||<>|| === Agenda === What nothing going on! That's hard to believe. * Software Freedom Day - talk about the new Mexico Teams (2) for sure this year. - posted by dthomasdigital * Be sure to sign up for the mailing list and launchpad for all new people coming to the meetings. - posted by dthomasdigital * Ubuntu specific stuff at New Mexico Linux Fest go [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoLinuxFest|here]] for details. - posted by dthomasdigital If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} '''Members Present''' * ColornelPanik * doomcat * dthomasdigital * gcleric * genfool * jimrz * kenneth * mneptok * Nick125 * tritium * |mando| * source3 '''Proceedings''' Meeting called at 8:10pm by dthomadigital '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ +1 jimrz: fyi.. I'm a Bruins fan... it's a New England thing. =) +1 +1 Software Freedom day is around the corner This year is going to be the best ever agreed. Yes no doubt ... sorta like Red Sox Nation, eh jimrz: which I'm apart of along with Pats and Celtics. http://softwarefreedomday.org/PortalesLinux new team this year The Albuquerque just might get Cottonwood mall after all too dthomasdigital: nice! we will know first part of July but it looks good oooh sounds great ColonelPanik is representing the East big time thanks for the hard work dthomasdigital: is there a plan "B" ... I like backups. =) we touch on that a little last week Yes plan B is you come to Portales Ok.. is there a plan "C"... =P Should we contact the other mall? or albuquerque uptown? Uptown... would be difficult and weather permitting. si as it is out side. I'll keep on with my Cottonwood contact, anyone want to contact the other areas? unless we hang outside the apple store. =P gcleric that woudl rock indeed I think that Corrando would be another choice. I gree +1 +1 .. I'll vote for my own idea. =) so any volunteers to make contact. I'll take it. whom did you ask for when you contacted Cottonwood? Thanks gcleric I'll keep you posted on Cottonwood mall, they are ready to help but won't know till mid-July there marketing director that's the route I'll take. OK ready for the next item? sure why not two locations ,,, if they both work out? Oh ColonelPanik again let me know what we cna do to help support Portales I'm in walking distance of Cottonwood mall genfool: I'm down with that. genfool, hard enough getting people to show up at one me too but I'm open There are numerous game/computer/coffee places in Albuq/RR Maybe a display in each of them. Even if its just a poster and some CDs? we have enough active folks now to handle If for some reason one falls through the cracks??? ColonelPanik: that's a good Idea! A mini display with CD's. That;s true this year we really need to market will hel the LoCo, SFD, and NMLF dthomasdigital: agreed. exactly I've all ready started working on flyers yep I want to conatct the other LUG's and get them involved too anyone know anyone at one of the local new outlets? ...news I see Rod Green every day snooping through court records a quick mention doesn't hurt. I'll see what I can do I know a few camera folks to also ads in the alibi, and other free newspapers and lobo kkob am talk radio has a few hours a week for callers to call in and plug there business. I'll add the info here http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/northamerica/NM/Albuquerque/NewMexicoUbuntuLoco genfool: is there prior contact required or is it a dry call? genfool good idea as the date gets closer we need to remember that dthomasdigital: on that URL, are you able to edit it to be "LoCo", not "Loco"? The schools will be in session, hit the science/computer teachers Sure my bad no, just call in, Fridays after 5:00 pm, will have to verify, listen to it all the time. ...short for Local Community, and no, it doesn't mean crazy :) changes made ask and you shall receive tritium you know your my editor anyway. hah, sometimes, I suppose I'll be adding a item and responsibility list ASAP Another venue for promoting FSD and NMLF would be Bubonicon 47. August 28-30 oops that is Bubonicon 41 Ready to move on? +1 +200 +1 lets go! Lots of new people have been coming to the meetings not a lot of new people on the mailing list we need to be sure and point them to our contacts page when we can Just a thought. a good one, though Come on, Dwight. Make your free throws... Oh I just figured out why tritium is so quite dthomasdigital: that's part of it. I'm also working. another thought, remind them that there is usually someone on this channel during the week, if they need help. Very good idea genfool i am leaving early cause i am tired bye * doomcat has quit ("lascia alright per andare ed uscire di qui al doomlair(italian for alright lets go and get out of here to the doomlair)") good night doomcat next item? ok I'm floored! Doomcat is speaking my family language. Well at least on my mothers side. Just wanted to thank the people signing up to volunteer for the Ubuntu LoCo booths at LinuxFest thanks! gcleric we speak lots of Italian in the hose my wife's madin name is Trusio dthomasdigital: I'm still floored. house and maiden see told ya I need and editor any other business? Yes, I have one update. Any news out of EPC? I wish protonchris were here, since he's been working on the website. the website cool.... dthomasdigital: i have not heard anything from EPC. I've had the DNS and MX records updated to point to birdhouse.org now. http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/ is up and running. tritium that is huge news how cool Thanks to protonchris for his work on the website, and getting the Launchpad ID integration working. tritium and protonchris rock! +100 Try it out, and login with your launchpad ID and password. Of course they do, oh it looks great protonchris did all the work. I just interfaced with the Canonical sysadmins a bit to get the records updated. oh man this is great love it Just added my first comment on the site Thanks tritium for doing all you do, dont pretend you did nothing. :) launchpad ID works fine, was already logged into it so it offered to sign me in, I siad ok and it worked <|mando|> +1000 genfool: :) It was nothing, really. Wow we just keep moving forward. g'night all busy day tomorrow... qwest fiber to home... =P good night gcleric dthomasdigital: let me know how that VM goes.. I got to head out too, huge day tomorrow. Good night, gcleric. I'm upgrading to 7 Mbps on Friday. gcleric you got it * gcleric has quit ("“It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.” -Green Day") good night everyone * source3 (n=source3@ has joined #ubuntu-us-nm * jimrz has quit ("Leaving.") Hey there, source3. Good to see you again. Hello all, I think I am a little late. Been traveling down to Carlsbad, NM. You too tritium. source3 I'm about to go to bed now. Shame...I still have work to do! good nite source3, hello hello genfool }}}