<> {{http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png}} === Agenda === If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free! * Update on nm.ubuntu-us.org hosting '''Members Present''' 9 people in the IRC channel tonight '''Proceedings''' Meeting started at 8:00 by prontochris '''Topics Discussed''' {{{ --- Log opened Tue Mar 30 19:58:36 2010 19:58 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-03-30.txt opened 19:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> howdy 20:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> protonchris: got weekend plans? 20:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> mneptok: I might have something Saturday night, but Sunday is wide open 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> protonchris: so let's build the Focus Ink box on Sunday if tritium is available. 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Sounds good. 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> the parts are here. i can pick them up on Friday and deliver the completed machine on Monday 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> mneptok: What are you guys building again? 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> well, the parts are "here" at Focus Ink ;) 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> nick125: NAS server 20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> mneptok: Ah. Did you guys decide on the distro you were going to use. I remember you were debating between FreeNAS and OpenFiler. 20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> nick125: haven't heard a strong opinion one way or t'other 20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> *Did you guys decide on the distro you were going to use? 20:03 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> i'm leaning toward FreeNAS, as the web UI seems far more intuitive 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Plus it has zfs ;) 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> that's noce, although the hardware RAID card sorts mitigates the need for it to some extent 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> *nice 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Ah. True. I forgot that the box has hardware raid. 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: * nick125 has never liked HW RAID... 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> nick125: ever used *real* hardware RAID? 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> mneptok: Too poor, so no. 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> i.e. not embedded crap Highpoint controllers on the consumer-grade mobo ;) 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> nick125: then your hatred is 100% understandable. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> I can buy a lot of CPU power and RAM for the $500 for a real RAID card. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: * mneptok has similat hate for similar stuff 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I have used some 3ware cards. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> but that is about it. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> I have a friend that works with a lot of high-end hardware. Even he uses software RAID. 20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816116042 20:08 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> if you spend $ on the hardware controller, you can buy a cheap CPU in a NAS box. 20:08 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> and indeed, this NAS server will have a Sempron 20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, should we get started? 20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> i need to toddle off and make dinner. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/March_30_2010 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> protonchris: see what trit's schedule is for Sunday f he pops in? otherwise, i'll phone him tomorrow or Thursday. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> mneptok: Ok. I can ask him at work tomorrow as well. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> feel free to invite yourselves here. or invite me somewhare. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> *where 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Looks like we only have one agenda item and it is mine. 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> mneptok: Sounds good. 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> My agenda item is: 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < mneptok> yes, we think you're sexy. meeting adjourned. 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> This has got to be one of our best meetings ever. 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Item #1: Update on nm.ubuntu-us.org hosting 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> /o\ 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, birdhouse really doesn't want to enable ssl in their php install. 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> So our choices are to move to different hosting or not use openid/launchpad. 20:14 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Anyone have an opinion? 20:16 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I am going to assume that the silence means that you don't care, but do want to give protonchris suitcases full of money ;) 20:19 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Ok, then. Any other business? 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: * protonchris is beginning to think that he is talking to himself. 20:20 -!- You are no longer marked as being away 20:20 -!- Irssi: No new messages in awaylog 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> *crickets* 20:21 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> it seems: moving to a new server sounds like a fair bit of work compared with the acceptance of drupal native login 20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> deinerson1: true. It would be more work, but not too much since we don't have any content on there yet. 20:22 -!- rlopez12 [~rlopez12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> good point about the content 20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Our other choice is hosting through canonical, but we were concerned with how long it might take to get support if there is a problem. 20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, we can table that item until next week. Anything else? 20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> haha 20:26 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 20:26 [@ChanServ ] [ locobot_4] [ protonchris] [ ubot3 ] 20:26 [ ColonelPanik] [ mneptok ] [ smooge ] [ woowoo ] 20:26 [ deinerson1 ] [ nick125 ] [ tritium ] [ |mando|] 20:26 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] --- Log closed Tue Mar 30 20:35:26 2010 }}}