||<>|| === Agenda === * Adding notifications for the EPC Mesh Network, we could create an account say on gmail and add it to the LoCo mailing list. * Follow up on new LoCo Project with gclerc and genfool. * Our LoCo did not take part in the global bug jam, what can we do to make the next one? If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * dthomasdigital * gcleric * genfool * Kenneth__ * mneptok * nick125 * protonchris * RogerLund * tritium * deinerson1 '''Proceedings''' Meetng called to order by tritium at 8:00pm '''Topics Discussed''' * Adding notifications for the EPC Mesh Network, we could create an account say on gmail and add it to the LoCo mailing list. Adding notifications for the EPC Mesh Network, we could create an account say on gmail and add it to the LoCo mailing list. Speaking of EPC, gcleric, we need a total cost from you, so we can reimburse you. I can forward the alerts with a gmail filter. I am doing that anyway. the dashboard sends to epcstaff@gmail.com what are thoughts about forwarding the EPC mesh alerts to the LoCo mailing list? How often are notifications sent? I don't want to spam the list unnecessarily. There may be other ways to address notifications. daily. once a day. gcleric: sounds good to me - what address? the listserv one? I think we could easily appoint someone to monitor the notifications, or automate the collection of notifications without sending daily posts to the list. deinerson1: well that would be ubuntu-us-nm@lists.ubuntu.com bit lets make sure everyone is OK with it. yeah, there's no digest - daily only tritium: and if that someone is not available? How many notifications get created daily? gcleric: I would assume it is a priority to someone at EPC. 1 1 notify daily, yes (If not to some in the LoCo) I get it daily If it's just 1 or 2 I don;t see a huge issue with the mailing list, the question then becomes who responds? I would help ditto. if I could Again, if someone needs to respond, that is the same as having someone who could monitor notifications. The we should have a primary and a back up? * Follow up on new LoCo Project with gclerc and genfool. Agreed. Let's move on to item 2. I've attempted to contact the person in charge but have not had any response. genfool: have you had any contact with him/her? genfool: ya still with us? The troublesome one is OM2 in the St. Joseph's offices - access is annoying if too often. I have been waiting until evening to resetit, but have ordered line conditioners to hopefully prevent the current issue what does the job "monitor notifacations" entail so far it entails power cycling the routers Are we capable of doing that remotely? physically being their tritium: power cycling? yes. no. unplugging it, then plugging it back in is what I have been doing Ouch, that sucks. Can't you SSH in and type "reboot"? :) So, in order to act on notifications, we need to have a man on the grounds. deinerson1: I think we need to swap OM2 with another router to see if it is hardware. nick125: I think we can ssh in, but haven't explored it my thoughts are if this is an LoCo project these should go to the LoCo...not just one person. And, if that's the case, I'd propose that deinerson1 consider being the monitor point for notifications. He can notify us if there are issues we need to act on. I am happy to do that -1 Thats logical and the backup? Similarly, I don't sent #ubuntu IRC channel maintenance emails to the list, or launchpad team issues to the list. but the EPC stuff is uniquely us There are two other staff and reseidents that could get into St. Josephs if need be tritium: but those are not projects that we have started as a loco. residents that are also staff gcleric: sure they are. They were the first ones. tritium: really? how are #ubuntu IRC channel maintenance emails loco projects? tritium I guess technically you are correct but we do not run IRC or launchpad, gcleric: they are LoCo team resources, and require regular maintenance tritium: but they are not projects that we've started with the intention of supporting. As does the mailing list, which we recently modified. I propose that the maintenance emails go to the contacts at EPC. If they need help, they could email the list. Well should we get a list pf LoCo projects and get primary and backup administrators listed as well? protonchris I can support that idea That would be consistent with what we have now -- primary and backup contacts for various things such as IRC channel, mailing list, calendar, etc. I second protonchris' proposal. tritium should I compose a list (we kind of have one) and list it on the wiki? dthomasdigital: let's revisit that list in the near term Shall we first close this item? cool we should vote on it first +1 deinerson1 or gcleric: can a custom message be added to the maintenance emails? dthomasdigital: which proposal is that for? The agenda item 1 proposal, or protonchris' proposal? protonchris proposal we should see how it works as always we should remain flexible, if we need to change things around we can. protonchris: what is your idea regarding custom messages? prontochris: not easily on the custom alert. It appears we can setup a custom.sh script to run, though not experienced with this The custom message could just have the loco mailing list info if the person who receives the email cannot resolve the problem. That's a good idea. great idea My vote: +1 for notifications to contacts (-1 for notifications to mailing list) it's easy to send the alerts tomultiple emails right from the dashboard My vote: +1 for notifications to contacts (-1 for notifications to mailing list) (+1 to modify the notifications to include loco contact info) I suggest that the notifications go to deinerson1 and anyone he deems appropriate. deinerson1: are you cool with that? yes, totally We're missing jimrz for his vote, and gcleric has not voted. +0 Here's a screenshot of the dashboard notifications setup: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/369550/open-mesh_notifications1.jpg 3 for, and 0 opposed. Looks like it's settled. only 1 email a day even if more than one router is down As far as I can tell. gcleric: I agree that epc is our project, but I thought our ultimate goal was for them to be self sufficient. That echoes my sentiment as well. anyway, let's move on Lets stay open to changing this if we need to. I so agree * Our LoCo did not take part in the global bug jam, what can we do to make the next one? item 3? Yes. I so have no idea how to work on bugs....and so want to. We'll if other locos participate in their irc channel, a good first step might be to attend theirs. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam We should try to schedule a few of us to attend the "How to run a Bug Jam" IRC session in #ubuntu-meeting, when they have another one. And try to be ready for the next go-around. We'd want to put some effort into preparation for it, so we can do a decent job. I'll make sure I keep up to date on the dates