||<>|| === Agenda === * Face-to-Face meeting in January? * Update of Mesh Router Project for EPC If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * dthomasdigital * Doomcat * tritium * jimrz * protonchris * r2d2rodgers (visiting from Louisiana) * gcleric * jfk * kenneth * deinerson1 '''Proceedings''' Meeting called to order by tritium at 8:08pm '''Topics Discussed''' * Face-to-Face meeting in January? Will it be Chucky Cheese? Nope not at CC's but at tritium's house stay tuned for links on what kind of pizza you might want us to have there. Remember you vote counts. It will be this Thursday at tritium's house email him at mrimbert@ubuntu.com for directions. * Update of Mesh Router Project for EPC. Routers have arrived, planning for an install of 2/7 at 10:00am. So come by the EPC if you have the time. More info to come