## page was copied from NewMexicoTeam/February_16_2010 <> {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} === Agenda === If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! * Update on [[http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/|NM Loco website]] * Invitation to the 1^st^ Annual [[http://endorphinpower.ning.com/events/1st-annual-endorphins-day|Endorphin Day at EPC]] on February 27, 2010 '''Members Present''' 11 people in the IRC channel tonight '''Proceedings''' Meeting started at 8:00 by tritium '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ --- Log opened Tue Feb 23 20:09:18 2010 20:11 < tritium> Looks like we have a few agenda items: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/February_23_2010 20:11 < protonchris> Cool. 20:11 < protonchris> I can handle item #1. 20:12 < kenneth__> also there is a help request on the the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411015 20:12 < protonchris> http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/ 20:13 < protonchris> That is the website. We haven't really done anything with it since it was setup. It probably needs a software update if we are going to use it. 20:13 < tritium> protonchris: It's not letting me login with my launchpad open id. 20:14 < protonchris> Looks like it must of broke along the way. I am willing to fix it if we plan to use it. 20:16 < tritium> protonchris: can you log in? 20:16 < protonchris> tritium: not right now. 20:17 < deinerson1> The site looks very nice - professional! 20:18 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 20:18 [@ChanServ ] [ locobot_4 ] [ smooge ] [ |mando|] 20:18 [ deinerson1] [ mneptok ] [ tritium] 20:18 [ fgleich ] [ nick125 ] [ ubot3 ] 20:18 [ kenneth__ ] [ protonchris] [ woowoo ] 20:18 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 13 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 20:19 < tritium> I'm sure there are many good uses for the website. 20:19 < protonchris> I used a ubuntu theme. 20:19 < protonchris> tritium: sure. I agree, but no one (including myself) has been interested. 20:21 < protonchris> So if someone is interested in adding content, I am willing to get it working again. 20:23 < fgleich> any specific type ? 20:23 < nick125> I think it might not be a bad idea, but it is a bit of a hassle to deal with. 20:24 < kenneth__> something to welcome new users 20:24 < tritium> We could start with some static information that won't change much, like the LoCo's contact info. I know we have this info on the wiki page, but it can't hurt to put it on the website as well. 20:25 < fgleich> good thought 20:25 < tritium> I know we're all busy, and have limited time for updating wiki and web pages. 20:25 < protonchris> Sounds good to me. I can work on getting the openid working again this weekend. It looks like local logins work, but openid is borked. 20:26 < tritium> Thanks, protonchris. If it's not too much trouble. 20:26 < fgleich> it wouldn't let me register 20:26 < tritium> fgleich: have you signed up on launchpad? 20:26 < protonchris> Yeah, I am not sure what is wrong. 20:26 < fgleich> uh.......no 20:26 -!- genfool [~genfool@70-57-255-4.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:27 < tritium> Do you have an OpenID? 20:27 < fgleich> also no 20:28 < deinerson1> I am getting this msg in chrome64: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? 20:28 < tritium> I might suggest you register on launchpad, then, fgleich. 20:28 < deinerson1> I do have openID via launchpad 20:28 < fgleich> ok, where is launchpad ? 20:28 < tritium> !launchpad 20:28 < ubot3> Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ 20:29 < fgleich> thanks ! 20:30 < tritium> No problem. 20:31 < genfool> Hi gang, sorry I am late....did I miss much? 20:32 < tritium> Hi, genfool. No, we're just discussing the LoCo website. 20:32 < protonchris> deinerson1: Are you getting that on the loco page? 20:33 < deinerson1> prontochris: yes - on the drupal http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/ site 20:33 < deinerson1> when I select login 20:33 < deinerson1> it looks like a PHP msg - at the tippy top of the page 20:34 < protonchris> Hmm. I had trouble with that in the past and it was a pain. 20:37 < protonchris> It took a lot of convincing to get the hosting guys to enable ssl in php. I wonder if they changed their mind and switched back in the 8 months it has been since we used the site. 20:37 < tritium> I was wondering the same thing. 20:40 < protonchris> Dangit 20:40 < fgleich> dagnabit ! 20:41 < tritium> Did you confirm that to be the case, protonchris? 20:45 < tritium> We have about 15 minutes left. Shall we address the second agenda item, and the forum post that kenneth__ pointed out? 20:46 < deinerson1> Here's the event info for the 1st Annual Endorphin Day at EPC this Saturday - everyone is invited: http://endorphinpower.ning.com/events/1st-annual-endorphins-day 20:46 < fgleich> yes we should 20:47 < deinerson1> There is an online and downloadable PDF that has all the details available on that link. 20:47 < protonchris> tritium: No I will need to dig more. I don't want to involve the hosting guys until I have too. Since we get the hosting for free, I try to only bug the admins when absolutely necessary. 20:47 < tritium> Looks like a great event, deinerson1. I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend. 20:47 < deinerson1> The highlight will be Sam speaking about his 3 weeks in Haiti 20:47 < tritium> protonchris: good strategy 20:48 < deinerson1> tritium: ahh well, there's always next year :) 20:49 < deinerson1> EPC has a new Executive Director: Janice Mancuso janice.mancuso@gmail.com 20:49 < deinerson1> The big 2010 plans include lots of outings, too. 20:50 < tritium> Sounds great. Will there be another endorphathon? 20:50 < deinerson1> tritium: not this year - we had no one willing to take it on 20:52 < deinerson1> Other EPC news (and the last bit): we are close to setting up EPC with a standard Google Apps account, so we'll all be getting proper endorphinpower.org email addresses. 20:53 < tritium> Awesome. 20:54 < protonchris> I need to get going. I will let you guys know when I have the website up and running. It might take me a little while. 20:54 < fgleich> great work deinerson1 20:54 < deinerson1> Here's next weeks agenda link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/March_2_2010 20:55 < fgleich> thanks protonchris , ttyl 20:55 < deinerson1> good night prontochris 20:55 < fgleich> and nice design work on the website tritium and protonchris 20:56 < protonchris> fgleich: I can't take any credit for that. The theme is a project on launchpad. 20:57 < fgleich> well, great theme choice :) 20:57 < tritium> I can't take any credit. 20:57 < tritium> Well, it's nearly 9:00, and I need to get going. 20:57 < tritium> Have a good night, everyone. Talk to you soon. 20:58 < fgleich> g'night tritium ttyl 20:58 < deinerson1> good night tritium 20:58 < fgleich> oh I got some info on bumper stickers 20:59 < fgleich> we can talk another time about it 21:00 < kenneth__> Iam look for other venue to go to. --- Log closed Tue Feb 23 21:01:08 2010 }}}