## page was copied from NewMexicoTeam/Projects <> = Silver Spur Gun Show = The New Mexico LoCo team will be hosting a table at the [[http://www.silverspurtradeshows.com/gbshome.html|Silver Spur Trade Show]]. The first show was held at the [[http://maps.google.com/maps?cid=0,0,11686757376942251028&ei=5KtrS9rbLYy2swPM3MCpAw&ved=0CAgQnwIwAA&ll=35.307907,-106.684606&spn=0.003213,0.008256&z=18|Santa Ana Star Center]] in Rio Rancho, NM. '''The May show''' is at [[http://www.exponm.com/ns/calendar/ViewEvent.asp?EventId=116|Expo New Mexico]] in [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=300+San+Pedro+NE+Albuquerque,+NM+87108&sll=35.072437,-106.580097&sspn=0.013487,0.016909&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=300+San+Pedro+Dr+NE,+Albuquerque,+Bernalillo,+New+Mexico+87108&ll=35.081813,-106.573005&spn=0.026971,0.033817&z=15|Lujan A and B]]. Here's a [[http://www.silverspurtradeshows.com/albuquerque.html|map]] to the entrance, too. == Date and Time == The next event is the weekend of May 1-2, 2010 at the state fair grounds. The first event was the weekend of February 13-14, 2010. Dealer Setup: Friday 1200-1900 and Saturday 0800-0900 Hours: Saturday 0900-1700 and Sunday 1000-1600. * The Disks Have Come In *100 Ubuntu 9.10 that I bought. *75 Ubuntu 9.10 + 50 Kubuntu 9.10 + 1 disk holder from Shipit *About 40 Disks left over from the from the first Gun show *I will be puting Ubuntu Loco Labels on all the disks * Who is Going to be exhibitors * Kenneth - I have both Friday and Sunday Off, Try to get Saturday Off * Dave * Please either update the event page, during the IRC chat meeting on Tuesday April 27, or email me at kelmshaeuser@gmail.com on what days you will be there == Our Table == The table is 8 feet long. Up to 5 people may tend the table. Please let Kenneth know you're going. === Items Needed === * Tablecloth for a 8ft table (Provided by Kenneth Elmshaeuser) * CD's - to give out (provided by KurtvonFinck) * Sign(s) - Who we are and what we are about. * Pamphlets about Linux, Ubuntu, and or Open Source (provided by KurtvonFinck) * Computers or laptop to show off Linux? * [[http://en.digitalkamera.com/make-a-paper-tux-linux-penguin-in-less-than-15-minutes/|Paper Penguin Cutouts]] printed Feel free to add items to the above list. == Attendees - 1st Show == Please be sure to note when you will be at the show. KurtvonFinck - Friday 1700-1900 (setup) / Saturday 1200-1700 and Sunday 1200-1600 Kenneth Elmshaeuser Friday 1700-1900 (setup)/ Work Saturday / Sunday 1000-1600 MichaelRimbert - Saturday 0900 - 1300 == Gratuitous Imagery - 2nd Show - May 2, 2010 == [[attachment:DSCN2124.JPG]] [[attachment:DSCN2125.JPG]] [[attachment:2010-05-02-11.20.43.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-02-11.20.47.jpg]] == Gratuitous Imagery - 2nd Show - May 1, 2010 == [[attachment:2010-05-01-095922.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-133437.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-133500.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-140120.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.36.36.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.36.44.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.40.38.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.40.48.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.40.56.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-13.41.20.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-14.58.52.jpg]] [[attachment:2010-05-01-14.59.02.jpg]] == Gratuitous Imagery - 1st Show == [[attachment:0214001556.jpg]] [[attachment:0214001557.jpg]] [[attachment:0214001557a.jpg]]