This is the '''12th''' IRC General meeting of the '''NewYorkTeam''', starting at 6:00 PM EST and finishing at 7:30 EST When adding new agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ (without the escape - `` marks) after each of your items. If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed. = Agenda = The meeting will start off with an Introduction of Members where we will welcome people to the meeting. The following Topics will then be discussed. * Announcements * Discuss Major issues * ask members to join the new facebook account page * Discuss the Community Library Project section on the wiki (Based on our acceptance into the O'Reilly User Group Program. ( Note: Samiam010203 has already requested another box of donation books and swag from O'Reilly Publishing for use in this matter) ) * create list of possible team events * Items to discuss for inclusion in the By Laws ** Discuss the idea of creating sub teams for each region. ** Location for future RL meetings ** Should make/expect the leadership travel to In-Person meetings? (Leadership/Secretary) ** Should every district have its own RL meeting? ** If so, should there be a link between the meetings? ** How much communication if any is necessary between the meetings? ** Should all districts meetings be on the same day? ** Determine Month for Annual Meeting. ** In-Person Meeting August Albany? * Improve wikitasks * Improve management of wiki * Should we create a HOWTO Section on the wiki for new users or should we point them to already made documentation? * Open Discussion (Ubuntu Related Topics) * Wrap up and goals for next meeting = Attendance = = Minutes = = IRC Logs = {{{ (06:05:25 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: would you like me to go over the bylaw issues? (06:05:37 PM) samiam010203: if u would like yes ausi (06:06:08 PM) ausimage: Well since yharrow is not here, let start by discussing some of the bylaw issues (06:07:03 PM) endlessdamion [] entered the room. (06:07:09 PM) ausimage: Ok first one is about our leadership (06:07:35 PM) endlessdamion: hello everyone and good day (06:07:51 PM) ausimage: It was brought up about whether we should expect leadership to travel to In-Person Meetings? (06:08:37 PM) ausimage: In the bylaws, it says that leadership meetings are either IRC or In-Person based.... (06:09:13 PM) ausimage: do we have anyone with anything to say about this (06:10:03 PM) samiam010203: weel (06:10:06 PM) samiam010203: well (06:10:23 PM) endlessdamion: leadership? (06:10:25 PM) samiam010203: i think it is a good idea for us to travil to a meeting once every 6 months (06:10:36 PM) samiam010203: to meet with the whole team in a cedtral location (06:11:15 PM) ausimage: leadership as in regional leaders and the forthcoming officers (06:11:16 PM) samiam010203: so we should all meet at some point (06:11:36 PM) endlessdamion: it sounds good but way such a long waiting period of 6 months? (06:11:45 PM) samiam010203: 6 months is fine (06:11:47 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: the bylaws state the meeting would rotate amongst the regions.... (06:11:50 PM) samiam010203: by annualy (06:11:55 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:11:57 PM) ausimage: semi- (06:11:58 PM) samiam010203: thats fine (06:12:59 PM) ausimage: K... (06:13:31 PM) ausimage: we will be probably being needing help leaders travel then.... (06:13:38 PM) yharrow: sorry im late guys (06:13:48 PM) n8k99: no sorry that's semiannaually (06:13:49 PM) samiam010203: yaaa yharrow is here! (06:13:51 PM) ausimage: yharrow discussing the bylaw issues (06:13:53 PM) yharrow: :P (06:13:55 PM) n8k99: biannually is every 2 yrs (06:13:55 PM) yharrow: cool (06:14:02 PM) yharrow: oh (06:14:04 PM) yharrow: lol (06:14:08 PM) yharrow: i didnt realize that (06:14:17 PM) n8k99: most people don't (06:14:20 PM) yharrow: thanks for point that out n8 (06:14:27 PM) ausimage: thought I would start the meeting (06:14:30 PM) yharrow: what do you call twice a year then (06:14:32 PM) n8k99: welcome (06:14:37 PM) n8k99: semiannual (06:14:38 PM) yharrow: thanks ausimage (06:14:40 PM) ausimage: with something I can help with (06:14:49 PM) yharrow: I appreciate that : ) (06:15:02 PM) ausimage: Next issue is regions (06:15:13 PM) yharrow: ausimage: ok need to change that to semi annual then ; ) (06:15:24 PM) yharrow: ok (06:15:24 PM) ausimage: thought it was? (06:15:30 PM) yharrow: oh ok (06:15:34 PM) samiam010203: ok (06:15:34 PM) yharrow: thoguht i saw bi annual (06:15:36 PM) yharrow: anywho (06:15:39 PM) n8k99: i think its written in the bylaws as biannual (06:15:43 PM) samiam010203: so were should we meet every 6 months then (06:15:49 PM) ***n8k99 made the same point while we weere working on it (06:16:26 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: we will hold the meeting in a central location. The frist meeting will most likely be held in albany. (06:16:33 PM) salvatore_c [] entered the room. (06:16:35 PM) samiam010203: cool (06:16:36 PM) yharrow: k the issue of regions (06:16:39 PM) ausimage: With the size of the state I proposed having regions where local membership can get together for In-Person meetings with a leader to coordinate with the state (06:16:52 PM) samiam010203: so when the time comes we will have to work out travil expensis and lodging (06:17:03 PM) ausimage: yeah samiam010203 (06:17:19 PM) yharrow: ausimage: so we are looking at 8 regionhs? (06:17:24 PM) ausimage: the bylaws proposed up to 9 (06:17:28 PM) n8k99: samiam010203: that needs to be straightened out before the time comes (06:17:33 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:17:36 PM) samiam010203: thats true (06:17:43 PM) n8k99: otherwise it'll be a big old mess (06:17:58 PM) appellation: Do we have a list of the proposed regions? (06:18:01 PM) ausimage: I think regions should hold In-Person Meetings... (06:18:21 PM) ausimage: no proposals just a number (06:18:27 PM) appellation: OK (06:18:39 PM) n8k99: Region 1 is Flatbush Ave!!! (06:18:43 PM) ausimage: I was not going to divide the state myself (06:19:14 PM) yharrow: lol (06:19:25 PM) yharrow: we have a list of stuff on the agenda (06:19:31 PM) ausimage: With the regions we need to be looking at the links between them and whether meetings meetings should be the same day (06:19:40 PM) yharrow: so.. we will need to put off the region discussion for a little bit (06:19:49 PM) yharrow: I hope you guys can understand (06:19:52 PM) yharrow: its a great topic (06:19:57 PM) yharrow: and we will get into it in abit (06:20:27 PM) yharrow: everyone ok with that? (06:20:46 PM) ausimage: yharrow: I was bringing the points up under the bylaws issue :) (06:21:17 PM) yharrow: I understand ausimage : ) and it was a great solution since i was unfortunatley late :/ (06:21:24 PM) ausimage: :) (06:21:27 PM) ausimage: :P (06:21:29 PM) yharrow: but we really should be folowing the gaenda (06:21:32 PM) yharrow: agenda* (06:21:45 PM) yharrow: so i will bring of the first topic and go from there (06:21:45 PM) ***n8k99 thinks the bylaws it the biggest issue on teh agenda (06:21:46 PM) ausimage: thats fine... so back to the top then (06:21:46 PM) yharrow: :P (06:21:50 PM) yharrow: hmm (06:22:12 PM) yharrow: n8k99: yoiu may very well be right. I suppose we can just get all the little ones out the way then ; ) (06:22:21 PM) ***ausimage says the bylaw issue is important and is partly why I started (06:22:36 PM) yharrow: it is very importatn (06:22:38 PM) yharrow: I agree. (06:22:42 PM) yharrow: ok (06:23:08 PM) yharrow: the first issue, very minor. facebook account membership (06:23:27 PM) yharrow: Unfortuantely I do not even know what the url for our facebook account is. (06:23:37 PM) yharrow: hmm (06:23:55 PM) samiam010203: hold on ill get it (06:23:56 PM) yharrow: ok (06:24:16 PM) ausimage: its on the main team wiki page I believe (06:24:37 PM) samiam010203: (06:25:13 PM) yharrow: ok thanks. anyone who has not joined and is interested can join. (06:25:39 PM) yharrow: ok next issue is Discuss the Community Library Project section on the wiki (06:26:06 PM) samiam010203: (06:26:08 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:26:11 PM) yharrow: i think thsi refers to the oreilly program (06:26:18 PM) yharrow: this* (06:26:19 PM) samiam010203: so far yharrow and n8 have reserved books (06:26:22 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:26:29 PM) yharrow: cool :) (06:26:31 PM) samiam010203: this is the o'reilly publishing program (06:26:35 PM) samiam010203: here is how it works (06:26:37 PM) samiam010203: ok (06:26:40 PM) yharrow: ausimage: you wnat to reserve any books :P / (06:26:45 PM) samiam010203: you reserve your book (06:26:58 PM) samiam010203: we send out to u or should i say i send it out to u (06:27:03 PM) ausimage: I have to look at them again (06:27:06 PM) samiam010203: or meet up with u and give it to u (06:27:11 PM) samiam010203: and then you read it (06:27:19 PM) samiam010203: and then when your done (06:27:24 PM) yharrow: btw appellation BrianG Dave123 endlessdamion isacklow_afk the meeting has started. (06:27:38 PM) yharrow: ok cool (06:27:41 PM) ***ausimage says you would have ship the books here ;) (06:27:46 PM) samiam010203: you write a short one or two paragraph review of the book email it to me and then i post it on o'reillys site (06:27:53 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:27:56 PM) samiam010203: i know ausi (06:28:01 PM) samiam010203: we would use media mail (06:28:06 PM) samiam010203: to ship the books out to u (06:28:20 PM) ausimage: you providing return shipping? (06:28:23 PM) samiam010203: or on special request we could have o'reilly ship books to memebers (06:28:36 PM) samiam010203: thats something to think about ausi (06:28:43 PM) samiam010203: but we could do that yes (06:28:52 PM) samiam010203: as long as you agrry to write the review (06:29:15 PM) ausimage: cool (06:29:36 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:29:55 PM) samiam010203: everyone have a look at the book list and know there will be more books forthcoming (06:30:23 PM) yharrow: cool (06:30:35 PM) samiam010203: this is a very good opertunity we have with o'reilly now and i dont want to muck it up at all (06:30:38 PM) yharrow: any specific work that needs to be done on the wiki though in regard to this project? (06:31:05 PM) samiam010203: no im handling the poage right now but if i need further help your the man ill call upon ausi :) (06:31:19 PM) samiam010203: i ment yarrow (06:31:25 PM) samiam010203: also (06:31:26 PM) ausimage: :( (06:31:33 PM) samiam010203: whats everyone doing on saturday? (06:31:40 PM) samiam010203: ill call on u to ausi (06:31:48 PM) samiam010203: caus your da man :0 (06:31:48 PM) ausimage: :D (06:31:55 PM) endlessdamion: nothing (06:32:06 PM) yharrow: hi endlessdamion : ) (06:32:07 PM) samiam010203: saturday there is going to be a big event downtown in nyc (06:32:17 PM) yharrow: what even is that (06:32:27 PM) samiam010203: there is going to be a youtube nyc gathering (06:32:33 PM) endlessdamion: hello yharrow (06:32:34 PM) yharrow: cool (06:32:37 PM) samiam010203: and im going to be a guest at it (06:32:41 PM) endlessdamion: what time (06:32:43 PM) yharrow: ok next topic guys (06:32:51 PM) samiam010203: and i was thinking we could use this as an opp to hand out ubuntu cds (06:32:56 PM) samiam010203: and record some footage (06:33:01 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: awsome (06:33:03 PM) yharrow: : ) (06:33:17 PM) samiam010203: yes ill be handing out ubuntu cds at the event (06:33:21 PM) yharrow: that would be a great event. unfortunately i will not be able to attend thoguh (06:33:27 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:33:33 PM) samiam010203: i know religis holiday (06:34:10 PM) samiam010203: next topic :) (06:34:28 PM) yharrow: create a list of possible events, btu i think we already did that at a prior meeting (06:34:34 PM) yharrow: the next is (06:34:35 PM) ausimage: we already did (06:34:37 PM) yharrow: last but not least (06:34:43 PM) ausimage: BYLAWS :D (06:34:44 PM) yharrow: by laws (06:34:47 PM) yharrow: yep (06:35:09 PM) ausimage: yharrow leadership travel was disucussed some (06:35:35 PM) ausimage: yharrow you came in as we started discussin regions et al (06:36:15 PM) yharrow: ok how many regions do you think we should have guys (06:36:21 PM) yharrow: wb man (06:36:32 PM) ***n8k99 suggests we move to the gobby space to discuss bylaws (06:36:33 PM) endlessdamion [] entered the room. (06:36:42 PM) yharrow: wb endlessdamion : ) (06:36:55 PM) yharrow: who here does not have gobby (06:37:00 PM) appellation: me (06:37:03 PM) endlessdamion: gobby? (06:37:06 PM) yharrow: hey appellation : ) (06:37:26 PM) yharrow: gobby is an application that allows us to collaboratively edit a document (06:37:36 PM) yharrow: in this case that document is the team bylaws (06:37:44 PM) yharrow: or the laws by which we will run our team. (06:38:03 PM) yharrow: in order to get gobby just do a quick sudo apt-get install gobby (06:38:07 PM) endlessdamion: ok then (06:38:11 PM) samiam010203: i think we should have a seperate meeting again just for the by laws (06:38:16 PM) ***n8k99 apt-get is setting mine right now (06:38:22 PM) yharrow: true i agree samiam010203 (06:38:34 PM) n8k99: we had one last week (06:38:49 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:38:49 PM) n8k99: it was ausimage and someone else with me (06:38:50 PM) yharrow: we will discuss the bylaws for a while but may need to leave a couple mintues at the end for a few other topics (06:38:56 PM) ausimage: yeah (06:39:03 PM) samiam010203: but its a subject that requers a seperate meeting thats dedicated (06:39:17 PM) ausimage: I might have to sync the wiki and gobby (06:39:23 PM) yharrow: the meeting runs to half past 7 (06:39:45 PM) n8k99: did all the other points get discussed? (06:39:55 PM) n8k99: from teh agenda? (06:40:01 PM) samiam010203: some of them (06:40:04 PM) n8k99: with the exception of new business (06:40:10 PM) ausimage: Um Albany was not memntioned (06:40:15 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:40:23 PM) samiam010203: i think we should meet in october though (06:40:37 PM) yharrow: actually there is not much else except for bylaws and the subtopics of bylaws (06:40:53 PM) samiam010203: lets talk a bit about meeting in albany then (06:41:01 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion: appellation were you able to install gobby? (06:41:12 PM) appellation: I'm at work, where all we have are Macs. Home is where the Ubuntu is. Anyone know about gobby for Mac? (06:41:34 PM) endlessdamion: is it in the repository (06:41:48 PM) samiam010203: i think we should go to the albany meeting for halloween :) (06:41:49 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: I think we need to define regions first, we will probably come to meeting details a bit later. (06:41:50 PM) appellation: I see...working on it. (06:41:57 PM) samiam010203: ok fine then (06:42:00 PM) yharrow: :P (06:42:06 PM) yharrow: : ) (06:42:19 PM) yharrow: trust me im just as excited salvatore_c (06:42:22 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: * (06:42:27 PM) yharrow: :D (06:42:33 PM) samiam010203: hahaha (06:42:47 PM) samiam010203: we could go by greyhound for 37.00 bucks a peace (06:42:52 PM) yharrow: hehe (06:42:52 PM) yharrow: ya (06:43:05 PM) yharrow: ausimage suggested 8 regions i think (06:43:11 PM) yharrow: How does that sound to you guys (06:43:14 PM) n8k99: suggests REgion 1 covers Congressional Districts 1 - 19 (06:43:16 PM) samiam010203: sounds fine (06:43:25 PM) ausimage: 9 actuall (06:43:31 PM) yharrow: 9 ok my bad (06:43:43 PM) yharrow: n8k99: how many disctricts ar there (06:43:50 PM) n8k99: 29 (06:44:09 PM) yharrow: perhaps we should split 29/9 (06:44:10 PM) ausimage: My opinion is that members should be able to host in-persons within less then 1 hr or so of home (06:44:11 PM) yharrow: does that make sesne (06:44:21 PM) n8k99: no (06:44:23 PM) endlessdamion left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). (06:44:41 PM) n8k99: the congressional districts are based upon population first then geographical consideratrion (06:45:08 PM) yharrow: I see. (06:45:10 PM) ausimage: I was thinking by counties (06:45:17 PM) n8k99: i would recommned using them as a lkoose guide to cover geographical regions (06:45:30 PM) yharrow: and we want to divide ourselves on population, geography or both? (06:45:43 PM) n8k99: thinks geography (06:46:41 PM) yharrow: ok then the county idea would work (06:46:47 PM) ausimage: I can see Niagra, Erie Southern Tier Finger lakes Bear Mountain Hudson Adirondacks Albany (06:46:49 PM) yharrow: what does everyone else think (06:46:59 PM) yharrow: county or geography (06:47:00 PM) yharrow: ? (06:47:16 PM) yharrow: i mean population or geography (06:47:17 PM) yharrow: sorry (06:47:31 PM) ausimage: geography (06:47:35 PM) samiam010203: population (06:47:39 PM) yharrow: Personally I think that splitting by geography is more convenient (06:47:40 PM) ausimage: distances are important (06:47:49 PM) yharrow: true. (06:47:54 PM) ausimage: needs to be convenient to travel (06:48:01 PM) yharrow: Thats what i was thinking : ) (06:48:19 PM) yharrow: But (06:48:38 PM) ausimage: how many have a map of ny in front of them?? (06:49:23 PM) yharrow: I will pull one up now (06:49:53 PM) yharrow: btw if you dont have gobby you can still participate in the convo. :D (06:50:01 PM) yharrow: appellation: (06:50:05 PM) ausimage: (06:50:18 PM) yharrow: thanks ausimage (06:50:35 PM) ausimage: a map I just quickly located (06:51:25 PM) yharrow: cool map (06:51:26 PM) yharrow: ok (06:51:35 PM) yharrow: n8k99: mentioned official regions (06:51:50 PM) yharrow: these are strictly based on population? (06:52:14 PM) ***n8k99 using map at (06:52:26 PM) ausimage: I can see perhaps counties surrounding Erie, Ontario, Tompkins, Onandaga (06:53:34 PM) yharrow: Why specifically 9 btw? (06:53:41 PM) ausimage: just a number (06:53:46 PM) salvatore_c left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (06:53:50 PM) ausimage: I did not want a LARGE board (06:54:02 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: still there? (06:54:06 PM) yharrow: :D (06:54:08 PM) ausimage: but I wanted enough to cover the state (06:54:09 PM) ***n8k99 is breaking out a paintbrush to draw some lines (06:54:16 PM) yharrow: heres the problem (06:54:17 PM) samiam010203: yes (06:54:23 PM) yharrow: if we have 50 ppl in one region (06:54:29 PM) yharrow: and 3 in another (06:54:32 PM) ausimage: number can change (06:54:54 PM) yharrow: would it make more sense to split by population in a case like that? (06:55:17 PM) ausimage: yeah I see the issues... but should some in sticks be expected to travel twice as far? (06:55:26 PM) n8k99: no, cause then we will be dedicating three of more strictly to the city (06:55:40 PM) yharrow: Thats why I am starting to think samiam010203 might have been right in thinking about going with population (06:56:10 PM) yharrow: hmm (06:56:24 PM) samiam010203: it makes more sence (06:56:30 PM) yharrow: What is the point of division? (06:56:42 PM) yharrow: in order to make the team more manageable? (06:57:06 PM) ausimage: to make it easier to communicate in person with leadership (06:57:38 PM) yharrow: ok (06:57:55 PM) yharrow: if that is the case then distance matters (06:58:17 PM) yharrow: because 5 or 50 as long as they are close to leadership that is what matters (06:58:33 PM) ausimage: yeah (06:58:46 PM) yharrow: If the point was about management I would say go by population (06:59:13 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: does that make sense to you? (06:59:18 PM) samiam010203: thats fine (06:59:37 PM) ***n8k99 doesn't agree (06:59:51 PM) samiam010203: what do u think n8 ? (06:59:53 PM) yharrow: n8k99: ok please explain : ) (07:00:11 PM) n8k99: i think it should be specific geographical regions (07:00:32 PM) n8k99: in order to more easily facilitate that region travelling to local events (07:00:50 PM) n8k99: CD give aways, install fests, LUG Meetings etc (07:00:57 PM) yharrow: can you give an example? (07:01:00 PM) n8k99: as well as their own F2F meetings (07:01:07 PM) yharrow: of a region (07:01:13 PM) n8k99: one sec (07:01:15 PM) yharrow: k (07:02:45 PM) n8k99: (07:02:49 PM) n8k99: arg (07:02:51 PM) n8k99: not that (07:03:23 PM) n8k99: (07:03:26 PM) n8k99: ^^^ (07:03:31 PM) n8k99: quick sketch (07:04:01 PM) ausimage: I have one almost done here (07:05:18 PM) yharrow: wow nice n8k99 (07:05:24 PM) yharrow: that looks like it wold work well (07:05:27 PM) n8k99: thanks (07:05:29 PM) yharrow: would* (07:05:44 PM) yharrow: all regions outlined are fairly equidistant imo (07:06:17 PM) yharrow: of course there will be some jagged edges when we are all done (07:06:24 PM) yharrow: but that looks like a good start. (07:06:33 PM) n8k99: naturally by incorpoarting the county line into the form (07:06:40 PM) yharrow: Yep . :D (07:07:04 PM) yharrow: waiting for ausimages version ; ) (07:07:06 PM) ausimage: (07:08:14 PM) yharrow: samiam010203 what do you think of n8k99 and ausimage 's versions of division? (07:08:25 PM) n8k99: exactly what i was doing on a second draft ausimage (07:08:30 PM) samiam010203: i think i like the one ausi made (07:08:37 PM) appellation: I don't think I have this straight yet: members of these regional subdivisions would meet every month, face to face? (07:08:44 PM) samiam010203: yup (07:08:45 PM) ausimage: that is a rough approxamation (07:09:28 PM) appellation: I don't know. Some of these regions look too big. (07:09:32 PM) yharrow: not loading for me :/ (07:09:33 PM) n8k99: appellation: or at least twice as often as teh whole kit and caboodle do (07:09:37 PM) yharrow: ausimages (07:10:00 PM) yharrow: loaded :D (07:11:04 PM) n8k99: appellation: but also it'll be easier for the people in a single district to do local work together (07:11:23 PM) ausimage: the top bit and the light green bit and yellow could be adjusted to reduce the regions by one (07:11:31 PM) n8k99: in order to build membership, increase the amount of usage of ubuntu in general (07:11:38 PM) yharrow: i thikn that if we could slice NY into straight lines n8k99 might have been better, but since we cant ausimages version might be the more practical one (07:11:57 PM) yharrow: ;) (07:12:02 PM) n8k99: my version was just a quick concept sketch (07:12:09 PM) ausimage: I did think a little of population (07:12:17 PM) n8k99: my second version was identical to what ausimage did (07:12:18 PM) ausimage: in making the boundaries (07:12:26 PM) yharrow: cool : ) (07:12:40 PM) yharrow: ok so we have regions set more or less (07:12:49 PM) ausimage: n8k99 I did not pay much attention to what you were doing (07:13:01 PM) appellation: n8k99: I suppose that goes without saying. I'm looking into what kind of driving time members might expect. (07:13:21 PM) n8k99: appellation: hence the need to make regions (07:13:30 PM) yharrow: I think the idea of free classes was a good one. (07:13:43 PM) yharrow: And later we can charge when we get good at giving classes (07:13:48 PM) yharrow: or when we become popular (07:14:05 PM) yharrow: alternatively, we can offer free basic and charge for advanced. (07:14:11 PM) ausimage: I was thinking a little about driving when I did the boundaries... but also factoring population a little (07:14:29 PM) samiam010203: thats why i want to give classes in my building so we get in the practice of giving them (07:14:37 PM) appellation: n8k99: Yes. I know. I'm saying that the regions, say there are 8, might be far too large for members to deal with. (07:15:12 PM) endlessdamion [] entered the room. (07:15:42 PM) ausimage: I think I can see top to bottom in the western region is about 4 hrs (07:15:43 PM) yharrow: ausimage: sweet: ) I am going to trust others judgement on the divisions since i am not very knowledgable about many of the involved factors (07:15:46 PM) yharrow: wb endlessdamion (07:16:06 PM) endlessdamion: it is good to be back (07:16:13 PM) yharrow: :D (07:16:37 PM) ausimage: hmmm.... (07:16:41 PM) n8k99: it is possib;le to carve out another district, but at this point (07:17:21 PM) n8k99: there will be an administrative aspect as well (07:17:28 PM) yharrow: appellation: You may be right. I think we should start with 9 now thoguh and adjust the bylaws later if truly neccessary. (07:17:37 PM) n8k99: but if anyone joins in a region where there is no membership, they are teh rep! (07:17:51 PM) ausimage: Niagra Region / FL West / FL East / Adirondack North / Adirondack South / Capital / Hudson Valley / Long Island (07:17:54 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion: btw, yes gobby is in the repos (07:18:21 PM) n8k99: when we have hundreds of members then we can divide them smaller and smaller into districts! (07:18:22 PM) ausimage: how are they (07:18:24 PM) ausimage: ??? (07:18:34 PM) yharrow: yay ! :) (07:19:04 PM) appellation: That top region: (07:19:11 PM) appellation: That needs to be chopped. (07:19:47 PM) appellation: I don't think people from Watertown are going to meet with people in Plattsburgh. (07:19:47 PM) ausimage: hmmm... there a many mountains that way (07:19:54 PM) n8k99: do you live there appellation? (07:20:09 PM) endlessdamion: yea i installed it yharrow (07:20:09 PM) appellation: Orange County, Hudson Valley region at this point. (07:20:35 PM) ausimage: should we do east west adirondacks then (07:20:55 PM) appellation: At least for that region, I think so. (07:21:10 PM) yharrow: endlessdamion: cool : ) . We are not currently doing anything with it now but you can try it out and view the bylaws by connecting to (07:21:22 PM) endlessdamion: ok thanks (07:21:23 PM) yharrow: and joining the document NewYorkLocoBylaws (07:21:31 PM) endlessdamion: i will check it out now (07:21:35 PM) appellation: Otherwise it's about a 1.5 to 2 hour drive for people from major population centers. (07:21:37 PM) yharrow: k (07:23:27 PM) yharrow: k guys, this will be the last topic for today. Since we need to start winding down (07:23:56 PM) yharrow: We will have to hold another meeting dedicated to bylaw discussion (07:23:58 PM) ausimage: (07:24:01 PM) yharrow: when do you think is a good time? (07:24:11 PM) ausimage: that was draft 2 for regions (07:24:13 PM) samiam010203: some time next week then' (07:24:32 PM) yharrow: next week tuesday I guess could work (07:24:47 PM) yharrow: 6pm next tuesday (07:24:53 PM) samiam010203: tuesday is the cd hand out in washington square park (07:24:53 PM) yharrow: How does that sound (07:24:57 PM) yharrow: hmm (07:25:16 PM) samiam010203: how about we cancel the hand out and do the bylawsd? (07:25:19 PM) yharrow: we can push that to wednesday then or push the bylaw meeting ot wedneday (07:25:20 PM) ***n8k99 is going out of town next monday for a week (07:25:44 PM) samiam010203: we could do the by laws and reschedule the cd hand out (07:25:46 PM) yharrow: aww we'll miss you nate :P (07:25:55 PM) n8k99: you'd better (07:25:59 PM) yharrow: :P (07:26:05 PM) ***n8k99 is slightly surly today (07:26:19 PM) yharrow: heh, ive had my share of surly days (07:26:19 PM) ausimage: appellation: is the second draft better? (07:26:20 PM) yharrow: lol (07:26:32 PM) appellation: Population must be an issue for the regions. I'm sure of it. Population is related to how the highways are set up, and how they're set up significantly affects travel time. (07:26:49 PM) appellation: ausimage: I think so. I'll have to run some google maps experiments. (07:26:53 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: ya we could do that. the hand out doe shave (tentative by its name) (07:26:59 PM) ausimage: let me know appellation (07:27:34 PM) samiam010203: cool so lets do the bylaws on the 10th (07:27:37 PM) samiam010203: at 6pm (07:27:41 PM) appellation: It's pretty simple. Just find places in between major cities and see how long the drive would be. (07:27:53 PM) yharrow: k We will need to change the wiki to reflect scheduling changes. (07:27:59 PM) samiam010203: yes (07:28:03 PM) yharrow: We should also update our team calendar (07:28:06 PM) ausimage: lets hope there are more at the meeting then last time :P (07:28:08 PM) samiam010203: ok (07:28:13 PM) yharrow: yep :P (07:28:27 PM) yharrow: ausimage: will lead the meeting once again : ) (07:28:34 PM) ausimage: :D (07:28:57 PM) yharrow: We made lots of progress today guys (07:29:02 PM) ***ausimage wonders if we are adjourned (07:29:10 PM) yharrow: I enjoyed this meeting alot (07:29:26 PM) ***n8k99 wonders as well (07:29:28 PM) yharrow: Ok guys need to set date for next general IRC meeting (07:29:36 PM) yharrow: and then we are done (07:29:49 PM) samiam010203: how about the 11th (07:29:56 PM) yharrow: the week after (07:30:01 PM) n8k99: two weeks from wednsday (07:30:03 PM) samiam010203: opps (07:30:11 PM) samiam010203: so the 18th then (07:30:57 PM) yharrow: The 17th is tuesday (07:30:59 PM) ausimage: 17th? (07:31:05 PM) yharrow: Yes (07:31:11 PM) yharrow: How does that sound (07:31:14 PM) n8k99: fine 17th (07:31:19 PM) ***ausimage says should be fine (07:31:20 PM) samiam010203: good (07:31:24 PM) yharrow: ok great. (07:31:34 PM) yharrow: Thank you everyone for attending and participating (07:31:39 PM) yharrow: meeting adjouned. }}} ---- CategoryNewYorkTeam