||<>|| ||<>|| = New Mexico Linux Fest = This page has been created for the organization of the first annual New Mexico Linux Fest. If you have any ideas, a wish list, or have event organization experience please contact us. We will be looking for speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. === Committee === We have put together a committee to explore the idea of starting a Linux Conference in New Mexico along the lines of the [[http://www.ohiolinux.org/|Ohio LinuxFest]]. If you have ideas, would like to serve on the committee or know of ways that would help including locating sponsors. Please contact any of the current committee members. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichaelRimbert|Michael Rimbert]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jimrz/|Jim Riordan]],[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dthomasdigital|David Thomas]] We are hoping to learn from others most notably [[http://linuxfestnorthwest.org/|Linux Fest Northwest]], [[http://www.ohiolinux.org/|Ohio Linux Fest]], and the [[http://www.onlinux.ca/|Ontario Linux Fest]] as well as many others. We've taken the liberty of using much of the ideas, verbiage, and organizational skills of these organizations to help make the New Mexico Linux Fest successful. Thanks to all they do. === Organizational Chart === This will be a non-profit and free to attendees festival. However we may need to create banking accounts or create a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation to pay for various needs and therefore full transparency must be maintained. We will need a group of officers to handle various task. * President * Vice-President * Treasurer * Board Members * Webmaster === Media Materials === ==== logo ideas and submissions. ==== {{http://www.dthomasdigital.com/images/linuxfestlogo.png}} === Other Needs === We also need the following: * Register a web domain * Website with the ability to register people * Mailing list * Internet Access at the venue * Program Guide printing * Badge/Lanyard * Food and Beverage Service * Bags for expo * T-shirt printing We need to locate a proper venue. The venue will need to have enough area to be able to have: * Key note address (large hall) * breakout sessions * lunch hall * exhibit hall * information area and office === Event Details === ==== '''Call for Exhibitors''' ==== This is a call for exhibitors to demonstrate all aspects of Linux and open source software. Non-commercial exhibitors are encouraged to show their use of Linux and provide guidance to others considering Linux. Commercial exhibitors are invited to highlight their products and services. 6-foot booth spaces are available for Pricing to be announced. non-commerical exhibitors Pricing to be announced, and 12-foot booth spaces are available for Pricing to be announced. Exhibitors will be given a 2x6 foot table, 110V power, and a single DHCP network connection to the Internet. You may use a hub or switch if you need additional network connections. Please bring your own network cables (50'), extension cords (25'), and power strips. Also, please avoid the use of large display lights. * We will need to create some type of submission form so exhibitors can submit proposals and then we will need to notify exhibitors of acceptance of proposal via email. ==== '''Call for Presenters''' ==== This is a call for presentations on all aspects of Linux and open source technology. We welcome both introductory lectures and advanced discussions on software development, database, server application, networking, and system administration topics. We also invite those using Linux and open source applications to give talks about their experiences and lessons learned. Lecture slots will be 60 or 90 minutes long. Please adjust your lecture length to fit your time slot, and leave time for a question and answer period afterward. A DHCP network connection to the Internet will be available for each presentation . An overhead projector will also be available. * We will need to create some type of submission form so Presenters can submit proposals and then we will need to notify exhibitors of acceptance of proposal via email. ==== '''Call for Sponsors''' ==== Volunteers do an amazing amount of work to make The New Mexico Linux Fest a success, but we can't do it alone. There are a variety of ways your organization can help us make The New Mexico Linux Fest 2009 better than ever: Event Sponsors: * Coffee & Tea — Provide vital caffeine for our attendees on Saturday and Sunday. * Saturday Lunch — Sponsor the Saturday lunch. * Saturday Party * Saturday Party Music * Speakers — Pay travel expenses for a speaker from your company, or from the open source community, to present at the Fest. * Media / PR — Donate magazine and/or banner ad space. * Transportation — What can the Rail Runner do for us? * Gold Sponsors — Cash contribution of Pricing to be announced. * Silver Sponsors — Cash contribution of Pricing to be announced. * Bronze Sponsors — Cash contribution under Pricing to be announced. We need to have a way for the sponsors to register and need them listed on the website and publications. === New Mexico Linux Resources === The following list are known groups in New Mexico that need to be contacted and invited to be part of The New Mexico Linux Fest. ||'''Organization'''||'''Website'''||'''Contacts'''||'''Have Been Contacted'''||'''Linux Fest contributer'''|| ||New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam|Ubuntu New Mexico Team]]||Mike Rimbert mrimbert@ubuntu.com,<
> David Thomas dthomas@ubuntu.com||yes||yes|| ||MVLUG||[[http://www.mvlug.org/|MVLUG]]||?||NO||?|| ||NMLUG||[[http://www.nmlug.org/|NMLUG]]||?||NO||?|| ||NMGLUG||[[http://www.nmglug.org|NMGLUG]]||?||NO||?|| ||barcamp ABQ||[[http://www.barcamp.org/BarCampAlbuquerque|barcamp ABQ]]||Reid Givens comments@reidgivens.com||NO||?|| ||ABQ web geeks||[[http://www.dukecityfix.com/group/webgeeks|ABQ web Geeks]]||?||NO||?|| === Sponsor Resource List === ||'''Sponsor Name'''||'''Sponsor Type'''||'''Contact Name'''||'''Involvement'''|| ||Linux Journal||Media||Director of Audience Development, Mark Irgang mark@linuxjournal.com||to be determined|| === Exhibitors Resource List ===