPC Ubuntu Classes" Not sure who was fielding that one? Who added it? I think gcleric Ok. Let's table it until he gets here. +1 It's definitely something I still want to do, but I think the wireless/wired access has higher priority. I am doing an EPU Computing 101 class this Sunday at 3pm, but it is very basic stuff for beginners Most of the Agenda is gcleric's I think deinerson1: I'm not sure if you've seen the huge manuals in the library there source3 printed out for us. They're the texts we intend to use for our class. deinerson1 that's great. I'll check out those books, thx deinerson1: sure. Do you have a feel for when EPC might be wanting a class from us? What is the plan, where do I sighn up? they/everyone here is *very* interested in computer class of every flavor deinerson1: I beleive each of the comp's in the lab also has a pdf of the student manual on it (on the desktop,iirc) deinerson1: well, let's get a meeting together to make firm plans, then. But, as suggested earlier, we can table the item for now. ok gcleric and I talked about testing some things on Saturday. Item 3? hi gcleric Yes, I would love to join, if I were in town on sat. There he is dthomasdigital; still 1pm? howdy! sorry I'm late.. So, we had tabled discussion of item 1. You just like making an entrance. gcleric: did you have any input on the Ubuntu classes we intend to offer at EPC? only that the topic of classes has come up. are classes still intended? Definitely. +1 I've suggested meetings with Sam, Gigi and Ruby a few times via email, but I can't seem to generate much interest. I'm glad to hear the topic has been resurrected. So, perhaps we should move on to topic 2... Open-Mesh equipment, how they are setup, capabilities and monitoring. I'll let all know how the turnout is from this coming sunday re: EPU Computing 101 class deinerson1: please do. Thanks. before we move on is there a outline of any courses intended? gcleric: the ones we have printed manuals for in the library tritium: I believe those booklets have long since gone. gcleric: gone where? it's been almost a year.... your guess is as good as mine. Here's my sunday agenda: A brief history of computing Overcoming computer anxiety A quick look inside Terminology Starting and shutting them down https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training I would hope they'd still be in the library. source3 was nice enough to print a bunch. If need be, we can have more printed. I thought I saw them a few months ago stacked on the shelf +1 Well, we can look this weekend. deinerson1: we might need your help on the EPC end to get meetings coordinated so we can make more concrete plans will do! :) Would it be advisable if we could put together some kind of education committee, to come up with curriculum and scheduling? dthomasdigital: +1 dthomasdigital: I'll take that action cool I nominate tritium to chair the education committee. 2nd'd +1 +1 Thanks, guys. I hope you will also be on the committee. +1 +1 +1 how many other members would you like to have tritium? tritium: I can help with scheduling, I have a gCal with almost all activities going on here At least 2 -- 3. deinerson1: perfect anyone have education exp? deinerson1: but I'd never set an upper limit on it ;) huh...I though high school for a few years How cool our first committee, nice our memebrship has grown enough to field one. ooops..ok, I really can spell The more the merrier. sounds like you have your 3rd tritium. Excellent. see what I did there source3 Shall we move along to item 2? yup. not until I finish grad school this spring. I am responding to dthom... not about moving on! source3: you want us to postpone item 2 until then? ;) open-mesh routers.... gcleric: so, what's the scoop? I have two setup here any my house. arg, I am having issues weazzle: renegade chumby? heh gcleric: What do you think of them? no, renegade fingers and they are working quite well. but they have some interesting way of setting them up. gcleric: what is the cost difference between your now proposed layout and the 1st one? turns out /quit closes the server connection :( first they must be connected to the internet via their wired nic for up to one hour so they download the latest firmware. they all must be running the same firware otherwiese they have issues talking to each other. gcleric: not exactly turn-key, it would seem all setup of a open-mesh network is configured via the open-mesh "dashborad web site..... Does that mean that you can't set them up if the internet is down? http://www.open-mesh.com/dashboard.php protonchris: that is correct. they call home and download any config changes. everyone router has two ESSIDs open and secure. gcleric: So do you think they are a good solution? the open ESSID has can have it's bandwidth shaped. protonchris: it can be if the setup and management of the wireless network is accpeable with everyone. the routers are running linux. =) If you are ok with the solution, then I am ok with it :) I agree I trust your judgment gcleric. my only fear is that open-mesh might go out of business. then will we still be able to manage the routers? I have an email into the open-mesh owner. I already expressed my one concern. You are right I guess my only concern is support. gcleric: Good point. Let us know what they say. he... his email is mike@open-mesh.com/ gcleric you still want to meet Saturday otherwise the devices are solid. the other downside is that we can not use these routers with the exsisting 802.11n router that Gigi has. the gateway wireless router must be an open-mesh. uh oh - lock in tritium: which concern is that? gcleric: doesn't sound like a turn-key solution no solution that we roll out would be. And, this latest issue concerns me too. It would be nice to have a solution that was compatible with existing 802.11n equipment. No, perhaps not, but some would be moreso than others. any ideas are still open. do you have one in mind? Nope, I'm not that familiar with networking equipment. Sure would be easy of we could get rid of the interference. isn't that inherent to the building types, though? tin foil hats for everyone. or did I just assume incorrectly dthomasdigital: the severe attenuation caused by the rooms? I'm A carpenter and do a lot of demo tritium: succeeds in using a word I have never heard of. genfool: they're metal enclosures that act as Faraday cages I can only help when guided dthomasdigital: sorry, the metal housing doesn't add interference. It just greatly reduces (attenuates) the signal that enters the rooms. tritium: they are not all metal. the fronts and one side the insolation has some metal in them. (or exits, for that matter) gcleric: ok, they wouldn't have to be to act as such. Even screens/meshes cause the same effect. so your solution is... The free wireless Rio Rancho was trying to deploy puzzled the contractors from Michigan, until they learned that our adobe here in the Southwest has chicken wire in the walls, which also acted like Faraday cages. gcleric: we can try wireless, based on the measurements you took. If Cat5e/6 were feasible and affordable, I'd be pushing for that. tritium: if you want we can still run wire but there are the same limits as we discussed in the last meeting. No, I'm fine trying wireless. nothing is set in stone at this point. You're going on Saturday to test things out, rigth? right* yes. I am going to try and make it, but I might have to work. 1:00pm I'll be there along with the doomcat I will be out of town. I'm sorry. gcleric: do you have the code for the lock on the lab door? jimrz: no but deinerson1 will be there right? I'll be here ok so 1pm Saturday? What would we do without deinerson1 and just for the record if you think that setting up a wireless network is hard. try running cable to all the rooms. no doubt You said it but I do got a fish true That blasted tiny, spidery crawl space! I will be there dthomasdigital good to know doomcat, good to know I've done large scale projects. like the UNM Cancer center. yeah, he would fit in the crawl space ;) Metrocourt got some ugly wiring as well. That's right doomcat is small we can have him do the crawlspace work. rotflol we'll know more after our wireless tests on Saturday. Good luck with the testing. we are not under a deadline at this point...our do we have one deinerson1? You may be mobbed by the curious residents is all :) tritium: thanks.. How many residents now? 16 I think maybe 15 Anymore agenda items? Sure glad EPC is working, something to see it from when it started to today. good luck on Saturday. Sorry I cannot help. It is time to go eat. Bye. see ya source3 out of curiosity how many have experience running cable? Good night, source3. goodnight source3 +1 I've ran plenty +1 and bye again I can pull it in a crawl space I've always been a helper on cable runs got crimper's, line testers I have no address for epc dthomasdigital: drilling through walls, avoiding power lines, ect? 509 Cardenas Dr. SE thanks SW corner of Cardenas & Zuni yes sir, got a real cool probe that finds the cables in the wall http://maps.google.com/?q=509+Cardenas+Dr+SE,+Albuquerque,+NM+87108&sll=35.07243,-106.579694&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&z=17&g=509+Cardenas+Dr+SE,+Albuquerque,+NM+87108&iwloc=addr nice https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Endorphin_Power_Company_Ubuntu_Install_and_Support 1 pm saturday? +1 +1 +1 +1 Good luck, gentlemen. So, dthomasdigital, can you give a quick update on the NM Linux Fest before we end? g'night all - see you Saturday goodnight deinerson1 ... see ya there Good night, deinerson1. see ya sat deinerson1! I sure can I'll be sending out info packs to board of directors member candidates. For this Linux user group that would be jimrz and tritium I also have a members from the MVLUG and NMLUG as well :) well i g2g i have class tomarrow and a test . visit my blog at http://logcat.wordpress.com/ and also i fond a linux rap on youtube heres the link bye. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lZSMv5Vi-Y gcleric with your permission I'd like to name you as an officer of the New Mexico Linux Corporation "the new name" as CIO and will be sending you info as well goodnight doomcat i'd be honored. Good luck on your test, doomcat. Once we have the board of directors information we will then register with the state as a non-profit I am going to take off as well. Long day tomorrow. cya saturday and thx tritium Good night, protonchris. good night protonchris That means people can donate and it will be a tax deduction for them much easer to get sponsors then. yep sounds good, dthomasdigital Oh and if your wondering I'll be chairman of the board and CEO of the New Mexico Linux corporation, that is until the board votes me out. tritium, I also wanted to ask you if it would be ok to set you up as backup to be able to sign documents as well on behalf of the NMLC? dthomasdigital: ok, if you're sure I think your perfect for it. We are moving along and if all goes well we should have a board of directors meeting soon, and LinuxFest will start to take shape. Thanks, dthomasdigital. Oh and I have an account willing to help us for free too. nice work ... you have been a busy boy +1 who needs sleep Nice, dthomasdigital. I've been falling down on getting an IRC channel going so hope to have that up this week. dthomasdigital: I can help with that, if you need. tritium, cool cause damn if I can remember how to set up a ChanServ what do you want to call the channel folks? #NMlinuxfest ? do we want to spell it out #newmexicolinuxfest ? maybe better The web site is http://www.newmexicolinuxfest.org/ more descriptive or linuxfest-us-nm? =P gcleric that might work any other irc linuxfest channels ? What do they look like? dthomasdigital: there are none that I can see. http://www.google.com/search?q=linuxfest+irc&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a I doubt it, dthomasdigital. That structure is unique to Ubuntu LoCos. tritium we should use something that does not say Ubuntu dthomasdigital: I know. I was referring to the #-CC-STATE structure Well I vote for #newmexicolinuxfest +1 +1 Come on kenneth what do you think (had to pick on you to join in) early day again in am ... think better call it a night good night all #newmexicolinuxfest will do tritium: have a good trip Thanks, jimrz. I should go to bed also. Good night. tritium could you set up #newmexicolinuxfest for us? oh and please have safe travels. dthomasdigital: sure, Thanks. I'll be back on Sunday night. cool, thanks as always Thank you too! Good luck on Saturday. gcleric guess I'll see you on Saturday, and I fixed my gwibber issues. dthomasdigital: yup! and sweet are you running the latest release? yes, I talked to the developer today and he told be how to fix my issues with 8.04 and 8.10 themes can't wait to start build gwibber themes ya got to love open source. =) I love open source, sure don't get to talk to MS coders. would anyone like to have access to the open-mesh dashboard for the test equipment? it's setup outside my home network but behind a firewall I'll pass till Saturday I doubt I wold even have the time to look at it. sounds real cool though. You noticed meetings have over 10 members now all the time, get me pumped, thanks to everyone for being apart of something good. dthomasdigital: thank you! I'm real happy EPC is back on the agenda, can't think of a better project for us. We need to make sure they have a booth in the non-profit section of LinuxFest. dthomasdigital: ditto. they seem real excited and dave has setup the PE 4400 as a sever for them to use. agreed. gcleric: I've been somewhat disappointed that they've not been more proactive when I've suggested we meet to plan future phases tritium, deinerson1 seems to be someone we can count on to help us with that. hmmm. i've not seen any problems. dthomasdigital: agreed gcleric: I've copied you on some of those emails Anyway, at least they're showing some more interest now. the ones from about a month ago? well responses from there administration could be a little more forthcoming. gcleric: or more ruby did not seem to keen on open source. Maybe that was part of the issue. now that Sam is back it is a different story. neither did my court administrators till they cut the budget 10%...hahahahaha I get what I want after all hahahahah gcleric: that's good Rudy has asked me to install Windows software on some of the workstations and I declined. on legal support and licensing grounds. I stated that I would show them how to do it be I could not install it as I would held liable. yikes they wanted photoshop installed. That's not good. Did you guys finish the meeting? I cced you on a couple of those emails. Hey what's wrong with gimp, plus wow the cost of Photoshop, gcleric: me? I don't recall getting them. dthomasdigital: aside from the color depth issue, nothing, in my opinion dthomasdigital: photoshop is what Ruby used and she wanted others to use it. yes Shadow56here are the meeting notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/December_2_2008 Hi Shoadow56 Good to see you again. I had to work tonight, I didn't wanna miss the meeting. :( Hi Shoadow56 yup the meeting is over. =( Shoadow56 refresh me, you the one that was doing the graphics? gcleric sounds like she wanted to pirate a few copies Yes, I am the one doing the graphics. I have a few things drawn up, but I need to scan and edit them into my compy. Shoadow56 cool, still wanting your info, need to correspond dthomasdigital: I tried to explain that photoshop was $600 per install but that did not seem to matter. I have a pretty good idea for the logo, and I have a few sketches drawn up for advertising. And I will email you right now dthomasdigital. Well, explain that to the board and they might get a little upset, great you can send to dthomasdigtal@dthomasdigital.com Shoadow56: that's a logo for the linux fest, or the LoCo? oh I hope he is working on both If the LoCo, please send it to the mailing list. I wish I had some talent I loved gcleric's chili idea Me too. I still would like to superimpose the Zia sun and the Ubuntu logo over one another. Or, somehow, have them intertwined tritium: That was my idea. I already have it sketched up. Shoadow56: Cool, mine too. :) A couple versions actually. And it was mainly for the LoCo, but I think it would go good on the Linux Fest stuff also. Shoadow56 you just might be what we've been waiting for, send them to me can;t wait to see, I'll post them on the wiki for all the members to see and let us know what they think. tritium: check you ubuntu email account. I just re sent the email I sent you about ruby's request, Please send them to the mailing list, Shoadow56. Thanks, gcleric. I will as soon as I scan them into my comp and edit them in Inkscape. It will be another day or two. gcleric: by the way, I called Computer Solutions Group, and they said they don't sell Cat5e spools. tritium: hmmm.. that's funny becasue they do all our new building cabling and supply us with our spools. we use them too, and they always have spools dthomasdigital: I sent you an e-mail with my information. Let me know if you need any other info. gcleric: hmmm, odd I'll call again, and hopefully speak to somebody else gcleric: that email chain looks familiar I don't think I initially realized they were looking at using pirated software. tritium: did you get that email? I'll forward you are sales contact. if all else fails I have Dave from CSG give you a call. gcleric: yes, got it Thanks for the contact too. Could it be that I'm a residential, and not commercial, customer? Wife just came in the room looking good and told me to come to bed, so see ya I'm out of here. talk at you soon. Lol, have fun! Good night, dthomasdigital. tritium: I don't think it matters. I'll send you the info tomorrow. gcleric: ok, thanks a bunch I'm off to bed. Good night. I'd better hit the hay too. be well tritium! You too :) Good night, Shoadow56. Good night! night }}}