[06:18:48 PM] <ausimage> oh well I guess we can start to go over the bylaws
[06:19:01 PM] <n8k99> where do you want to start
[06:19:14 PM] <ausimage> n8k99 have you ever  seen bylaws for any organization before?
[06:19:23 PM] <n8k99> i have seen some
[06:19:48 PM] <n8k99> IANAL
[06:20:00 PM] <ausimage> cool at least you have familiarity... I have helped draft a few in the past....
[06:20:13 PM] <ausimage> Alright Lets start at the top....
[06:20:22 PM] <ausimage> Art I Sec 1
[06:20:34 PM] <n8k99> big problem there
[06:20:41 PM] <ausimage> yeah ?
[06:20:45 PM] <n8k99> kiding
[06:20:53 PM] <ausimage> jeeze
[06:21:15 PM] <ausimage> I had a thought that maybe Ubuntu should come first?
[06:21:34 PM] <ausimage> or is it good the way it is?
[06:21:58 PM]  * n8k99 thinking
[06:24:01 PM] <n8k99> how's that look?
[06:24:30 PM] <ausimage> without the hyphen maybe??
[06:24:45 PM] <n8k99> ok
[06:25:01 PM] <ausimage> OK lets look at sec 2
[06:25:13 PM] <n8k99> i think that one is fine
[06:25:27 PM] <ausimage> I tried my best to pick the major duties of a LoCo... 
[06:25:43 PM] <n8k99> although to revist Sec 1- 
[06:25:59 PM] <ausimage> yeah what else
[06:26:01 PM] <n8k99> maybe we should abbreviate NYLoCo
[06:26:17 PM] <ausimage> thats goog
[06:26:21 PM] <ausimage> *good
[06:27:32 PM] <ausimage> remind as we go through to catch them
[06:27:44 PM] <n8k99> just use find and replace
[06:27:48 PM] <n8k99> under edit
[06:28:50 PM] <ausimage> Oh well... Sec 2 now??
[06:30:03 PM] <n8k99> only a minor change removed 'the' from networking
[06:30:59 PM] <ausimage> does marketing fit there??? or can qualify that under networking?
[06:32:20 PM] <ausimage> maybe thats the encourage part ??
[06:33:12 PM] <ausimage> Well Sec 3 then?
[06:33:43 PM] <n8k99> ok
[06:34:22 PM] <n8k99> that one- um
[06:34:31 PM] <n8k99> no idea what those really mean
[06:35:07 PM] <ausimage> um 201a is the section of New York law that defines a Non-Profit....
[06:35:13 PM] <n8k99> the language seems fine to me, otherwise
[06:35:45 PM] <ausimage> um 501c* is the section of the federal code that defines a Non Profit....
[06:36:02 PM] <ausimage> 501c3 is for schools and educational establishments....
[06:36:13 PM] <n8k99> consulted teh wife, sec 3 passes
[06:36:27 PM] <ausimage> 501c4 is for community groups like Neighborhood groups
[06:36:48 PM] <ausimage> 501c7 is for other groups of like minded individuals....
[06:36:50 PM] <n8k99> she no longer practices law
[06:37:08 PM] <ausimage> at least that is what I have understood....
[06:37:27 PM] <ausimage> cool maybe you can have her give an opinion :)
[06:37:44 PM] <ausimage> then Art II Sec 1
[06:37:44 PM] <n8k99> i will call her for items throughout
[06:38:14 PM]  * n8k99 wonders about enforcing (d)
[06:38:43 PM] <n8k99> its a wide hoop but still
[06:39:08 PM] <ausimage> well I think if you are in a LoCo as I understand it there should be something about that otherwise it would be like anyother group
[06:39:28 PM] <ausimage> Yeah it may be a long shot... maybe different words?
[06:39:56 PM]  * n8k99 thinks
[06:40:48 PM] <n8k99> it could hold i think
[06:40:57 PM] <n8k99> it is part of defining our like mindedness
[06:41:17 PM] <ausimage> Ok... satisfied with 1 then lets look at 2
[06:41:21 PM] <n8k99> yet allows for members who are only able to dual boot or use the Live CD 
[06:41:32 PM] <n8k99> thee is no sec 2
[06:41:47 PM] <n8k99> oh now there is
[06:41:49 PM] <ausimage> there caught a typo
[06:41:52 PM] <ausimage> :S
[06:42:07 PM] <n8k99> this thing is crazy!
[06:42:19 PM] <ausimage> what about it?
[06:42:33 PM] <n8k99> the document changes while i'm reading it! ;-)
[06:43:00 PM] <ausimage> I only changed the numbers
[06:43:20 PM] <n8k99> i know
[06:45:14 PM] <n8k99> no nono
[06:45:41 PM] <ausimage> not that?
[06:46:38 PM] <n8k99> no, if we use the ( Launchpad) after it, then we can use Launchpad instead of the url for teh rest of teh document
[06:47:37 PM] <ausimage> is that to wordy now?
[06:47:57 PM] <n8k99> no thats fine
[06:48:16 PM] <ausimage> b and c understandable?
[06:48:41 PM] <n8k99> yes
[06:48:59 PM] <ausimage> cool 3 is next 
[06:49:28 PM] <ausimage> a standard clause... 
[06:50:43 PM] <n8k99> we'll have to define voting procedurees
[06:50:52 PM] <n8k99> maybe elsewhere
[06:50:55 PM] <ausimage> yeah they are in there
[06:50:59 PM] <n8k99> ok
[06:51:04 PM] <n8k99> no problems
[06:51:11 PM] <n8k99> onto 4 
[06:51:23 PM] <ausimage> a beast I crafted...
[06:52:00 PM] <n8k99> a beaut
[06:52:02 PM] <n8k99> i say
[06:52:47 PM] <ausimage> I saw some say that no fees will be collected for events but costs will divied amongst the individuals.... I wanted something like that
[06:52:57 PM] <ausimage> *bylaws
[06:53:08 PM] <n8k99> yeah taht's a good way to phrase it
[06:53:29 PM] <ausimage> cool... 5 then?
[06:54:37 PM] <n8k99> although i think Launchpad should not be CamelCased
[06:55:09 PM] <ausimage> yeah... looks better not cameled
[06:55:30 PM] <ausimage> 5 good then ?
[06:55:39 PM] <n8k99> yup
[06:55:48 PM] <ausimage> Art III sec 1 then
[06:56:07 PM] <ausimage> this one got messy on me
[06:56:24 PM] <ausimage> to types of meetings with subtypes....
[06:56:49 PM] <ausimage> hence the inner title before each set
[06:57:20 PM] <ausimage> unless the articles are seperated?
[06:58:40 PM] <n8k99> yeah i see that
[06:59:25 PM] <ausimage> seperate sections maybe?
[07:00:02 PM] <n8k99> Seprerate aRticles
[07:01:02 PM] <ausimage> we can cleanup as we continue later
[07:03:12 PM] <ausimage> Ok questions with new Art III
[07:04:41 PM] <n8k99> can teh quarterely meeting be decided upon the week before?
[07:04:54 PM] <ausimage> I know I had quams with being very formal with a board of directors and instead chose the term Leader Board Leadership Board but not sure if it works completely
[07:05:18 PM] <n8k99> that does teh job
[07:05:26 PM] <ausimage> maybe it should be planned a month prior
[07:05:48 PM] <n8k99> yes
[07:06:25 PM] BrianG has joined
[07:06:36 PM] <ausimage> do you think quarterly is too much for real life meeting?
[07:06:40 PM] <ausimage> hey Brian
[07:06:42 PM] <n8k99> akk
[07:06:44 PM] <ausimage> here to help
[07:06:45 PM] <BrianG> hi
[07:07:31 PM] <n8k99> BrianG you owe us some money
[07:07:40 PM] <ausimage> Brian we are on Article III feel free to read what has been done so far...
[07:08:09 PM] <BrianG> ok.
[07:08:12 PM] <n8k99> hehe
[07:08:30 PM] <BrianG> send me the bill and i'll mail you the money
[07:08:36 PM] <n8k99> ok
[07:08:41 PM] <ausimage> n8k99 is quarterly to often?
[07:08:58 PM] <n8k99> i thought we had discussed it being semiannually
[07:09:21 PM] <ausimage> use that term or biannual ?
[07:09:50 PM] <n8k99> semi if you mean every six-months
[07:09:57 PM] <n8k99> biannual is every 2 yrs
[07:10:11 PM] <ausimage> k I get that stuff mixed up....
[07:12:05 PM] <ausimage> Note I am not getting into how the state will be divied ;)
[07:12:09 PM] <n8k99> that allows for us to hold it elsewhere in conjunction with a special event, if everyone agrees to it
[07:12:41 PM] <ausimage> that sounds fine...
[07:13:26 PM] <ausimage> I am leaving the regions for the Leadership to decide... :)
[07:13:54 PM] <ausimage> Brian you caught up?
[07:14:24 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:14:41 PM] <ausimage> like what you see so far?
[07:14:52 PM] <BrianG> yeah
[07:15:06 PM] <ausimage> good...
[07:15:19 PM] <ausimage> we done with Art III sec 2 then?
[07:15:35 PM] <n8k99> i am
[07:15:46 PM] <BrianG> si
[07:15:58 PM] <ausimage> sec 3 then?
[07:16:38 PM] <n8k99> is the wiki referrenced later?
[07:16:51 PM] <BrianG> isnot notification covered in the specific sections already?
[07:17:12 PM] <ausimage> not where there are posted....
[07:17:19 PM] <ausimage> when they need to be is 
[07:17:25 PM] <BrianG> ah
[07:18:06 PM] <ausimage> yeah it is mentioned in each section on Meetings I believe
[07:18:07 PM] <n8k99> oh then we'll move sec 2 (d) into this one
[07:18:44 PM] <BrianG> should add "In Person" to that
[07:18:49 PM] <ausimage> does not work... irc is only a week before and in-person is a month before
[07:19:26 PM] <BrianG> ?
[07:20:16 PM] <ausimage> with singletons do they get a letter?
[07:20:33 PM] <n8k99> singletons?
[07:20:52 PM] <ausimage> Sec 1 now only has (a) no (b) (c) etc
[07:21:00 PM] <n8k99> oh right
[07:21:09 PM] <n8k99> no no letter
[07:22:16 PM] <ausimage> looking better
[07:22:57 PM] <n8k99> exactly
[07:23:07 PM] <ausimage> sec 3 good then?
[07:23:21 PM] <BrianG> si
[07:23:30 PM] <n8k99> i like i like
[07:23:32 PM] <ausimage> Sec 4
[07:24:22 PM] <ausimage> satisfied with that?
[07:24:53 PM]  * n8k99 wonders will the annual meeting also have the capacity for membership to attend via IRC? 
[07:25:30 PM] <n8k99> Specifically to vote on Art II Sec. 3 ?
[07:25:46 PM] <ausimage> hmmmm.... the annaul may conincide with a In-Person
[07:26:11 PM] <n8k99> generally it will be one of teh One Persons, i think is the aim
[07:27:02 PM] <ausimage> yeah... I tried to craft something with walls that were not made of solid bricks ;)
[07:27:18 PM] <n8k99> understood
[07:27:33 PM] <n8k99> just trying to poke holes into those walls
[07:27:36 PM] <n8k99> ;-0
[07:27:37 PM] <ausimage> Section 4 OK everyone?
[07:27:42 PM] <n8k99> yes
[07:27:44 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:28:05 PM] <ausimage> onto the Leadership Meetings
[07:29:52 PM] <ausimage> Sec 1 good?
[07:30:25 PM] <ausimage> ???
[07:30:29 PM] <BrianG> i think you should put #ubuntu-ny on Freenode
[07:30:32 PM] <BrianG> back
[07:31:03 PM] <n8k99> no, we already defined IRC Meeting as being #ubuntu-ny on Freenode
[07:31:09 PM] <BrianG> ok
[07:31:25 PM]  * n8k99 has a wife who passed teh BAR in NY
[07:31:53 PM] <ausimage> should meetings have the option?
[07:32:25 PM] <BrianG> do in person meetings end up with minutes?
[07:32:32 PM] <ausimage> the secretary is supposed to do the meetings
[07:32:41 PM] <ausimage> er minutes
[07:32:57 PM] <n8k99> sam010203 yharrow and i discussed this once
[07:33:03 PM] <ausimage> should we make the leadership travel to meetings?
[07:33:16 PM] <n8k99> that each event , there is a person who become the ad hoc reporter/secretary as you will
[07:33:36 PM] <n8k99> and they post the minutes/reports on the wiki
[07:33:42 PM] <ausimage> there is a secretary position defined....
[07:33:47 PM] <n8k99> yes i see that
[07:34:45 PM] <ausimage> hmm do I have answer as to whether Leadership should expect to travel  to their meetings?
[07:35:19 PM] <n8k99> i'm not certain we can definitively determine that here and now
[07:35:27 PM] <BrianG> agreed
[07:35:51 PM] <ausimage> K...  lets leave 1 as is... and move to 2
[07:35:54 PM] <n8k99> this is certainly an issue for our next meeting ( is that next week?)
[07:36:02 PM] <ausimage> yeah....
[07:36:09 PM] <ausimage> Monday
[07:36:27 PM] <n8k99> and BrianG would you be so cool as to mark that on the agena in the Wiki for next meeting?
[07:36:37 PM] <BrianG> sure
[07:36:42 PM] <n8k99> thanks a lot man
[07:37:01 PM] <ausimage> I leave the month of the annual in question... cause I don't want to make the call myself
[07:37:45 PM] <n8k99> i think that is the month that we started
[07:38:05 PM] <n8k99> when was that?
[07:38:12 PM] <ausimage> Feb I think
[07:38:31 PM] <BrianG> yay traveling in crap weather
[07:38:44 PM] <BrianG> or is it an excuse to go sking? :)
[07:38:46 PM] <n8k99> woh hoo!
[07:39:08 PM] <n8k99> yes, see that's why the meetings can take place out of state!!1
[07:39:14 PM] <ausimage> hmmm we could always use the month the bylaws are approved ;)
[07:40:10 PM] <n8k99> March, that's when we started
[07:40:31 PM] <ausimage> are rest of the sections in Art IV good?
[07:40:44 PM] <n8k99> Feb was the Ubuncon
[07:41:15 PM] <ausimage> My Month cool presents from everyone :)
[07:41:41 PM] <n8k99> hmmm....
[07:41:49 PM]  * n8k99 raises eyebrow
[07:42:04 PM] <ausimage> what?
[07:42:27 PM] <ausimage> brian?
[07:42:37 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:42:50 PM] <ausimage> you satisfied with Art IV
[07:42:52 PM] <ausimage> ?
[07:42:54 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:43:03 PM] <ausimage> n8k99?
[07:43:31 PM] <n8k99> all good
[07:43:42 PM] <ausimage> Art V
[07:44:00 PM] <ausimage> these are the special cases.... 
[07:44:24 PM] <ausimage> rougue member.... sudden opportunities....
[07:45:37 PM] <ausimage> any comments or suggestions???
[07:45:54 PM] <ausimage> should where be stated?
[07:46:40 PM] <n8k99> ARticle V looks nice tome
[07:46:48 PM] <BrianG> to me too
[07:47:02 PM] <ausimage> good...  then VI
[07:47:05 PM] <BrianG> no i dont think where needs to be stated.
[07:48:16 PM]  * n8k99 thinks this should be Art III
[07:48:36 PM] <ausimage> It can be moved 
[07:48:48 PM] <ausimage> your opion Brian
[07:49:23 PM] <BrianG> agreed
[07:50:21 PM] <ausimage> Moved
[07:50:29 PM]  * n8k99 eats dinner now
[07:50:42 PM] <ausimage> brian still with us?
[07:51:10 PM] <BrianG> barely ;)
[07:51:56 PM] <ausimage> Now Art III 1
[07:52:01 PM] <ausimage> looks good?
[07:52:16 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:52:27 PM] <ausimage> 2?
[07:52:50 PM] <BrianG> what regions?
[07:52:53 PM] <ausimage> I am setting out 9 regions at this point for New York
[07:52:59 PM] <BrianG> 2b confuses me a little
[07:53:35 PM] <BrianG> ok nvm
[07:53:43 PM] <ausimage> Essentially it states there will a Leader per region for local communication purposes
[07:53:43 PM] <BrianG> i understand it
[07:53:54 PM] <ausimage> Can it be clearer
[07:54:24 PM] <BrianG> no, it's clear. i just read it too fast
[07:54:28 PM] <ausimage> that a bit better?
[07:54:34 PM] <BrianG> or maybe it was in mid edit
[07:54:36 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:54:49 PM] <ausimage> 2 good?
[07:54:52 PM] <BrianG> yes
[07:54:57 PM] <ausimage> 3
[07:55:04 PM] <BrianG> for 3
[07:55:07 PM] <BrianG> what about gifts?
[07:55:28 PM] <ausimage> You think we should exclude them?
[07:55:36 PM] <BrianG> i guess that dosen't matter really
[07:56:12 PM] <ausimage> Reasonable expense may be mileage and lodging if they HAVE to attend
[07:56:23 PM] <BrianG> yeah
[07:56:36 PM] <ausimage> 4 then
[07:56:41 PM] <BrianG> i guess 3 is fine by me
[07:56:52 PM] <BrianG> 4 is ok
[07:56:58 PM] <ausimage> 5
[07:57:16 PM] <BrianG> ok
[07:58:11 PM] <ausimage> 6
[07:58:49 PM] <ausimage> the offices are pretty much boiler plate
[07:59:11 PM] <BrianG> ok by me
[07:59:28 PM] <ausimage> You understand why certain officers can hold only one office?
[08:00:12 PM] <BrianG> checks and balances
[08:00:13 PM] <ausimage> 7 then
[08:00:16 PM] <ausimage> yeah
[08:02:27 PM] <ausimage> 7 8 9 good?
[08:02:33 PM] <BrianG> yup
[08:02:55 PM] <ausimage> back to Art VII
[08:03:57 PM] <ausimage> VP oversee commitee progress?
[08:04:18 PM] <ausimage> liason with the Leadership?
[08:04:32 PM] <BrianG> i dont understand :P
[08:04:43 PM] <BrianG> (c)
[08:04:59 PM] <ausimage> part of the VP duties is with commities
[08:05:09 PM] <BrianG> oh ok
[08:06:04 PM] <ausimage> make sense?
[08:06:08 PM] <BrianG> yes
[08:06:14 PM] <ausimage> VIII
[08:07:04 PM] <ausimage> good?
[08:07:07 PM] <BrianG> yup
[08:07:11 PM] <ausimage> IX
[08:07:20 PM] <BrianG> ok
[08:07:52 PM] <ausimage> IX good ?
[08:07:56 PM] <BrianG> yes
[08:08:21 PM] <ausimage> cool... we're through the beast... anything I missed?
[08:08:48 PM] <BrianG> not that i can tell, but i'm still pretty green
[08:09:23 PM] <ausimage> OK.... then we are done till n8k99 gives his final looksee

[11:54:32 PM] <yharrow> currently reviewing the bylaws
[11:54:50 PM] <yharrow> n8k99 was kind enough to help me connect to this 
[11:54:53 PM] <yharrow> :D
[11:55:05 PM] <ausimage> that is good of him...
[11:55:19 PM] <yharrow> How did the meeting go?
[11:55:23 PM] <ausimage> I am still undecided as to the legal name for the organization
[11:55:30 PM] <yharrow> I apologize for not being able to attend
[11:55:31 PM] <yharrow> ok
[11:55:46 PM] <yharrow> Can we just use Ubuntu NY Loco?
[11:55:48 PM] <ausimage> great... transcript for the session is under the 503c project
[11:56:03 PM] <ausimage> Needs to have no abreviations....
[11:56:14 PM] <n8k99> this is a legal document
[11:56:37 PM] <ausimage> and I believe state needs to be there to make distinct that this is State and City 
[11:57:00 PM] <ausimage> I like that one
[11:57:27 PM] <yharrow> so it would be Ubuntu New York State Local Community Team?
[11:57:33 PM] <yharrow> or
[11:57:44 PM] <ausimage> what n8k99 just did
[11:58:02 PM] <yharrow> i see
[11:58:09 PM] <yharrow> that works
[11:58:27 PM] <yharrow> should it be of or for?
[11:58:34 PM] <n8k99> i think that has more logical progression to it
[11:58:49 PM] <yharrow> yes
[11:58:54 PM] <ausimage> now that name is our legal name... we can DBA as a different name I believe
[11:58:54 PM] <yharrow>  i agree
[11:59:05 PM] <yharrow> what is DBA?
[11:59:12 PM] <n8k99> Doing Business As
[11:59:18 PM] <ausimage> "Do Business As"
[11:59:39 PM] <ausimage> n8k99 you would have to check with the wife on that though
[11:59:49 PM] <n8k99> it a title, or license necessary to at least open a business banking account
[11:59:53 PM] <n8k99> i will
[12:00:31 AM] <ausimage> thats good yharrow
[12:00:38 AM] <n8k99> um is this C++ syntax?
[12:00:55 AM] <yharrow> :D
[12:00:57 AM] <yharrow> thx
[12:00:57 AM] <ausimage> the syntax is selectable....]
[12:01:08 AM] <ausimage> edit... syntax
[12:01:54 AM] <n8k99> yes.
[12:02:02 AM] <yharrow> i made the wills shall, since its a legal document
[12:02:02 AM]  * n8k99 likes to tease
[12:02:03 AM] <yharrow> :P
[12:02:19 AM] <ausimage> fine
[12:02:22 AM] <n8k99> did you find and replace?
[12:02:30 AM] <yharrow> about to
[12:02:35 AM] <yharrow> wanted to know what you thought
[12:02:53 AM] <ausimage> edit find and replace
[12:02:55 AM] <n8k99> it is a tense that has more bearing top the sentence
[12:03:23 AM] <yharrow> done
[12:03:35 AM] <ausimage> need to determine whether the board is the leadership, board of directors, Leaders Team or ...
[12:03:50 AM] <ausimage> and stick to one... I waffled on that throughout
[12:04:06 AM] <n8k99> i like Leadership
[12:04:25 AM] <ausimage> we need to ensure it stays Leadership and Leaders then ;)
[12:04:54 AM] <ausimage> where you at yharrow?
[12:04:58 AM] <yharrow> right here
[12:05:00 AM] <yharrow> thining
[12:05:04 AM] <yharrow> thinking
[12:05:12 AM] <ausimage> which article section ....
[12:05:23 AM] <yharrow> art II
[12:05:36 AM] <ausimage> ahhh... ask questions if you need
[12:05:48 AM] <yharrow> wilkl do. Thanks : )
[12:06:14 AM] <n8k99> is it Art 2 Sec 1 d ?
[12:07:01 AM] <yharrow> sec 3 will go back to sec 1
[12:07:50 AM] <ausimage> have a leaders code as well ;)
[12:08:14 AM] <yharrow> not comofortable with Each member shall either use or support the Ubuntu Linux Operating System.
[12:08:14 AM] <n8k99> ah i see then no need to do that thne
[12:08:37 AM] <yharrow> how does using an OS effect eligibility
[12:08:39 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:08:40 AM] <ausimage> Yeah but is that not the purpose of a LoCo
[12:08:41 AM] <yharrow> and 
[12:08:44 AM] <yharrow> if you  use and os
[12:08:49 AM] <yharrow> but dont support it
[12:08:52 AM] <yharrow> what good is it
[12:09:12 AM] <yharrow> also
[12:09:28 AM] <n8k99> i think that clause is what gives us Aa group of like-minded individuals
[12:09:29 AM] <yharrow> by being the group the members are already supporting
[12:09:36 AM] <yharrow> actually
[12:09:36 AM] <yharrow> nm
[12:09:39 AM] <yharrow> this is eligibility
[12:09:46 AM] <ausimage> Is the purpose not for those who use and support Ubuntu... ?
[12:10:02 AM] <n8k99> and thus coverage for 501c7
[12:10:04 AM] <ausimage> What is the purpose of a Loco
[12:10:04 AM] <yharrow> if someone uses ubuntu but does not support ubuntu
[12:10:12 AM] <yharrow> do we want him in th group?
[12:10:34 AM] <ausimage> hopefully they will come to support it some day
[12:11:06 AM] <n8k99> ah- i don't like that
[12:11:27 AM] <n8k99> sexpress!
[12:11:34 AM] <yharrow> LOL
[12:11:42 AM] <ausimage> that is good...
[12:11:48 AM] <n8k99> oh that's so much weaker than what was there
[12:11:53 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:11:56 AM] <yharrow> i know
[12:11:59 AM] <ausimage> hmmm 
[12:12:15 AM] <n8k99> ausimage had it right
[12:12:32 AM]  * n8k99 mumbles about tab not autocompleting names in here
[12:12:43 AM] <ausimage> yeah... :(
[12:12:54 AM] <yharrow> n8k99, if you use ubuntu but dont support it does that neccessarily mean you have our best interest inmind?
[12:13:13 AM] <ausimage> Our goal is to make this an Ubuntu State 
[12:13:19 AM] <yharrow> hmm
[12:13:28 AM] <n8k99> there will be plenty of chance to remove that case from the group
[12:13:31 AM] <ausimage> whether you use or support you met that goal
[12:14:05 AM] <yharrow> hows that?
[12:14:05 AM] <n8k99> but the previous language included the kids who are totally into it but their parents or school does not allow them to do more than use the Live CD
[12:14:16 AM] <ausimage> :)
[12:14:35 AM] <yharrow> n8k99 is that ok?
[12:14:45 AM] <yharrow> even more flexible now
[12:14:51 AM] <n8k99> we will make a lawyer out of you yet
[12:14:55 AM] <yharrow> cool :D
[12:14:57 AM] <yharrow> nice word
[12:15:01 AM] <ausimage> hows that verbage
[12:15:08 AM] <yharrow> sweet
[12:15:49 AM] <ausimage> sec 2 is cool then here?
[12:16:03 AM] <n8k99> now you just need to stat hanging out with Luis Villa!
[12:16:09 AM] <yharrow> whos he
[12:16:11 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:16:26 AM] <n8k99> GNOME project guy, studying law at columbia now
[12:16:46 AM] <yharrow> how do we prevent abuse of gobby
[12:16:55 AM] <n8k99> like you are doing now!
[12:16:57 AM] <n8k99> ;-)
[12:17:09 AM] <yharrow> lmao
[12:17:12 AM] <yharrow> sriously
[12:17:13 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:17:19 AM] <ausimage> you really can't at this point I save a local copy when I am done...
[12:17:26 AM] <yharrow> one person can come wipe it out
[12:17:28 AM] <yharrow> and thats it
[12:17:46 AM] <n8k99> yes, that is why you make a local copy when you are done.
[12:17:54 AM] <ausimage> don't worry I save the doc to my hd 
[12:18:00 AM] <yharrow> im doing so now as well
[12:18:48 AM] <yharrow> eidted art III sec 4
[12:19:13 AM] <ausimage> what's up with Art III Sec 4?
[12:19:21 AM] <yharrow> is that superfluous?
[12:19:25 AM] <yharrow> elected terms
[12:19:31 AM] <ausimage> Just peace of mind
[12:19:50 AM] <yharrow> k
[12:20:00 AM] <ausimage> I see a few bylaws with similar wording....
[12:20:02 AM] <n8k99> huh?
[12:20:28 AM] <ausimage> oh
[12:20:38 AM] <yharrow> changed 2 year terms to 2 year elected terms
[12:21:03 AM] <ausimage> thats fine.... my mind is going slightly fuzzy
[12:21:29 AM] <n8k99> ok right- did not remember the previous- if you had pulled a term out of there or not
[12:21:34 AM] <ausimage> yharrow I envision 9 regions
[12:21:51 AM] <n8k99> yo whose yellow?
[12:21:55 AM] <yharrow> there was already a kinda green
[12:21:58 AM] <yharrow> im orange now
[12:22:26 AM] <yharrow> orange  yellow
[12:22:27 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:22:37 AM] <ausimage> ubuntu brown :;)
[12:22:41 AM] <yharrow> ick
[12:22:43 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:23:07 AM] <yharrow> U bun tu brown does not sound very apettizing to me
[12:23:12 AM] <n8k99> yharrow which month did this start?
[12:23:15 AM] <ausimage> oh well
[12:23:15 AM] <n8k99> march?
[12:23:18 AM] <yharrow> hmm
[12:23:23 AM] <yharrow> i have the date somewhere
[12:23:25 AM] <yharrow> one sec
[12:25:14 AM] <n8k99> waiting....
[12:25:37 AM] <ausimage> he must have got sucked into his desk :)
[12:25:55 AM] <n8k99> fallen into a wormhole
[12:26:05 AM] <ausimage> or the pile came crashing onto himself :)
[12:26:16 AM] <n8k99> hehe
[12:26:45 AM] <n8k99> maybe its written down on a tiny scrap of paper hidden beneath an aardvark
[12:26:56 AM] <ausimage> n8k99 do think 9 is too few regions for new york?
[12:27:43 AM] <n8k99> we can probably get away with it for now, but there needs to ba  amechanism in place to change that
[12:27:52 AM] <n8k99> later
[12:27:58 AM] <ausimage> yeah amend the bylaws... :P
[12:28:13 AM] <n8k99> well la dee da!~~
[12:28:29 AM] <ausimage> I just don't like large boards....
[12:28:38 AM] <yharrow> lmao
[12:28:47 AM] <n8k99> no no you are right
[12:28:58 AM] <ausimage> you survive ok yharrow?
[12:29:24 AM] <n8k99> welcome back!
[12:29:42 AM] <ausimage> ... to the land of the living :D
[12:29:49 AM] <n8k99> hehe
[12:31:42 AM] n8k99 has left
[12:32:42 AM] <yharrow> lol
[12:32:49 AM] <yharrow> where did n8 go
[12:33:05 AM] <ausimage> not sure
[12:33:14 AM] <ausimage> I am here...
[12:36:52 AM] <ausimage> yharrow I thought it was februrary
[12:37:12 AM] <ausimage> n8k99 that March
[12:39:50 AM] BrianG has joined
[12:42:03 AM] <ausimage> I was right YEAH
[12:43:15 AM] <ausimage> the lauchpad account says 2-23-07
[12:56:36 AM] <yharrow> reading
[12:57:34 AM] <ausimage> here I am to ... um ... um ... well you know ... heh ... heh ...
[12:58:15 AM] <ausimage> you think 9 regions is suffiecient
[12:58:31 AM] <yharrow> Yes. although I think we should experiment
[12:58:37 AM] <yharrow> start off small
[12:58:44 AM] <yharrow> There are right now 2
[12:58:49 AM] <ausimage> yeah that is why I wrote it that way
[12:59:22 AM] <yharrow> sam can be president, me vice, and you secretary i gues
[12:59:41 AM] <ausimage> that defeats the regional bit a little :S
[12:59:49 AM] <yharrow> hm
[12:59:51 AM] <yharrow> ya
[12:59:55 AM] <yharrow> true
[01:00:03 AM] <ausimage> someone from albany
[01:00:35 AM] <ausimage> BrianG :)
[01:00:42 AM] <yharrow> need something here on election
[01:01:06 AM] <ausimage> its down under leadership meetings
[01:01:18 AM] <BrianG> i'm not from albany :P
[01:01:30 AM] <ausimage> saratoga
[01:01:38 AM] <ausimage> near albany ??
[01:01:42 AM] <BrianG> yeah
[01:01:48 AM] <yharrow> afterwe can put something by b of sec 4 and tell em to refer to it
[01:03:25 AM] <yharrow> not bi?
[01:03:36 AM] <ausimage> there is only one annuall meeting for elections...
[01:03:39 AM] <yharrow> ok
[01:03:41 AM] <yharrow> sorry
[01:03:58 AM] <yharrow> hmm
[01:04:06 AM] <yharrow> is the meeting specifically for elections?
[01:04:34 AM] <ausimage> mostly but also policy direction
[01:04:53 AM] <yharrow> is it considered oneo f the bianuual meetings?
[01:04:57 AM] <ausimage> yeah
[01:04:58 AM] <yharrow> one of*
[01:05:03 AM] <yharrow> ok
[01:05:05 AM] <yharrow> need to reword
[01:05:26 AM] <yharrow> at the first bi-annual meeting?
[01:05:29 AM] <yharrow> of the year
[01:05:31 AM] <yharrow>  or something
[01:05:48 AM] <ausimage> Read Article V
[01:06:38 AM] <yharrow> hows that?
[01:06:42 AM] <ausimage> thats fine
[01:06:47 AM] <yharrow> k
[01:07:14 AM] <ausimage> better
[01:07:28 AM] <yharrow> reelection means they might not be new
[01:07:49 AM] <yharrow> superflous i think
[01:08:42 AM] <yharrow> :D
[01:08:54 AM] <yharrow> verbage
[01:09:04 AM] <ausimage> yeah
[01:10:40 AM] <ausimage> again I pulled a number out of the air... but that was when I was thinking quartetlu
[01:10:45 AM] <ausimage> *quarterly
[01:11:49 AM] <ausimage> Is that too harsh 2 absences?
[01:12:16 AM] <yharrow> no
[01:12:20 AM] <yharrow> it is harsh
[01:12:20 AM] <yharrow> but
[01:12:23 AM] <ausimage> good
[01:12:25 AM] <yharrow> not unnecceessarily so
[01:12:40 AM] <yharrow> Leaders must lead
[01:12:43 AM] <yharrow> if they cannot
[01:12:49 AM] <yharrow> it is survival of the ifttest
[01:12:51 AM] <yharrow> :D
[01:12:58 AM] <ausimage> that last one is for the bad apples
[01:13:08 AM] <yharrow> ya
[01:13:10 AM] <yharrow> like me
[01:13:13 AM] <yharrow> cept im a pear
[01:13:15 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:13:24 AM] <yharrow> actually, nm
[01:13:27 AM] <yharrow> im not a fruit
[01:13:28 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:14:13 AM] <ausimage> executive 
[01:14:36 AM] <ausimage> not really.... when there are nine
[01:14:38 AM] <ausimage> ???
[01:15:44 AM] <ausimage> that better?
[01:15:44 AM] <yharrow> scolling down
[01:15:46 AM] <yharrow> ya
[01:16:44 AM] <ausimage> Was not sure how is to word the positions...
[01:16:56 AM] <ausimage> mostly boiler plate from other bylaws
[01:17:09 AM] <yharrow> You are already acting as secretary :D
[01:18:00 AM] <ausimage> yeah... I put in office sharing for everyone 'cept the pres...
[01:18:01 AM] <yharrow> ithink for now there should be only 2 candidates for pres and vice pres cause of this whole dual leadership deal
[01:18:19 AM] <yharrow> complications
[01:18:19 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:18:46 AM] <yharrow> whoever does not win pres will win vp by default
[01:18:54 AM] <ausimage> yeah...
[01:19:04 AM] <yharrow> still in line with the bylaws
[01:19:11 AM] <yharrow> since if there is only 1 candidate
[01:19:19 AM] <yharrow> he/she wins by default
[01:19:30 AM] <ausimage> besides putting up good bylaws protects the organization better than holding to it
[01:19:37 AM] <ausimage> *tight
[01:20:12 AM] <yharrow> should we  put a clause about whent there is only one candidate or soemthing 
[01:20:43 AM] <ausimage> not really cause a member could put up a candidate at the meeting
[01:20:49 AM] <yharrow> ok 
[01:20:51 AM] <yharrow> btw
[01:20:58 AM] <ausimage> yeah
[01:21:07 AM] <yharrow> we need to start creating an application for official memebership
[01:21:10 AM] <yharrow> we are 2/3 there
[01:22:04 AM] <ausimage> yeah... that is true
[01:22:46 AM] <ausimage> Elections and Vacancies seem good to you?
[01:24:03 AM] <yharrow> what if there are very few attendats
[01:24:11 AM] <yharrow> attendants
[01:24:14 AM] <yharrow> to the meeting
[01:25:06 AM] <ausimage> whoever is at properly announced meeting is a quorom.... Article IV
[01:25:53 AM] <ausimage> if only 3 bother to show for elections the elect the leaders ;)
[01:26:00 AM] <ausimage> *they
[01:26:18 AM] <yharrow> ok then : )
[01:26:33 AM] <yharrow> lers hope there are more though
[01:26:53 AM] <yharrow> chagned it to election
[01:26:58 AM] <yharrow> since the meeting is bi-annual
[01:28:05 AM] <ausimage> oh I did leave the leaders meeting quarterly
[01:29:39 AM] <ausimage> hmmm yharrow you know the election could be held on IRC too ??
[01:31:17 AM] <yharrow> how did you maek that red
[01:31:20 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:31:30 AM] <ausimage> which?
[01:31:41 AM] <yharrow> your text was red in chat
[01:31:42 AM] <yharrow> nm
[01:32:01 AM] <yharrow> so we can do the election in IRC then if not enough ppl show?
[01:32:23 AM] <ausimage> well it could be IRC just to make it easier
[01:32:48 AM] <ausimage> generally there is just one meeting and whoever is there is there
[01:34:39 AM] <ausimage> where are you at in the doc??
[01:37:04 AM] <ausimage> yharrow?
[01:40:49 AM] BrianG has left
[01:42:58 AM] <yharrow> ya
[01:43:00 AM] <yharrow> sorry
[01:43:01 AM] <yharrow> k
[01:43:50 AM] <ausimage> yup
[01:44:05 AM] <ausimage> Leadership Meeting
[01:44:08 AM] <ausimage> *s
[01:44:10 AM] <yharrow> lets finish this article and continue next article a differnt time
[01:44:16 AM] <ausimage> yeah
[01:44:19 AM] <yharrow> i mean im still on sec 8 and 9
[01:44:24 AM] <yharrow> didnt get to iv yet
[01:44:36 AM] <ausimage> fine 8 and 9 then
[01:44:38 AM] <yharrow> also multi tasking here
[01:44:39 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:44:43 AM] <yharrow> ok lets do this
[01:45:15 AM] <yharrow> what does this mean  organization's diverse membership
[01:46:06 AM] <ausimage> thats speek for that the leaders will have africans, women, latinos etc if they are apart of our membership
[01:47:21 AM] <ausimage> the leadership should reflect the membership
[01:47:59 AM] <ausimage> did yharrow take diversity awareness training ??
[01:48:06 AM] <ausimage> :D
[01:49:05 AM] <yharrow> nooo
[01:49:06 AM] <yharrow> sorry
[01:49:07 AM] <yharrow> :P
[01:49:16 AM] <ausimage> he he
[01:49:18 AM] <yharrow> i am so uneducated
[01:49:19 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:49:28 AM] <yharrow> shame on me
[01:49:45 AM] <yharrow> but
[01:49:47 AM] <yharrow> im jewish
[01:49:51 AM] <yharrow> so there one point for us
[01:49:56 AM] <yharrow> theres*
[01:49:57 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:50:17 AM] <yharrow> can nominate?
[01:50:20 AM] <yharrow> :/
[01:50:23 AM] <yharrow> sounds iffy
[01:50:24 AM] <yharrow> lol
[01:50:37 AM] <ausimage> may nominate ?
[01:50:44 AM] <yharrow> is eligible to
[01:50:50 AM] <ausimage> good
[01:52:41 AM] <ausimage> 8 better?
[01:54:09 AM] <ausimage> yharrow?
[01:55:40 AM] <yharrow> ok
[01:55:41 AM] <yharrow> sorry
[01:55:45 AM] <yharrow> multitasking
[01:56:03 AM] <ausimage> just doing my best to focus you here...
[01:56:03 AM] <yharrow> ok
[01:56:06 AM] <yharrow> :D
[01:56:12 AM] <yharrow> dealing with rellationship
[01:56:15 AM] <yharrow> give me 5 mins
[01:56:18 AM] <yharrow> ill be back
[01:56:28 AM] <ausimage> k
[02:03:54 AM] <yharrow> k
[02:04:00 AM] <yharrow> 2 minutes longer than expected
[02:04:01 AM] <yharrow> lol
[02:04:10 AM] <yharrow> vacancies
[02:04:53 AM] <yharrow> vacancies can be nominated?
[02:05:06 AM] <yharrow> or ppl for to fill vacancies?
[02:05:22 AM] <ausimage> We could change it to selected then
[02:05:24 AM] <yharrow> we need a lawyer 
[02:05:25 AM] <yharrow> lol
[02:05:57 AM] <ausimage> well the way it is worder
[02:06:30 AM] <ausimage> says that the leadership submit their suggestions and the secretary collates them and then a meeting is called and one is chosen
[02:07:53 AM] <ausimage> does that make sense?
[02:08:11 AM] <yharrow> hmm
[02:09:21 AM] <yharrow> it makes sense
[02:09:31 AM] <yharrow> dont seee anything wrong with that section
[02:09:42 AM] <yharrow> so
[02:09:46 AM] <ausimage> cool then we are done tonight
[02:09:48 AM] <yharrow> we will have a nominations meeting?
[02:10:01 AM] <ausimage> yeah once the bylaws are approved
[02:10:06 AM] <yharrow> cool : )
[02:10:24 AM] <yharrow> and we need to start planning for augus t :P
[02:10:25 AM] <ausimage> I actually want to write something up to send to the list... to get more input
[02:10:36 AM] <yharrow> ok
[02:10:40 AM] <yharrow> sounds like a plan
[02:10:49 AM] <yharrow> will ttyl :D thanks for taking your time to go over this with me
[02:10:58 AM] <ausimage> yeah.... we'll have to see if I have the money to travel or not
[02:11:13 AM] <ausimage> you are welcome...
[02:11:16 AM] <yharrow> if you dont we will find a way to pay for you
[02:11:19 AM] <yharrow> since you are the secretary
[02:11:31 AM] <yharrow> for now anyways
[02:11:32 AM] <yharrow> lol
[02:11:35 AM] <ausimage> oh my too cool...
[02:11:40 AM] <ausimage> acting secretary
[02:11:41 AM] <yharrow> but i am sure you will be elected
[02:11:45 AM] <yharrow> :P
[02:11:46 AM] <yharrow> ok

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20070626 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:52 by localhost)