
I have been running a course to introduce new users to Linux for almost a year. These are my observations.


Basically Linux must be easier to install and setup. And it must not look unfamiliar. See: http://students.ee.sun.ac.za/index.php/Course

From unknown Thu May 19 01:18:14 +0100 2005 From: Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 01:18:14 +0100 Subject: Directory Structure Message-ID: <20050519011814+0100@www.ubuntulinux.org>

I have been playing with Linux trying to find the Distro for "me" as they say but to this day knowing where things park themselves on a Linux Distro once 1)installed 2)temporarily (I found that out tonight) 3) where Man, How-to and other documentation is and a host of other basic file system things which give even your advanced windows user a run for their money baffles me to this day after starting with Suse 9.1 about 3 months back on and off. The sorting system is different but it is how Linux has been boken down in my understanding for a long time and it works for partitioning and mounting onto different drives etc. but the walkthrough with this kind of information linked to it would be great... Your Linux OS is installed /x/y/z and the Gnome /x1/y1/z1 there etc so that finding backgrounds or trying to point linuxant to a file for kernel sources doesnt become thumb suck. My 2 cents d:-)

NewUsersImpressions (last edited 2009-12-31 04:19:26 by c-69-143-40-19)