## Standard template for meeting summaries created by ScribesTeam This is the '''3rd''' meeting of the '''NewYorkTeam''', starting at 6:01 PM EST and finishing at 8:01 EST with 30 Minutes of informal discussion after the meeting. When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed. = Agenda = The meeting will start off with an Introduction of Members where we will welcome people to the meeting. The following Topics will then be discussed. * Announcements * Review status of current projects * Project suggestions & Assignments * Wrap up and goals for next meeting The meeting will be followed by 30 minutes of informal discussion where you will be able to ask the team coordinators questions or chat with them in general. = Minutes = = IRC LOGS = {{{ (06:01:52 PM) yharrow: Hey guys, Glad to see so many people showed up tonight :). (06:01:52 PM) yharrow: We will be starting in about 5 minutes (06:01:52 PM) yharrow: Please take a few moments to get comfortable and grab a drink or a snack. Once the meeting starts we (06:01:52 PM) yharrow: hope that all will be in full attention so as not to miss any points of interest. (06:01:52 PM) yharrow: You can also spend this time to get to know each other before we get started. (06:07:50 PM) yharrow: Hey everyone, (06:07:50 PM) yharrow: Welcome to the New York teams third! IRC meeting. (06:07:50 PM) yharrow: We are very glad that you all showed up tonight. (06:07:50 PM) yharrow: It gives us great encouragement to see so many people interested in the New York Team. (06:07:50 PM) yharrow: If anyone who wants to join our great team and has not joined yet, please let us know, and we'll help you do so after the meeting. (06:12:13 PM) n8k99: hi davebgimp (06:12:46 PM) davebgimp: n8k99, heya (06:12:50 PM) ausimage: heya (06:12:52 PM) samiam010203: hello all (06:12:54 PM) GNu_Joe: call ended (06:12:57 PM) samiam010203: how is everyone tonight (06:13:20 PM) ***n8k99 waves at everyone (06:13:24 PM) davebgimp: I'll be that much better after I crack this bottle (06:13:35 PM) samiam010203: cool (06:13:38 PM) ausimage: \me is better though not great (06:13:47 PM) yharrow: dave, hopefully not on your head ;) (06:14:12 PM) yharrow: or my head for that matter. (06:14:24 PM) yharrow: anyone else here tonight? (06:14:44 PM) Tect: i'm here, i'm also doing fine (06:14:45 PM) ausimage: yharrow I will get the log up after the meeting (06:14:57 PM) yharrow: ausimage, cool (06:15:00 PM) yharrow: hey endless (06:15:05 PM) yharrow: hows it going (06:15:05 PM) endlessdamion: hello all (06:15:07 PM) samiam010203: so hows eveyone doing this evening (06:15:10 PM) endlessdamion: bad (06:15:12 PM) samiam010203: hello endless (06:15:16 PM) endlessdamion: hello all (06:15:19 PM) endlessdamion: good day to u (06:15:21 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, why bad? (06:15:30 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, what happened? (06:15:44 PM) endlessdamion: huh windows machines with viruses may get logged off (06:16:00 PM) samiam010203: viruses and spyware. yuck1 (06:16:02 PM) samiam010203: ! (06:16:15 PM) endlessdamion: well that is windows for ya (06:16:20 PM) yharrow: ya (06:16:28 PM) yharrow: sucks man. (06:16:47 PM) samiam010203: thats windows for u. trust me i know. :) (06:16:47 PM) yharrow: viruses drive me nuts (06:17:13 PM) endlessdamion: haha all the virus and spyware cleaner cant save these computers (06:17:20 PM) yharrow: Im gonna get started with the meeting if you guys dont mind (06:17:31 PM) yharrow: ;) (06:17:37 PM) endlessdamion: yea (06:17:50 PM) yharrow: ok.. i have a couple of announcements to make (06:17:52 PM) samiam010203: sure lets get the show on the road hahaha (06:17:59 PM) ausimage: start the meeting already (06:18:17 PM) yharrow: 1. I am excited to announce that our membership has already reached a total of 11 members (06:18:17 PM) yharrow: -This is a great start for a team that has barely been around for 3 weeks and we look to multiply this number with your help in the near future. (06:18:30 PM) yharrow: i think membership is actually 12 now (06:18:36 PM) yharrow: since Tect joined (06:18:46 PM) yharrow: lets all give it up to our newest member. Tect (06:18:55 PM) Tect: *bows (06:18:55 PM) samiam010203: hello tect :) (06:18:56 PM) ausimage: yeah (06:19:01 PM) ausimage: \O/ (06:19:03 PM) endlessdamion: welcome tect (06:19:06 PM) ***n8k99 throws Tect in the air (06:19:10 PM) GNu_Joe: Tect, how did you hear about us? (06:19:13 PM) yharrow: Tect glad to have you on the team (06:19:19 PM) yharrow: lol n8 (06:19:42 PM) Tect: i was board sunday night and decided to channel surf (06:19:46 PM) Tect: bored* (06:19:54 PM) yharrow: Tect, lucky find ;) (06:20:11 PM) yharrow: 2. For those of you who have not heard, we now have a mailing list (06:20:11 PM) yharrow: * To subscribe to our mailing list please see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ny (06:20:11 PM) yharrow: * To post to this list, send an email to: ubuntu-us-ny@lists.ubuntu.com (06:20:11 PM) yharrow: * General information about the mailing list is at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ny (06:20:50 PM) yharrow: has anyone here not used a mailing list before? (06:21:07 PM) endlessdamion: yea me (06:21:23 PM) n8k99: is tat listed on gmane? (06:21:42 PM) n8k99: s/tat/that (06:22:40 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, basically what you do is you send an email to the mailing list address, in this case ubuntu-us-ny AT lists DOT ubuntu DOT com and the email in turn gets sent to every address on a list of emails (06:22:58 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, at least thats the wya i understand it (06:23:08 PM) ausimage: yharrow it is important that you are on the list before you send a message... (06:23:23 PM) yharrow: ah yess. one little detail ;) (06:23:32 PM) yharrow: thanks ausimage (06:23:38 PM) samiam010203: yes u have to be aproved right ? (06:23:46 PM) ausimage: I signed everyone up that is a member (06:23:46 PM) samiam010203: then u can post ? (06:23:52 PM) samiam010203: ok good then (06:23:56 PM) ausimage: not approved just a member of the list (06:24:07 PM) samiam010203: good (06:24:25 PM) yharrow: samiam010203, I think that the way its setup is that al you need to do is subscribe at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ny and then respond to the confirmation email (06:24:34 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:24:35 PM) ausimage: if you send an email from an unknown address I have to allow that address in the future (06:24:38 PM) samiam010203: thats what i thought (06:24:41 PM) yharrow: 3. Also for those you who were unaware, we have a subforum on ubuntu forums: (06:24:41 PM) yharrow: - (http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=a0874fa4bc27b11685d49f5bf49cba2d&f=212) (06:24:41 PM) yharrow: Feel free to become an active member of the forums if you're not already one. (06:25:04 PM) samiam010203: the forums are a good starting point for people new to ubuntu and ubuntu new york :) (06:25:35 PM) yharrow: samiam010203, i agree (06:25:39 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:25:42 PM) samiam010203: thank u :) (06:25:45 PM) yharrow: yw (06:25:53 PM) yharrow: anyone have questions so far? (06:26:26 PM) Tect: i have a question reguarding distribution of ubuntu cd-roms, if you dont mind i ask now? (06:26:32 PM) samiam010203: sure (06:26:35 PM) samiam010203: go ahead (06:26:38 PM) yharrow: Tect hmm. well we will get to that soon (06:26:49 PM) Tect: ok then, sorry for the interuption (06:27:05 PM) yharrow: Tect, hehe nah man your not interrupting :) (06:27:18 PM) yharrow: Tect, its my fault for not specifying which questions i meant (06:27:37 PM) yharrow: ok then. (06:27:41 PM) ***ausimage says there are no bad questions (06:27:50 PM) yharrow: ausimage, i agree (06:28:28 PM) yharrow: ausimage, i just feel that if we ask questions that are on topic they can get a much better response. ;) I could be wrong though (06:28:45 PM) ausimage: :D (06:29:11 PM) yharrow: Tect, does that make sense to you? :) (06:29:54 PM) Tect: yeah :-p (06:30:04 PM) yharrow: ok cool then (06:30:09 PM) yharrow: onto project discussion (06:30:10 PM) yharrow: What we are going to do now is take about the next 45 minutes or so to discuss existing project and goals, and put our heads together as much as we can to come up with new goals and project. (06:30:10 PM) yharrow: We will assign projects to members in the process (06:30:36 PM) yharrow: We have previously managed our team's projects on the Projects page of our wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Projects. (06:30:36 PM) yharrow: From now on projects will be created and managed on our new projects site.http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/ (06:30:36 PM) yharrow: You can go to our Projects Summary page http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/publicsumarry.php to take a look at any of our existing projects. If you login to the Projects site at http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/ you can edit or add a project as well. (06:31:01 PM) davebgimp: noticed that file uploads were disabled on the project site, fyi (06:31:10 PM) yharrow: We have previously managed our team's projects on the Projects page of our wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Projects. (06:31:10 PM) yharrow: From now on projects will be created and managed on our new projects site.http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/ (06:31:10 PM) yharrow: You can go to our Projects Summary page http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/publicsumarry.php to take a look at any of our existing projects. If you login to the Projects site at http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/ you can edit or add a project as well. (06:31:13 PM) yharrow: shots (06:31:15 PM) yharrow: shoots (06:31:18 PM) yharrow: sorry guys (06:31:25 PM) yharrow: thanks dave (06:31:32 PM) yharrow: dave. I had no idea about that (06:31:42 PM) yharrow: :) (06:31:53 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, yeah, tried to upload the project assigned to me and it got refused (06:31:54 PM) ausimage: I will look into it.... (06:32:00 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, cool (06:32:17 PM) ausimage: probably some permissions thing (06:32:27 PM) yharrow: :) thanks ausimage (06:32:38 PM) ausimage: yeah... np (06:32:46 PM) yharrow: For the projects site, most people's login is their IRC nick. Everyones default password is ubuntuny. (06:32:47 PM) yharrow: If you are unable to login please let us know so we can create an account for you. (06:33:10 PM) yharrow: lets all try to login to the projects site now (06:33:47 PM) Tect: i am unable to login (06:33:59 PM) endlessdamion: logged in (06:34:13 PM) ausimage: you probably need an account Tect (06:34:30 PM) GNu_Joe: message hit the list (06:35:33 PM) yharrow: Tect, Im creating your account now (06:35:40 PM) yharrow: Tect whats your email address? (06:35:47 PM) Tect: tommycuthbert AT gmail DOT com (06:35:55 PM) yharrow: ok one sec (06:36:34 PM) yharrow: Tect, ok done (06:36:40 PM) yharrow: Tect, try to log in now (06:37:10 PM) ausimage: I have plans to work on the beta version of projects.... (06:37:27 PM) endlessdamion: question on the custom live cd (06:37:38 PM) yharrow: ausimage, that would be awesome. Im trying to get the database setup for the beta site (06:37:52 PM) ausimage: I am curently refactoring and seperating logic and design... (06:37:59 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, ok whats the question? (06:38:30 PM) ausimage: any know php and willing to help would be nice.... (06:38:50 PM) yharrow: ausimage you should make a PHP group i think (06:38:51 PM) Tect: thumbs up on logging in (06:38:54 PM) yharrow: yay (06:39:02 PM) yharrow: is everyone in? (06:39:04 PM) ausimage: K will do that (06:39:07 PM) davebgimp: I am (06:39:07 PM) yharrow: anyone not logged in yet? (06:39:11 PM) ausimage: me (06:39:22 PM) Tect: i know a very little bit of php, i might be able to do some minor work (06:39:46 PM) yharrow: ok then (06:39:49 PM) ausimage: cool... I will talk to you about that later Tect (06:40:36 PM) yharrow: ausimage, it might actually be a smart idea to make a programming team intstead of PHP but I wouldnt know (06:40:38 PM) yharrow: :) (06:40:42 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, you still there man? (06:40:48 PM) ausimage: I will look into (06:40:52 PM) ausimage: it (06:40:54 PM) endlessdamion: yea i am here (06:41:01 PM) yharrow: endless ok cool (06:41:14 PM) yharrow: We would like to have the team split up into groups so that people work on the things that they are most familiar with. There is no limit to the number of groups you can join. If you have an idea for a particular group and that group does not yet exist, you can create the group yourself. (06:42:20 PM) yharrow: You can visit the this page http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/tasks.php?x=0&action=summary to get an overview of all the work that has been or needs to be done (06:42:28 PM) yharrow: everyone following me so far? (06:42:44 PM) davebgimp: yup (06:42:45 PM) yharrow: samiam010203, did I miss anything yet? (06:42:46 PM) Tect: roger (06:43:01 PM) samiam010203: no (06:43:06 PM) samiam010203: yharrow your good to go (06:43:10 PM) yharrow: ok :) cool thanks man (06:43:19 PM) samiam010203: your welcome (06:43:56 PM) yharrow: so lets all take about 5 minutes thinking about what we like to do most and adding ourselves or removing ourselves from groups (06:43:58 PM) n8k99: yup (06:44:33 PM) yharrow: remmeber you can create your own group if you feel that there needs to be one (06:44:42 PM) n8k99: as the php team will be interfacing with the blog, i think i'd like to be in on that (06:45:05 PM) Tect: yharrow, do you mind if i ask my question now? its about halfway on topic :) (06:45:15 PM) yharrow: Tect ok man go ahead (06:45:17 PM) yharrow: :) (06:45:45 PM) ausimage: n8k99: if you notice there is a website project with wordpress listed under neath (06:46:04 PM) n8k99: yes i saw (06:46:22 PM) ausimage: cool (06:46:33 PM) Tect: well, as some of you may know, i managed to distribute 17 cd-roms already, my question basically was if the team would be able to send me some more cd's to distribute when you get them, i think if i ask shipit for more they would deny me since i ordered that 20 only 2 months ago (06:47:05 PM) yharrow: guys, i forgot to give you the link to edit yoru profile (06:47:07 PM) yharrow: its http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/users.php?x=0&action=edit&userid=1 (06:47:08 PM) davebgimp: How exactly do you add yourself to a group, I'm not seeing the option (06:47:12 PM) yharrow: there we go (06:47:13 PM) yharrow: sorry man (06:47:18 PM) n8k99: i have some dapper cds (06:47:21 PM) ausimage: it is an admin option (06:47:24 PM) ausimage: yharrow (06:47:31 PM) samiam010203: tect i will def send u cds (06:47:50 PM) yharrow: ausimage, I think you can go to http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/users.php?x=0&action=edit&userid=1 and edit your profile (06:48:13 PM) endlessdamion: question we are only distributing dapper cd? (06:48:20 PM) endlessdamion: only (06:48:24 PM) samiam010203: at first only dapper (06:48:25 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:48:29 PM) yharrow: i think you should see "The user is a member of the highlighted groups below (if any) (06:48:29 PM) yharrow: Usergroups:" (06:48:30 PM) samiam010203: soon feisty (06:48:30 PM) Tect: thats the only one that shipit has at the moment, right? (06:48:50 PM) yharrow: you select which groups you want to be part of (06:49:07 PM) davebgimp: I see no option to add/subtract groups (06:49:08 PM) ausimage: your are right yharrow (06:49:19 PM) GNu_Joe: what about edubuntu and schools? (06:49:19 PM) yharrow: press Ctrl and click to select more than one (06:49:24 PM) ausimage: ctrl click the ones you want (06:49:55 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, go here http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/usergroups.php?x=0&action=add (06:49:57 PM) davebgimp: nope, no way to add/subtract groups (06:50:10 PM) Tect: most schools, atleast in my area, are using microsoft and they implement it in way to many lessons to switch now (06:50:12 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, admin only (06:50:36 PM) ausimage: what did you want davebgimp (06:50:51 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, ok then tell me what group you want and the description you would like (06:50:59 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, the only thing I can do is edit my email/name. I'd like to be able to add/subtract groups (06:51:20 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, ok Ill make you an admin (06:51:37 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, cool (06:51:41 PM) ausimage: yharrow: I will add that to the list (06:51:43 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, but please dont subtract groups or edit users w/o consulting anyone first (06:51:53 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, it's just for me (06:51:58 PM) yharrow: ok then :) (06:52:43 PM) GNu_Joe: I'm going to be presenting to the local PC users group on Invitation ( hard core MS camp ) (06:52:57 PM) samiam010203: thats cool gnu (06:52:58 PM) samiam010203: :) (06:52:59 PM) davebgimp: GNu_Joe, oof, wear a helmet (06:53:04 PM) GNu_Joe: do we have a place to store OpenOffice prez? (06:53:06 PM) endlessdamion: i dont have as much skills as the other members in this team so i wil not be about to assist that well (06:53:17 PM) yharrow: Tect, Im thinking that you shouldnt have an issue ordering CDs well get into more detail in a little bit (06:53:27 PM) yharrow: :) (06:53:41 PM) GNu_Joe: so I can share my prez and others can add to it? (06:54:11 PM) GNu_Joe: that way we have a stock prez when we talk to groups (06:54:17 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, ok done. you have admin access (06:54:28 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, thanks, I won't abuse (06:54:46 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, thats good to know man.. I trust you :) (06:55:05 PM) Tect: yharrow, sorry to interupt again but 15 cds that i attempted to order the other day were just refused (06:55:30 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, you can upload files to the projects site (06:56:00 PM) yharrow: Tect what exactly did they tell you when they refused it :)? (06:56:40 PM) Tect: no message (06:56:43 PM) Tect: here is the exact note (06:56:54 PM) Tect: 15 CDs requested in 2007-03-12. This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped. (06:56:56 PM) samiam010203: here is what i got from shipit just now (06:56:59 PM) samiam010203: 500 CDs requested in 2007-03-04. 80 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2007-03-13 (06:57:19 PM) yharrow: Tect, I think it may have to do with samiam010203 being a team leader (06:57:40 PM) yharrow: Tect, Im not sure why they rejected yoru request though (06:57:43 PM) Tect: i just sent in a special request for 50 cds, i put in a reason this time explaining myself, so i'll see if that does anything (06:57:48 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: you should ask atoponce or jono about that (06:57:55 PM) samiam010203: i think i will (06:57:59 PM) samiam010203: thanks ausi (06:58:04 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, create a project on the site and then upload your file under the project or under a task (06:58:34 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, you can also just create a task of an existing project and upload to that (06:58:43 PM) Tect: question: are we also distributing kubuntu and edubuntu or just ubuntu (06:58:48 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, let us know if you run into problems (06:59:02 PM) Tect: i think GNu_joe had a good point earlier about trying to distribute edubuntu to schools (06:59:08 PM) ***n8k99 loves distributing kubuntu! (06:59:17 PM) samiam010203: KUBUNTU ROCKERS! (06:59:24 PM) samiam010203: hahaha (06:59:31 PM) yharrow: Tect I think we would like to start out with ubuntu and then move on to other variants although i dontt see why we can distribute them all at once (06:59:34 PM) yharrow: lol (06:59:56 PM) Tect: well i dont know if its just me but kubuntu irritates me lol (07:00:23 PM) GNu_Joe: Ubuntu/Kbuntu are life choices, but Edubuntu is for schools and Xubuntu is for older systems (07:00:25 PM) yharrow: ok guys did everyone join the team that they are interested in? (07:00:39 PM) davebgimp: yup (07:00:44 PM) yharrow: anyone else? (07:00:48 PM) Tect: oo sorry one second (07:00:52 PM) yharrow: cool dave :) (07:01:04 PM) yharrow: ok tect you can go ahead and do it now (07:01:25 PM) Tect: i'm a little bit confused on how to join a team (07:01:30 PM) yharrow: link to edit yoru profile (07:01:30 PM) yharrow: its http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com/users.php?x=0&action=edit&userid=1 (07:01:45 PM) ausimage: but not your user id yharoow (07:01:58 PM) yharrow: umm ooh your right ausimage (07:01:58 PM) endlessdamion: ok then i am ording cd to distrube in brooklyn then (07:02:03 PM) samiam010203: cool (07:02:10 PM) yharrow: tect one sec (07:02:22 PM) samiam010203: im going to try and get 1K from the fesity herd (07:02:51 PM) davebgimp: just upgraded my desktop to feisty this week (07:02:55 PM) samiam010203: cool (07:02:56 PM) davebgimp: smooth so far (07:02:59 PM) samiam010203: yes (07:03:00 PM) samiam010203: true (07:03:01 PM) Tect: i upgraded to feisty as well (07:03:13 PM) yharrow: tect are you in the projects site right now? (07:03:17 PM) ausimage: everyone under users is edit user details... that is where you change your profile on projects (07:03:23 PM) Tect: it has a different feel to it, the best since breezy badger (07:03:26 PM) endlessdamion: anyone using ati card with feisty? (07:03:27 PM) Tect: yes yharrow (07:03:37 PM) GNu_Joe: ho, that brings up a point: does everyone know how to cook up a new CD? (07:03:39 PM) samiam010203: yes i am on my lappy (07:03:43 PM) yharrow: ok in the left hand side bar there is a section named users (07:03:50 PM) yharrow: << Tect (07:03:56 PM) yharrow: Tect do you see it? (07:04:00 PM) Tect: yes (07:04:07 PM) GNu_Joe: as in how to update a released CD, so that a person does not have to do a big download? (07:04:09 PM) yharrow: Tect, choose edit user details (07:04:16 PM) yharrow: Tect got it so far? (07:04:18 PM) ausimage: no GNu_Joe (07:04:25 PM) Tect: ok (07:04:46 PM) n8k99: ati on both my laps (07:05:06 PM) yharrow: Tect, ok now on the page you should see The user is a member of the highlighted groups below (if any) (07:05:06 PM) yharrow: Usergroups: (07:05:16 PM) endlessdamion: does ati have support yet for berly in feisty (07:05:16 PM) Tect: umm, nope (07:05:25 PM) samiam010203: yes (07:05:36 PM) samiam010203: im running beryl on ati with radeon drivers (07:05:43 PM) samiam010203: http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/ (07:06:03 PM) davebgimp: I was suprised that berly made the dist-upgrade in one piece for me (07:06:09 PM) samiam010203: hahaha (07:06:11 PM) Tect: when i select view user details it does (07:06:22 PM) davebgimp: figured I'd love it at least till beta (07:06:31 PM) Tect: Usergroups: Community Outreach, Public Relations Team (07:06:35 PM) endlessdamion: with what ati card (07:06:46 PM) samiam010203: mobility radeon 9600 (07:07:01 PM) endlessdamion: ok then thanks then i need to upgrade (07:07:45 PM) yharrow: ok guys (07:08:07 PM) yharrow: im going to make everyone a admin (07:08:12 PM) samiam010203: cool (07:08:18 PM) yharrow: temporararily (07:08:30 PM) ausimage: yharrow I put it on my list of todos (07:08:44 PM) ausimage: to fix the group assignment thing (07:08:49 PM) davebgimp: I'd like to see outreach expanded on and spelled out (07:09:01 PM) davebgimp: like... what does it entail (07:09:07 PM) ausimage: I agree davebgimp (07:09:17 PM) davebgimp: what's expected, you know what I mean? (07:09:22 PM) ausimage: I wrote it out from the wiki projects page... (07:09:46 PM) davebgimp: I'd guess everyone is a little interested in outreach. but does that mean standing on a corner hawking cds...? (07:09:50 PM) n8k99: does that include visits and presentations in schools, libraries, confereeces (07:09:57 PM) ausimage: yharrow everyone should change theier passwords then ;) (07:10:04 PM) n8k99: train platforms (07:10:07 PM) ausimage: yeah (07:10:16 PM) GNu_Joe: reConstructor looks cool (07:10:31 PM) samiam010203: yes it s a nice app (07:10:55 PM) GNu_Joe: we should do our own "build" (07:10:56 PM) ausimage: If the project gets too large we can seperate it out.... (07:11:16 PM) ***ausimage just came up with another possible change :) (07:11:34 PM) yharrow: ok guys go to edit user details to change your passwords (07:11:42 PM) yharrow: everyone is temporarily an admin (07:11:56 PM) n8k99: hooray! (07:12:14 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, is that only for people who haven't changed them already or have they been reset? (07:12:17 PM) yharrow: while your in user details select the groups yold like to be part of (07:13:15 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, i think only those who havent changed em yet, but I would recommend that everyone join w/e groups they want now (07:13:23 PM) endlessdamion: hey support team does what may i ask (07:13:24 PM) endlessdamion: ? (07:13:27 PM) yharrow: you guys can all create w/e groups you want too (07:13:49 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, gotcha..already changed my pass is why I asked (07:13:52 PM) Tect: if this is the time, i have a few suggestions on how we can distribute ubuntu cds (07:13:55 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion, they provide support to people who need help with ubuntu installations configurations and thelike (07:14:02 PM) yharrow: Tect in a little bit (07:14:13 PM) yharrow: Tect, I love to hear your suggestionss (07:14:25 PM) yharrow: Tect, just wanted to get this stuff done though (07:14:28 PM) yharrow: :) (07:14:34 PM) yharrow: Tect, I hope you understand (07:14:50 PM) ***ausimage checks the clock.... another long one ;) (07:14:55 PM) yharrow: hehe (07:15:11 PM) samiam010203: this is a good meeting so far :) (07:15:15 PM) yharrow: Tect, you know what you can actually submit your suggestions right now (07:15:21 PM) Tect: yharrow, no worries, i was away for a minute and noticed someone said something about distribution (07:15:24 PM) yharrow: Tect, if you go to the projects site (07:15:36 PM) ausimage: isacklow_afk: meeting (07:15:49 PM) GNu_Joe: I think we also need to "early on" draw the line between what is consulting ( people charging for support ) and what should be free assistance (07:16:00 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, I agree (07:16:00 PM) samiam010203: makes scnec gnu (07:16:06 PM) ausimage: sounds good GNu_Joe (07:16:23 PM) yharrow: Tect what was your idea? (07:16:28 PM) yharrow: :) (07:16:28 PM) samiam010203: gnu, i have to say man, you're really a productive guy :) (07:16:34 PM) GNu_Joe: business support is consulting (07:16:38 PM) samiam010203: it's good to have u as an idea man :) (07:16:51 PM) Tect: well, the way i managed to get 17 cds out is to give a small lecture on it in one of the free conference rooms at rutgers (07:16:55 PM) GNu_Joe: people support is free ( but not on-site ) (07:17:21 PM) Tect: i think if we all do that with near by colleges/libraries and bring a few cds with us, we will have people interesed in it take one and become part of the ubuntu community (07:17:29 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, we can all actually make money if we decide to offer paid support i think (07:17:50 PM) samiam010203: yes yharrow we need to work on how were going to go about that at some pooint (07:17:58 PM) davebgimp: print campaign (07:18:01 PM) samiam010203: yharrow , maybe after a real life meet (07:18:01 PM) ausimage: yharrow: some should check into being a not-for-profit.... (07:18:04 PM) GNu_Joe: actually the NYLX fokes had a cool schema for that (07:18:20 PM) davebgimp: sexy flyers all over (07:18:33 PM) yharrow: lol dave (07:18:35 PM) yharrow: tect, hmm (07:18:40 PM) endlessdamion: what can i use for support email addresses (07:18:42 PM) endlessdamion: ? (07:18:57 PM) davebgimp: cheap black and white/2 color crap so it costs nothing and post viral flyer stuff (07:18:59 PM) yharrow: tect, i think it would fall into the category of having to ask permission from people before we do that (07:19:06 PM) yharrow: tect, what do you think? (07:19:10 PM) davebgimp: stickers (07:19:14 PM) GNu_Joe: we need fliers (07:19:16 PM) davebgimp: just sayin (07:19:25 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, speaking of which we need a new logo ;) (07:19:26 PM) Tect: erm yharrow, expand on what you mean (07:19:26 PM) GNu_Joe: davebgimp, gLable (07:19:34 PM) ausimage: there are ubuntu stickers some place ;) (07:19:45 PM) GNu_Joe: davebgimp, gLabel I meant (07:19:54 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, don't I know...I've been working on one (07:19:57 PM) yharrow: tect, well we I dont know how happy schools would be if we distributed stuff on their campus w/o permission (07:19:57 PM) ausimage: professional ones (07:20:11 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, did you see the logo submissions session of our website (07:20:24 PM) Tect: well, with rutgers, all i had to do was book a conference room, they dont mind what you do as long as its for education purposes (07:20:25 PM) samiam010203: we need to have a vote on the logo yharrow (07:20:42 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, reference: Artwork page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Artwork (07:20:58 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, no, didn't notice. I'll look for it (07:21:15 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, we should prolly list all of our subpages on the home wikipage (07:21:37 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, my designs are all in testing/development secition of logos (07:21:43 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, where's this link for the logos? (07:21:52 PM) ausimage: or better list the main sections ;) (07:21:54 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, reference: Artwork page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Artwork/Logos (07:22:00 PM) yharrow: yeah ausimage (07:22:35 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, got it (07:22:37 PM) yharrow: Tect, hmm , i never thought of that before. is it possible though that you need credentials or recommendation before you hold a conference? (07:22:57 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, I'd like to see something much more simpler (07:23:12 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, did you see the liberty one? (07:23:27 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, yeah, not so much. (07:23:32 PM) Tect: yharrow, at rutgers the conference rooms are managed by the student board members, so they'll allow most things, all you need to do with most colleges is ask for permission to do it (07:23:45 PM) salvatore_c: we should have a vote on it though (07:23:57 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, vote on log? (07:23:57 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, it's tricky capture NY and marry it with an Ubuntu logo (07:23:59 PM) yharrow: logo? (07:24:05 PM) salvatore_c: yes on the logo (07:24:25 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, I say no rush on it (07:24:42 PM) salvatore_c: true dave (07:24:44 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, im wondering where to set up the vote. I think forums would be ok. but Im not sure forums tend to offer less options (07:24:55 PM) salvatore_c: yes the forums is the right place (07:25:07 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, in the next week or so i can bust out maybe 3-4 logos and so can other people, let's wait on that and keep the one we have up for the time being (07:25:11 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, imagine a long list of entries (07:25:14 PM) ausimage: mailing list or LP ??? (07:25:33 PM) salvatore_c: yes we could set a poll onthe furms (07:25:36 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, i agree, better to stick wiht the current logo and take our time designing a new one (07:25:55 PM) ausimage: me too agrees with waiting (07:25:57 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, the one we use right now is cool. I'd just remove the NY and the Loco (07:26:04 PM) salvatore_c: makesa bit of scence but in the end we need it voted on ether way (07:26:13 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, honestly there's no reason for it (07:26:17 PM) GNu_Joe: meant to ask a questions last week (07:26:45 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, I agree. I think its best to leave words out of logos proper (07:27:02 PM) Tect: yharrow, did you get my last message (07:27:18 PM) GNu_Joe: are there any LPI certified people here? if so what level ( aka I'm LPIC-1 ) (07:27:18 PM) yharrow: tect im reading it now (07:27:21 PM) yharrow: :) (07:27:40 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, exactly. I mean the logo's only gonna show on media, be it web or print that states it's Ny Loco, so by dropping it we get a cleaner more aestetic logo (07:27:53 PM) davebgimp: aesthetic (07:28:07 PM) davebgimp: sorry, lost in the cups (07:28:24 PM) yharrow: Tect, i like the idea. If it will work then im all for it. I think you should add that suggestion under community outreach on the projects site just in the forums or something (07:28:41 PM) Tect: yharrow, alrighty then :) (07:28:55 PM) yharrow: tect, or make it a project (07:29:00 PM) yharrow: either way (07:29:20 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, agreed (07:29:26 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, i like the way you put it (07:29:47 PM) yharrow: does anyone here need to leave soon? (07:29:47 PM) Tect: what is the link to the forum? (07:30:05 PM) yharrow: tect i meant the forum within the projects site (07:30:11 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, what I was working on was similar to the existing logo, sans text. perhaps I can continue it, making it follow even more closely, but I can output rasterized and vector versions so we can use it for a variety of media (07:30:17 PM) yharrow: tect its really more like a comment box ;) (07:31:01 PM) yharrow: tect but if you feel up to it you can create a project called college outreach or something and describe what you told me (07:31:06 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, i say this because i notice it's a bit blurry (07:31:49 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, i posted the svg of the logo in the arwork section of the wiki (07:31:59 PM) GNu_Joe: are there any LPI certified people here? if so what level ( aka I'm LPIC-1 ) (07:32:00 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, i used inkscape (07:32:02 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, ah, didn't notice, sorry (07:32:20 PM) yharrow: davebgimp, did you find it yet? (07:32:32 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, yes (07:32:33 PM) yharrow: :) (07:32:39 PM) yharrow: ok cool :) (07:33:51 PM) salvatore_c: so should we move on to the next sector now yharrow? (07:33:53 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, branding is insanely important. A person who doesn't give a crap about Linux might be drawn by a logo and eventually become interested (07:34:02 PM) yharrow: alright guys (07:34:08 PM) yharrow: one more issue here (07:34:12 PM) salvatore_c: cool (07:34:15 PM) salvatore_c: :) (07:34:23 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, Ubuntu lucked the hell out with a reallly decant logo and a great color palette (07:34:24 PM) yharrow: we can continue our project discussions a little later (07:34:34 PM) yharrow: lol dave (07:34:40 PM) yharrow: yeah (07:34:42 PM) yharrow: they did (07:34:50 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, totally serius though (07:35:01 PM) yharrow: dave i know what you mean :) (07:35:12 PM) n8k99: yes next section (07:35:18 PM) davebgimp: onward! (07:35:24 PM) salvatore_c: cool (07:35:30 PM) yharrow: btw Im really glad that everyone is so dedicated to hjelping the team (07:36:13 PM) yharrow: anyone who has issues later on etiher adding projects or editing their profile can feel free to ask for help on irc (07:36:43 PM) endlessdamion: well i am out (07:36:53 PM) endlessdamion: good day all talk to u another time (07:36:53 PM) salvatore_c: good night endless (07:36:58 PM) ausimage: night endlessdamion (07:37:00 PM) endlessdamion: Salam Malakim (07:37:04 PM) n8k99: night endlessdamion (07:37:09 PM) yharrow: later endless. dont forget to check back for the next meeting details ;) (07:37:10 PM) davebgimp: ciao (07:37:43 PM) yharrow: does anyone else need to go soon? (07:37:48 PM) davebgimp: nope (07:37:55 PM) davebgimp: sedentary (07:38:06 PM) yharrow: Id like to discuss very briefly the issue of joining the team in the simplest fashion possible (07:38:09 PM) ***n8k99 shakes head vigorously (07:38:13 PM) yharrow: hehe (07:38:51 PM) yharrow: if we join using launchpad, it may be easier for members (07:39:08 PM) davebgimp: yeah that's what i did (07:39:33 PM) yharrow: but then we dont get important information like their locaition and irc and stuff like that if they dont have a wiki page (07:39:47 PM) davebgimp: should we use gpg keys too? (07:40:18 PM) ausimage: gpg keys are important to sign community COC (07:40:20 PM) davebgimp: I know I listed a link to mine on my wiki entry, but should we adopt it as a norm? (07:40:55 PM) yharrow: i think gpg is too advanced for some ppl to deal with (07:41:04 PM) n8k99: ooh can we have a keysigning? (07:41:06 PM) davebgimp: yharrow, dig it. (07:41:15 PM) ausimage: yharrow... LP allows the link to the wiki profile.... perhaps we need to encourage better profiles (07:41:16 PM) salvatore_c: i was just about to say that n8 (07:41:29 PM) davebgimp: just an encryption nerd (07:41:32 PM) yharrow: heres what im thinking (07:41:44 PM) ***n8k99 is just a nerd (07:41:47 PM) yharrow: so far weve been able to get basic info from ppl by using the members page (07:42:08 PM) yharrow: we have very little info on ppl who joined only using launchpad (07:42:12 PM) ausimage: hmm key signing which should be signed.... but that reminds me I need to make new ones ;) (07:42:22 PM) n8k99: i don't think we should restrict how new members sign up (07:42:35 PM) yharrow: the ideal solution would be to be able to join launchpad but yet still receive the neccessary info (07:42:36 PM) davebgimp: n8k99, I agree (07:42:38 PM) GNu_Joe: I do (07:42:52 PM) ausimage: yharrow encourage the profiles ;) (07:42:57 PM) GNu_Joe: I think that all members must sign the code of conduct (07:43:12 PM) yharrow: n8k99, restricting new members comes to mind, but then again we want everything to go as smoothely as possible (07:43:12 PM) GNu_Joe: otherwise what's the point (07:43:14 PM) davebgimp: GNu_Joe, nothing wrong with that I guess (07:43:42 PM) salvatore_c: in blood gnu hahahah (07:43:51 PM) n8k99: you could make the LP team moderated and then you can contact anybody as they request to join (07:44:02 PM) ausimage: yharrow I talked about that with you restricted membership on LP (07:44:02 PM) GNu_Joe: to me that's what makes Ubuntu/Debian different (07:44:07 PM) GNu_Joe: look what (07:44:12 PM) davebgimp: salvatore_c, VIRGIN gnu blood (07:44:13 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, my opinion is that even if they dont sign the code, they could have potential to help us out. I rather accept everyone and kick people out if they act up (07:44:17 PM) GNu_Joe: look what's going on with Gentoo (07:44:40 PM) yharrow: :) (07:44:43 PM) GNu_Joe: just mean that's our base line (07:44:52 PM) ***n8k99 sent a signed CoC ages ago to riddell (07:44:55 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, hmm. (07:45:03 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, im trying to understand (07:45:25 PM) Tect: erm are we supporters of gentoo? (07:45:28 PM) ausimage: n8k99: it is posted back to the lp account (07:45:29 PM) davebgimp: well if it's a "get people interested and using thing" I would hazard that zero restrictions should apply (07:45:39 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, i think some basic code of conduct is neccessary (07:45:55 PM) davebgimp: let 'em check it out and decide and then make a commitment or prove themselves a jerk (07:45:58 PM) GNu_Joe: yes, Ubuntu's is as basic as you can get (07:46:06 PM) ausimage: perhaps we need to look at the community COC and adapt (07:46:35 PM) yharrow: ausimage, yeah like make it shorter and jus the main points (07:46:43 PM) ausimage: could work.... (07:46:55 PM) ausimage: no sense reinventing the wheel ? (07:46:58 PM) ausimage: :; (07:47:23 PM) yharrow: who here agrees that there should be only one way to join the team? (07:47:30 PM) ***ausimage is losing my skill at typing (07:47:32 PM) salvatore_c: yes (07:47:40 PM) yharrow: right now there are 2 (07:47:45 PM) yharrow: LP and wiki (07:47:47 PM) ausimage: hmmm maybe levels of membership (07:48:01 PM) Tect: i agree with one way (07:48:55 PM) yharrow: ok then.. I think we should go with the moderated LP joining but make it so insanely simple to join that people dont get turned off (07:48:56 PM) GNu_Joe: gentoo is at a low point => http://www.liquidx.net/blog/2006/07/27/gentoos-public-relations-community-and-innovation/ (07:49:03 PM) GNu_Joe: don't want us to go there (07:49:20 PM) yharrow: what do you guys think? (07:49:27 PM) ausimage: I think perhaps levels may come into play if you want to join cool... but you can join and be active or join and be passive or just join and donate (07:49:35 PM) salvatore_c: if we go with LP make sure there is anhowto on the wiki for it (07:49:46 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, agreed (07:50:06 PM) salvatore_c: i could write something up oonce were ferm on the idea yharrow\ (07:50:18 PM) yharrow: im still not sure though, why we need to have member registered in LP (07:50:24 PM) yharrow: what are the benefits? (07:50:29 PM) salvatore_c: none (07:50:39 PM) ausimage: most active community members use it (07:50:48 PM) salvatore_c: the wiki is a better place i think (07:50:54 PM) salvatore_c: more open (07:51:05 PM) ausimage: the wiki requires editing and that can scare people (07:51:13 PM) yharrow: ausimage, true (07:51:26 PM) yharrow: ausimage, that came to mind (07:51:32 PM) salvatore_c: but we could make a form (07:51:38 PM) ausimage: I think if we are not going to use LP than IRC or email is the way (07:52:01 PM) n8k99: i like having two places, there should be at least five or six more places to join the team , just so we can have the total New York experience ;-) (07:52:11 PM) ausimage: send an email with these basic things to this address (07:52:24 PM) yharrow: ausimage, either we use LP or we implement our own user registration system where you get to enter info on the spot (07:52:35 PM) salvatore_c: ur funny n8 hahaha :) (07:52:43 PM) yharrow: lol (07:52:49 PM) yharrow: n8k99, i love your sense of humor (07:52:54 PM) yharrow: :) (07:52:58 PM) ausimage: hmmm I might be able to hack that.... (07:53:09 PM) n8k99: tanks! (07:53:36 PM) ausimage: I think the official process looks at Lp tallies (07:53:40 PM) yharrow: GNu_Joe, Tect you guys still there? (07:53:54 PM) GNu_Joe: yharrow, ya (07:54:21 PM) yharrow: ok cool :) (07:54:45 PM) yharrow: lI think we are making alot of progress but we need to officially end the meeting (07:54:50 PM) yharrow: we can continue talking after (07:55:05 PM) yharrow: how does that sound? (07:55:13 PM) salvatore_c: whats the schedule for the next meeting? (07:55:25 PM) ausimage: yharrow I hear isacklow_afk had something to discuss (07:55:36 PM) yharrow: is he here? (07:55:40 PM) yharrow: ping isacklow_afk (07:55:41 PM) Tect: i'm here (07:55:49 PM) ausimage: he mentioned something about them last night (07:56:02 PM) ausimage: just FYI (07:56:08 PM) ausimage: on the meeting record (07:56:11 PM) yharrow: ausimage i dunno. im not sure what he mentioned. I can check logs later (07:56:34 PM) yharrow: ausimage, thanks for the haeds up (07:56:35 PM) ausimage: he didn't just said read the logs and have comments and suggestions (07:56:47 PM) salvatore_c: whats the schedule for the next meeting? (07:56:49 PM) yharrow: anywho . (07:56:57 PM) yharrow: I think IRC will be same time same place (07:57:02 PM) salvatore_c: cool (07:57:08 PM) ausimage: sounds fine (07:57:10 PM) salvatore_c: next tuesday at 6pm then (07:57:14 PM) yharrow: I would like very much to have an RL meeting (07:57:18 PM) salvatore_c: everyone in agrement (07:57:30 PM) salvatore_c: yes an rl meeting sounds good (07:57:37 PM) ausimage: yharrow: you should go where the is a conference phone available (07:58:03 PM) salvatore_c: at the next irc meeting we can get into an rl meeting :) (07:58:10 PM) yharrow: how many people hear feel that they could attend a RL meeting within the next 2 weeks (07:58:14 PM) n8k99: next tuesday (07:58:15 PM) salvatore_c: yes (07:58:22 PM) ausimage: only up here (07:58:23 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, your probably right (07:58:39 PM) salvatore_c: it will take planing (07:58:42 PM) yharrow: alright then next tuesday. (07:58:44 PM) n8k99: yharrow: depends on where its at (07:58:51 PM) yharrow: nyc (07:58:57 PM) yharrow: manhattan (07:59:00 PM) salvatore_c: yes (07:59:23 PM) yharrow: the RL meeting will almost definitely take place in manhattan (07:59:24 PM) GNu_Joe: is there anyone out on the island? (07:59:45 PM) n8k99: ok yharrow] (07:59:50 PM) n8k99: that's cool (08:00:24 PM) yharrow: anyhow, I think we had an amazingly productive meeting (08:00:29 PM) ausimage: yup (08:00:33 PM) salvatore_c: is that it for this meeting ? r we now into infromal discusion? (08:00:37 PM) yharrow: we can continue as soon as weere done closing (08:00:42 PM) salvatore_c: cool (08:00:59 PM) yharrow: salvatore_c, i would do informal but were making so much progress i think we should jsut continue where we left off (08:01:06 PM) salvatore_c: cool (08:01:13 PM) yharrow: noone is obligated to remain though (08:01:13 PM) salvatore_c: im going to go now yharrow (08:01:24 PM) yharrow: alright (08:01:25 PM) salvatore_c: ill be back inthe am thought ok (08:01:26 PM) ausimage: meeting adjourned (08:01:27 PM) yharrow: later sal (08:01:30 PM) ausimage: ??? (08:01:36 PM) yharrow: meeting adjourned }}} ---- CategoryNewYorkTeam