||<>|| === Agenda === 1. LoCo Meetings and Schedules 2. Flying Star Room reservation (date and time?) 3. EPC follow Up 4. Ubuntu Merchandise Order 5. Hardy Release Campaign 6. Hardy Release/Install fest If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}}. '''Members Present''' *mando *jimrz *protonchris *wazzle *gcleric *don2718 *boim *epc2 *Andrew *wfcarr {*} And the new bot ubot3 '''Proceedings''' Meeting called to order by gcleric at 8:00pm MST '''Topics Discussed''' *The next Ubuntu NM LoCo Face to Face will be at EPC on March 27 2008.gcleric to reserve the Corrales [[http://www.flyingstarcafe.com/hospitality.htm|Flyingstar Hospitality Room]] for April 24th 2008 for the Hardy Release Party *Discussed current status of EPC's install. *Touched on Ubuntu Merchandise Order *Build and install EPC FreeNAS device at EPC on March 22nd 2008 at 10am. *NM LoCo Install fest pushed off until we can talk to Tina about CNM Class room access.